Source code for medusa.nirs

import numpy as np
from medusa import components

[docs]class NIRS(components.BiosignalData): """Near Infrarred Spectroscopy (NIRS) biosignal data class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, times, signal, fs, channel_set, **kwargs): """EMG constructor Parameters ---------- times : list or numpy.ndarray 1D numpy array [n_samples]. Timestamps of each sample. If they are not available, generate them artificially. Nevertheless, all signals and events must have the same temporal origin signal : list or numpy.ndarray 2D numpy array [n_samples x n_channels]. EMG samples (the units should be defined using kwargs) fs : int or float Sample rate of the recording. channel_set : list or Object Channel information kwargs: kwargs Key-value arguments to be saved in the class. This general class does not check anything """ # Standard attributes self.times = times self.signal = signal self.fs = fs self.channel_set = channel_set # Set the specified arguments for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def to_serializable_obj(self): rec_dict = self.__dict__ for key in rec_dict.keys(): if type(rec_dict[key]) == np.ndarray: rec_dict[key] = rec_dict[key].tolist() return rec_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_serializable_obj(cls, dict_data): return cls(**dict_data)