import numpy as np
def __distance_inv_wei(L):
Inverse distance matrix. Dijkstra's algorithm. Rubinov & Sporns 2010
L : numpy 2D matrix
Connection-length matrix THIS IS NOT WEIGHTS MATRIX
D : numpy 2D matrix
Distance matrix.
B : numpy 2D matrix
Number of edges matrix.
n = L.shape[0]
D = np.ones((n,n)) * np.inf # Distance matrix
for u in range(0,n):
S = np.ones((1,n),dtype=np.int32) # Distance permanence placeholder
L1 = np.copy(L)
V = [[u]]
while 1:
S[0,V] = 0 # Distance u>V is now permanent
L1[:,V] = 0 # Remove in-edges
for v in V:
T = np.argwhere(L1[v,:]) # Neighbours of shortest nodes
D[u,T[:,1]] = np.min(np.concatenate((D[u,T[:,1]][:,np.newaxis], (D[u,v]+L1[v,T[:,1]])[:,np.newaxis]),axis=1),axis=1)
if (D[u,S[0,:].astype(bool)] == 0).all(): # Empty = all nodes reached, Inf = some nodes cannot be reached
minD = np.min(D[u,S[0,:].astype(bool)])
if minD == np.inf: # Empty = all nodes reached, Inf = some nodes cannot be reached
V = np.argwhere(D[u,:]==minD)
D = 1/D
return D
[docs]def efficiency(W):
Calculates the graph efficiency.
Globally is the mean of the inverse shortests path length, and is
inversely related to path length.
Nodally/Locally is the same as globally but calculated on the neighbourhood of the
node, and is related with clustering coefficient.
W : numpy 2D matrix
Graph matrix. ChannelsXChannels.
global_eff : numpy array
Global efficiency.
nodal_eff : numpy array
Nodal/Local efficiency.
N = W.shape[0] # Number of graph nodes
W1 = np.copy(W) # Graph copy
A = np.where(W != 0,1,0) # Connections matrix
idx = np.copy(A)
W1 = np.where(idx,1/W1,0) # Distance matrix (inverse of the non-zero weights)
# Global efficiency
e = __distance_inv_wei(W1)
global_eff = np.sum(np.squeeze(np.asarray(e))) / (N**2 - N)
# Nodal/Local efficiency - Based on Rubinov's BCT toolbox
nodal_eff = np.zeros((N,1))
for u in range(0,N):
V = np.argwhere(np.logical_or(A[u,:],A.T[:,u])) # Neighbours
sw = W[u,V]**(1/3) + W.T[u,V]**(1/3) # Symmetrized weights vector
W1_tmp = np.copy(W1[np.squeeze(V),:])
e = __distance_inv_wei(W1_tmp[:,np.squeeze(V)]) # Inverse distance matrix
se = e**(1/3) + e.T**(1/3) # Symmetrized inverse distance matrix
num = np.sum(np.sum((sw.T*sw)*se))/2 # Numerator
if num != 0:
sa = A[u,V] + A.T[u,V] # Symmetrized adjacency vector
den = np.sum(sa)**2 - np.sum(sa**2) # Denominator
nodal_eff[u] = num / den # Nodal/Local efficiency
return global_eff,np.squeeze(nodal_eff)