Source code for medusa.meeg.meeg_montages

import csv, math, os

# Synonyms
eeg_channel_synonyms = {
    'I1': 'O9',
    'I2': 'O10',
    'O9': 'I1',
    'O10': 'I2',
    'T3': 'T7',
    'T4': 'T8',
    'T7': 'T3',
    'T8': 'T4',
    'T5': 'P7',
    'T6': 'P8'

[docs]def get_standard_montage(standard, dim, coord_system): """Loads a standard from the ones included in MEDUSA """ # Check errors assert standard == '10-20' or standard == '10-10' or standard == '10-05', \ 'Incorrect input on standard parameter. Possible values {"10-20", ' \ '"10-10", "10-05"}' assert dim == '2D' or dim == '3D', \ 'Incorrect input on dim parameter. Possible values {"2D", "3D"}' assert coord_system == 'cartesian' or coord_system == 'spherical', \ 'Incorrect input on coord_system parameter. Possible values ' \ '{"cartesian", "spherical"}' folder = os.path.dirname(__file__) montage = read_montage_file( path='%s/eeg_standard_%s_%s.tsv' % (folder, standard, dim), file_format='tsv', dim=dim, coord_system='cartesian') if coord_system == 'spherical': montage = switch_coordinates_system(montage, dim, 'cartesian') return montage
[docs]def switch_coordinates_system(montage, dim, coord_system): """Switch the coordinates system of the montage. If the the coordinates are cartesian, it switches to spherical and viceversa Parameters ---------- montage: dict Montage data dim: str {'2D', '3D'} Current dimensions of the montage coord_system: str {'cartesian', 'spherical'} Current coordinates system """ # Make copy to not modify the original dict new_montage = dict() # Make conversion for label, coordinates in montage.items(): if coord_system == 'cartesian': cha_data = dict() if dim == '2D': cha_data['r'] = math.sqrt( math.pow(montage[label]['x'], 2) + math.pow(montage[label]['y'], 2)) cha_data['theta'] = math.atan2(montage[label]['y'], montage[label]['x']) elif dim == '3D': cha_data['r'] = math.sqrt( math.pow(montage[label]['x'], 2) + math.pow(montage[label]['y'], 2) + math.pow(montage[label]['z'], 2)) cha_data['theta'] = math.atan2( math.sqrt(math.pow(montage[label]['x'], 2) + math.pow(montage[label]['y'], 2)), montage[label]['z'] ) cha_data['phi'] = math.atan2(montage[label]['y'], montage[label]['x']) else: raise ValueError('Unknown number of dimensions') else: raise NotImplemented new_montage[label] = cha_data return new_montage
[docs]def read_montage_file(path, file_format, dim, coord_system): """This function reads a montage file. Parameters ---------- path: str Path of the file file_format: str File format. Current accepted file formats: - csv (.csv): Comma separated values. Example: Format csv (cartesian, 2D): label, x, y C3, -0.3249, 0.0000 C4, 0.3249, 0.0000 Cz, 0.0000, 0.0000 ..., ..., ... - tsv (.tsv): Tab separated values. Example: Format tsv (cartesian, 2D): label x y C3 -0.3249 0.0000 C4 0.3249 0.0000 Cz 0.0000 0.0000 ... ... ... - eeglab (.xyz): EEGLAB toolbox format. Example: Format eeglab (cartesian, 3D): 1 -3.277285 14.159082 -0.441064 AG001 2 -5.717206 13.304894 0.167594 AG002 3 -7.723112 12.035844 0.923781 AG003 ... ... ... - brainstorm (.txt): Brainstorm toolbox format. Example: Format brainstorm (cartesian, 3D): C3 -4.025389 68.267399 112.962637 C4 -3.409963 -70.131718 111.811990 O1 -86.474171 34.971167 48.738844 ... ... ... dim: str Dimensions. Must be '2D' or '3D' coord_system: str For 2D, "cartesian" or "polar". For 3D "cartesian" or "spherical" """ # ACCEPTED PARAMSN file_formats = ['csv', 'tsv', 'eeglab', 'brainstorm'] dims = ['2D', '3D'] coord_systems = ['cartesian', 'spherical'] # CHECK ERRORS if file_format not in file_formats: raise ValueError("Parameter file_format must be one of %s" % file_formats) if dim not in dims: raise ValueError("Parameter dim must be one of %s" % dims) if coord_system not in coord_systems: raise ValueError("Parameter coord_system must be one of %s" % coord_systems) # LOAD COORDINATES FILES if file_format == 'csv': montage = __read_txt_file(path, coord_system, dim, delimiter=',') elif file_format == 'tsv': montage = __read_txt_file(path, coord_system, dim, delimiter='\t') elif file_format == 'eeglab': montage = __read_eeglab_file(path, dim) elif file_format == 'brainstorm': montage = __read_brainstorm_file(path, dim) else: raise ValueError("Parameter file_format must be one of %s" % file_formats) return montage
def __read_txt_file(path, coord_system, dim, delimiter='\t'): data = dict() # 2D coordinates with open(path) as f: tsvreader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=delimiter) for l, line in enumerate(tsvreader): if dim == '2D': label, coord1, coord2 = line if l == 0: # Check format errors if coord_system == 'cartesian': if coord1 != 'x' or coord2 != 'y': raise ValueError( 'Invalid header. ' 'For dim=%s, ' 'coord_system=%s, ' 'the header must be [label, x, y]' % (dim, coord_system) ) elif coord_system == 'spherical': if coord1 != 'r' or coord2 != 'theta': raise ValueError( 'Invalid header. ' 'For dim=%s, ' 'coord_system=%s, ' 'the header must be [label, r, theta]' % (dim, coord_system) ) else: raise ValueError('Invalid coordinate system') continue else: lcha = line[0].upper() data[lcha] = dict() if coord_system == 'cartesian': data[lcha]['x'] = float(coord1) data[lcha]['y'] = float(coord2) elif coord_system == 'spherical': data[lcha]['r'] = float(coord1) data[lcha]['theta'] = float(coord2) else: raise ValueError('Invalid coordinate system') elif dim == '3D': label, coord1, coord2, coord3 = line if l == 0: # Check format errors if coord_system == 'cartesian': if coord1 != 'x' or coord2 != 'y' or coord3 != 'z': raise ValueError( 'Invalid header. ' 'For dim=%s, ' 'coord_system=%s, ' 'the header must be [label, x, y, z]' % (dim, coord_system) ) elif coord_system == 'spherical': if coord1 != 'r' or coord2 != 'theta' \ or coord3 != 'phi': raise ValueError( 'Invalid header. ' 'For dim=%s, ' 'coord_system=%s, ' 'the header must be [label, r, theta, phi]' % (dim, coord_system) ) else: raise ValueError('Invalid coordinate system') continue else: lcha = label.upper() data[lcha] = dict() if coord_system == 'cartesian': data[lcha]['x'] = float(coord1) data[lcha]['y'] = float(coord2) data[lcha]['z'] = float(coord3) elif coord_system == 'spherical': data[lcha]['r'] = float(coord1) data[lcha]['theta'] = float(coord2) data[lcha]['phi'] = float(coord3) else: raise ValueError('Invalid coordinate system') return data def __read_eeglab_file(path, dim): data = dict() # 2D coordinates with open(path) as f: tsvreader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') for l, line in enumerate(tsvreader): if dim == '2D': index, coord1, coord2, label = line # Save data lcha = label.upper() data[lcha] = dict() data[lcha]['x'] = float(coord1) data[lcha]['y'] = float(coord2) elif dim == '3D': index, coord1, coord2, coord3, label = line lcha = line[0].upper() data[lcha] = dict() data[lcha]['x'] = float(coord1) data[lcha]['y'] = float(coord2) data[lcha]['z'] = float(coord3) return data def __read_brainstorm_file(path, dim): data = dict() # 2D coordinates with open(path) as f: tsvreader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') for l, line in enumerate(tsvreader): if dim == '2D': label, coord1, coord2 = line # Save data lcha = label.upper() data[lcha] = dict() data[lcha]['x'] = float(coord1) data[lcha]['y'] = float(coord2) elif dim == '3D': label, coord1, coord2, coord3 = line lcha = line[0].upper() data[lcha] = dict() data[lcha]['x'] = float(coord1) data[lcha]['y'] = float(coord2) data[lcha]['z'] = float(coord3) return data
[docs]class ChannelNotFound(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, l_cha): super().__init__( 'Channel %s is not defined in the current montage' % l_cha)
[docs]class UnlocatedChannel(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, l_cha): super().__init__( 'Channel %s does not contain location coordinates' % l_cha)
if __name__ == '__main__': montage = get_standard_montage('10-20', '2D', 'spherical') print(montage)