import numpy as np
[docs]def modularity(W,gamma):
Calculates the optimal node comunity and the modularity
Note: The optimal community structure subdivides the network in groups of
nodes (non-overlapping), maximizing withing-groups edges while minimising
between-groups edges. Modularity quantifies the degree to which the graph
could be subdivided into the aforementioned communities
W : numpy 2D matrix
Graph matrix. ChannelsXChannels.
gamma : float
modularity resolution parameter
gamma>1 smaller modules
0<=gamma<1 larger modules
gamma=1 (default) classic modularity function
Q : int
Network modularity.
Ci : numpy array
Network communities.
if W.shape[0] is not W.shape[1]:
raise ValueError('W matrix must be square')
if not np.issubdtype(W.dtype, np.number):
raise ValueError('W matrix contains non-numeric values')
if 'gamma' not in locals():
gamma = 1 # Default
N = W.shape[0]
n_perm = np.random.permutation(N) - 1
W = W[:, n_perm][n_perm] # Randomly permute the order of the nodes
K = np.sum(W,axis=0) # Degree
K = K[np.newaxis,:]
m = np.sum(K) # # of edges (undirected edges are counted twice)
B = W - gamma * (np.matmul(K.T,K)) / m # Modularity matrix
Ci = np.ones((N,1)) # Community indices
cn = 1 # Number of communities
U = np.array([1, 0]) # Array of unexamined communities
ind = np.arange(N)
ind = ind[:,np.newaxis]
Bg = np.copy(B)
Ng = N
while U[0]: # Community U[0]
D,V = np.linalg.eig(Bg)
il = np.argmax(np.real(D))
v1 = V[:,il] # Eigenvector of the max eigenvalue of Bg
S = np.ones((Ng,1))
S[v1<0,0] = -1
q = np.matmul(np.matmul(S.T,Bg),S) # Contribution to modularity
if q > 10**-10: # Contribution positive: U[0] is divisible
qmax = q # Max contribution to modularity
Bg[np.eye(Ng,dtype=np.bool)] = 0 # To enable fine-tuning, modify Bg
indg = np.ones((Ng,1)) # Array of unmoved indices
Sit = np.copy(S)
while not (np.isnan(indg)).all(): # Iterative fine-tuning
Qit = qmax - 4 * Sit * np.matmul(Bg,Sit)
qmax = np.nanmax(Qit * indg)
imax = (Qit == qmax)
Sit[imax[:,0],0] = -Sit[imax[:,0],0]
indg[imax[:,0],0] = np.nan
if qmax > q:
q = qmax
S = np.copy(Sit)
if abs(np.sum(S)) == Ng: # Unsuccessful splitting of U[0]
U[0] = []
cn = cn + 1
Ci[ind[S[:,0]==1][:,0],0] = U[0] # Split old U[0] into new U[0] and into cn
Ci[ind[S[:,0]==-1][:,0],0] = cn
U = np.insert(U,0,cn)
else: # Contribution nonpositive: U[0] is indivisible
U = np.delete(U, 0)
ind = np.argwhere(Ci == U[0]) # Indices of unexamined community U[0]
bg = B[:,ind[:,0]][ind[:,0]]
Bg = bg - np.diag(np.sum(bg,axis=0)) # Modularity matrix for U[0]
Ng = ind.shape[0] # Number of vertices in U[0]
s = np.tile(Ci, (1, N)) # Compute modularity
Q = (s - s.T)
Q[Q!=0] = 1
Q = np.logical_not(Q).astype(int) * B / m
Q = np.sum(np.squeeze(np.asarray(Q)))
Ci_corrected = np.zeros((N,1)) # Initialise Ci_corrected
Ci_corrected[n_perm,0] = Ci[:,0] # Return order of nodes to that used in the input stage
Ci = Ci_corrected # Output corrected community assignment
return Q,Ci