Source code for medusa.transforms

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import welch as welch_sp
from scipy.signal import hilbert as hilbert_sp
from medusa.utils import check_dimensions

[docs]def hilbert(signal): """This method implements the Hilbert transform. Parameters ---------- signal : numpy.ndarray Input signal with shape [n_epochs x n_samples x n_channels]. Returns ------- hilb : numpy 3D matrix Analytic signal of x [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels]. """ # Check dimensions signal = np.asarray(signal) signal = check_dimensions(signal) # Check errors if np.iscomplexobj(signal): raise ValueError("Signal must be real.") # Old tensorflow implementation # if tensorflow_integration.check_tf_config(autoconfig=True) and flag: # # # Run the fft on the columns, not the rows. # signal = tf.convert_to_tensor(signal, dtype=tf.complex128) # signal = tf.transpose(tf.signal.fft(tf.transpose(signal))) # # # Coeficients # h = np.zeros(n) # if (n > 0) and (2*np.fix(n/2) == n): # # Even and nonempty # h[0:int(n/2+1)] = 1 # h[1:int(n/2)] *= 2 # elif n > 0: # # Odd and nonempty # h[0] = 1 # h[1:int((n+1)/2)] = 2 # # tf_h = tf.constant(h, name='h', dtype=tf.float64) # if len(signal.shape) == 2: # reps = tf.Tensor.get_shape(signal).as_list()[-1] # hs = tf.stack([tf_h]*reps, -1) # elif len(signal.shape) == 1: # hs = tf_h # else: # raise NotImplementedError # # xc = signal * tf.complex(hs, tf.zeros_like(hs)) # return tf.transpose(tf.signal.ifft(tf.transpose(xc))) return hilbert_sp(signal, axis=1)
[docs]def power_spectral_density(signal, fs, segment_pct=80, overlap_pct=50, window='boxcar'): """This method allows to compute the one-sided power spectral density (PSD) by means of Welch's periodogram method. This method wraps around scipy.signal.welch method to compute the PSD, allowing to pass epoched signals and defining the segment length and overlap in percentage, simplifying the use for specific purposes. For more advanced configurations, use the original scipy (or equivalent) function. Parameters ---------- signal : numpy nd array Signal with shape [n_epochs x n_samples x n_channels]. fs : int Sampling frequency of the signal segment_pct: float Percentage of the signal (n_samples) used to calculate the FFT. Default: 80% of the signal. overlap_pct: float Percentage of overlap (n_samples) for the Welch method. Default: 50% of the signal. window: Desired window to use. See scipy.signal.welch docs for more details Returns ------- f : numpy 1D array Array of sampled frequencies. psd: numpy 2D array PSD of the signal with shape [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels] """ # Check signal dimensions signal = check_dimensions(signal) # Get the number of samples for the PSD length n_samp = signal.shape[1] # Get nperseg and noverlap nperseg = n_samp * segment_pct / 100 noverlap = n_samp * overlap_pct / 100 # Compute the PSD f, psd = welch_sp(signal, fs=fs, window=window, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, axis=1) return f, psd
[docs]def normalize_psd(psd, norm='rel'): """Normalizes the PSD using different methods. Parameters ---------- psd: numpy array or list Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the signal with shape [samples], [samples x channels] or [epochs x samples x channels]. It assumes PSD is the one-sided spectrum. norm: string Normalization to be performed. Choose z for z-score or rel for relative power. """ # To numpy arrays psd = np.array(psd) # Check errors if len(psd.shape) != 3: raise Exception('Parameter psd must have shape [n_epochs x n_samples x ' 'n_channels]') if norm == 'rel': p = np.sum(psd, axis=1, keepdims=True) psd_norm = psd / p elif norm == 'z': m = np.mean(psd, keepdims=True, axis=1) s = np.std(psd, keepdims=True, axis=1) psd_norm = (psd - m) / s else: raise Exception('Unknown normalization. Choose z or rel') return psd_norm