Source code for medusa.local_activation.spectral_parameteres

import numpy as np

[docs]def absolute_band_power(psd, fs, target_band): """This method computes the absolute band power of the signal in the given band using the power spectral density (PSD). Parameters ---------- psd : numpy array PSD of the signal with shape [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels]. Some of these dimensions may not exist in advance. In these case, create new axis using np.newaxis. E.g., non-epoched single-channel psd with shape [n_samples] can be passed to this function with psd[numpy.newaxis, ..., numpy.newaxis]. Afterwards, you may use numpy.squeeze to eliminate those axes. fs : int Sampling frequency of the signal target_band : numpy 2D array Frequency band where to calculate the power in Hz. E.g., [8, 13] Returns ------- powers : numpy 2D array RP value for eachh epoch and channel. [n_epochs, n_channels] """ # To numpy arrays psd = np.array(psd) # Check errors if len(psd.shape) != 3: raise Exception('Parameter psd must have shape [n_epochs x n_samples x ' 'n_channels]') # Calculate freqs array freqs = np.linspace(0, fs/2, psd.shape[1]) # Compute power psd_target_samp = \ np.logical_and(freqs >= target_band[0], freqs <= target_band[1]) band_power = np.sum(psd[:, psd_target_samp, :], axis=1) * \ (fs / (2 * freqs.shape[0])) return band_power
[docs]def relative_band_power(psd, fs, target_band, baseline_band=None): """This method computes the relative band power of the signal in the given band using the power spectral density (PSD). Do not use this method on PSDs that are already normalized! In this case, use absolute_band_power function. Parameters ---------- psd : numpy array PSD with shape [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels]. Some of these dimensions may not exist in advance. In these case, create new axis using np.newaxis. E.g., non-epoched single-channel psd with shape [n_samples] can be passed to this function with psd[numpy.newaxis, ..., numpy.newaxis]. Afterwards, you may use numpy.squeeze to eliminate those axes. fs : int Sampling frequency of the signal target_band : numpy nd array Frequency band where to calculate the power in Hz. E.g., [8, 13] baseline_band: numpy nd array or None Frequency band where used as baseline in Hz. Leave to None to normalize by the whole spectrum, which is preferred in most cases Returns ------- powers : numpy 2D array RP value for each epoch and channel. [n_epochs, n_channels] """ # To numpy arrays psd = np.array(psd) # Check errors if len(psd.shape) != 3: raise Exception('Parameter psd must have shape [n_epochs x n_samples x ' 'n_channels]') # Calculate freqs array freqs = np.linspace(0, fs/2, psd.shape[1]) # Compute power psd_target_samp = \ np.logical_and(freqs >= target_band[0], freqs <= target_band[1]) psd_baseline_samp = \ np.logical_and(freqs >= baseline_band[0], freqs <= baseline_band[1]) \ if baseline_band is not None else np.ones_like(freqs).astype(int) band_power = np.sum(psd[:, psd_target_samp, :], axis=1) * \ (fs / (2 * freqs.shape[0])) baseline_power = np.sum(psd[:, psd_baseline_samp, :], axis=1) * \ (fs / (2 * freqs.shape[0])) return band_power / baseline_power
[docs]def median_frequency(psd, fs, target_band=(1, 70)): """This method computes the median frequency (MF) of the signal in the given band. Parameters ---------- psd : numpy array PSD of the signal with shape [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels]. Some of these dimensions may not exist in advance. In these case, create new axis using np.newaxis. E.g., non-epoched single-channel psd with shape [n_samples] can be passed to this function with psd[numpy.newaxis, ..., numpy.newaxis]. Afterwards, you may use numpy.squeeze to eliminate those axes. fs : int Sampling frequency of the signal target_band : numpy array Frequency band where the MF will be computed. [b1_start, b1_end]. Default [1, 70]. Returns ------- median_freqs : numpy 2D array MF value for each epoch and channel with shape [n_epochs x n_channels]. """ # To numpy arrays psd = np.array(psd) target_band = np.array(target_band) # Check errors if len(psd.shape) != 3: raise ValueError('Parameter psd does not have correct dimensions. ' 'Check the documentation for more information.') if len(target_band.shape) != 1 and target_band.shape[0] != 2: raise Exception('Parameter band must be an array with the desired ' 'band. E.g., Delta: [0, 4]') # Calculate freqs array freqs = np.linspace(0, fs / 2, psd.shape[1]) # Compute median frequency idx = np.logical_and(freqs >= target_band[0], freqs < target_band[1]) freqs_in_band = freqs[idx] # Calculate total power total_power = np.sum(psd[:, idx, :], axis=1, keepdims=True) # Calculate cumulative power cum_power = np.cumsum(psd[:, idx, :], axis=1) # Get median frequency median_freq_idx = np.argmax( np.cumsum(cum_power <= (total_power / 2), axis=1), axis=1) median_freqs = freqs_in_band[median_freq_idx] return median_freqs
[docs]def shannon_spectral_entropy(psd, fs, target_band=(1, 70)): """Computes the Shannon spectral entropy of the power spectral density (PSD) in the given band. Parameters ---------- psd : numpy array PSD of the signal with shape [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels]. Some of these dimensions may not exist in advance. In these case, create new axis using np.newaxis. E.g., non-epoched single-channel psd with shape [n_samples] can be passed to this function with psd[numpy.newaxis, ..., numpy.newaxis]. Afterwards, you may use numpy.squeeze to eliminate those axes. fs : int Sampling frequency of the signal target_band : numpy array Frequency band where the SE will be computed. [b1_start, b1_end]. Default [1, 70] Returns ------- sample_entropy : numpy 2D array SE value for each epoch and channel with shape [n_epochs x n_channels]. """ # To numpy arrays psd = np.array(psd) target_band = np.array(target_band) # Check errors if len(psd.shape) != 3: raise ValueError('Parameter psd does not have correct dimensions. ' 'Check the documentation for more information.') if len(target_band.shape) != 1 and target_band.shape[0] != 2: raise Exception('Parameter band must be an array with the desired ' 'band. E.g., Delta: [0, 4]') # Calculate freqs array freqs = np.linspace(0, fs/2, psd.shape[1]) # Compute shannon entropy idx = np.logical_and(freqs >= target_band[0], freqs < target_band[1]) # Calculate total power total_power = np.sum(psd[:, idx, :], axis=1, keepdims=True) # Calculate the probability density function pdf = np.abs(psd[:, idx, :]) / total_power # Calculate shannon entropy se = -np.sum(pdf * np.log(pdf), axis=1) / np.log(pdf.shape[1]) return se