Source code for medusa.plots.optimal_subplots

import math

[docs]def factor(n): """ Computes an irreducible factorization of a number. Parameter ---------- n : int Number to factorize Returns --------- list: List of factors """ f = lambda n: (p := [ next(i for i in range(2, n + 1) if n % i == 0)] if n > 1 else []) + ( f(n // p[0]) if p else []) return f(n)
[docs]def optimal_subplot_row_col(n_items): """ Computes the optimal arrangement of items in rows and columns. Parameter ---------- n_items : int Number of items. Returns --------- int, int: Optimal number of rows and columns, respectively """ f = factor(n_items) if len(f) == 1: f = factor(n_items - 1) m_ = round(len(f) / 2) sub_c =[:m_]) + 1 sub_r =[m_:]) else: m_ = round(len(f) / 2) sub_c =[:m_]) sub_r =[m_:]) return sub_r, sub_c