Source code for medusa.graph_theory.participation_coefficient

import numpy as np
from medusa.graph_theory import degree,modularity

[docs]def participation_coefficient(W): """ Calculates the participation coefficient, which is the diversity of the between-module connections of each node Parameters ---------- W : numpy 2D matrix Graph matrix. ChannelsXChannels. Returns ------- nodal_part : numpy array Nodal participation coefficient. """ if W.shape[0] is not W.shape[1]: raise ValueError('W matrix must be square') if not np.issubdtype(W.dtype, np.number): raise ValueError('W matrix contains non-numeric values') N = W.shape[0] # Graph size _,community = modularity.modularity(W, 1) # Community vector deg =, 'CPU') # Degree of each node Gc = np.matmul(np.where(deg != 0, 1,0)[:,np.newaxis],community.T) # Multiplying each graph row by its community vector # Add iteratively the participation of each node in each group Kc = np.zeros((N,1)) for ii in range(1,np.amax(community).astype(int)+1): Kc = Kc + (np.sum(W * np.where(Gc==ii,1,0),axis=1)**2)[:,np.newaxis] # Guimera and Amaral normalisation nodal_part = np.ones((N,1)) - Kc / (deg.T**2)[:,np.newaxis] nodal_part[deg == 0] = 0 return nodal_part
# import as rmat # data = rmat.loadmat('D:/OneDrive - Universidad de Valladolid/Scripts/testPython/graphTest.mat') # W = data['W'] # aa = participation_coefficient(W)