Source code for medusa.bci.mi_paradigms

In this module you will find useful functions and classes to operate with data
recorded using motor imagery paradigms, which are widely used by the BCI
community. Enjoy!

@author: Sergio Pérez-Velasco & Víctor Martínez-Cagigal
# Built-in imports
import copy, warnings
from abc import abstractmethod

# External imports
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

# Medusa imports
from medusa import IIRFilter, car
from medusa.epoching import normalize_epochs
from medusa import get_epochs_of_events, resample_epochs
from medusa import components
from medusa import meeg
from medusa.spatial_filtering import CSP, LaplacianFilter
from medusa import classification_utils as cu

[docs]class MIData(components.ExperimentData): # TODO: Check everything """Class with the necessary attributes to define motor imagery (MI) experiments. It provides compatibility with high-level functions for this MI paradigms in BCI module. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mode, onsets, w_trial_t, calibration_onset_w=None, w_preparation_t=None, w_rest_t=None, mi_labels=None, mi_labels_info=None, mi_result=None, paradigm_info=None, **kwargs): """MIData constructor Parameters ---------- mode : str {"train"|"test"|"guided test"} Mode of this run. onsets : list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1] Timestamp of the cue with respect to the EEG signal (just when the motor imagery starts). w_trial_t: list [start, end] Temporal window of the motor imagery with respect to each onset in ms. For example, if w_trial_t = [500, 4000] the subject was performing the motor imagery task from 500ms to 4000ms after the onset. calibration_onset_w: list [start, end] Timestamps of the onsets regarding the calibration window, if exists, respect to the EEG signal. w_preparation_t: list [start, end] Temporal window of the preparation time (no motor imagery), if exists, with respect to each onset in ms. w_rest_t: list [start, end] Temporal window of the rest time (no motor imagery), if exists, with respect to each onset in ms. mi_labels : list or numpy.ndarray [n_mi_labels x 1] Only in train mode. Contains the mi labels of each stimulation, as many as classes in the experiment. mi_labels_info : dict Contains the description of the mi labels. Example: mi_labels_info = {0: "Rest", 1: "Left_hand", 2: "Right_hand"} mi_result : list or numpy.ndarray [n_mi_labels x 1] Result of this run. Each position contains the data of the selected target at each trial. paradigm_info: dict() Recommended but not mandatory. Use this variable to keep the information regarding the different timings of the paradigm. kwargs : kwargs Custom arguments that will also be saved in the class (e.g., timings, calibration gaps, etc.) """ # Check errors mode = mode.lower() if mode == 'train': if mi_labels is None: raise ValueError('Attribute "mi_labels" must be provided in ' 'train mode') # Standard attributes self.mode = mode self.onsets = np.array(onsets) self.w_trial_t = np.array(w_trial_t) self.calibration_onset_w = np.array(calibration_onset_w) self.w_preparation_t = np.array(w_preparation_t) self.w_rest_t = np.array(w_rest_t) self.mi_labels = np.array(mi_labels) if mi_labels is not None else \ mi_labels self.mi_labels_info = mi_labels_info self.mi_result = np.array(mi_result) if mi_result is not None else \ mi_result self.paradigm_info = paradigm_info # Optional attributes for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def to_serializable_obj(self): rec_dict = self.__dict__ for key in rec_dict.keys(): if type(rec_dict[key]) == np.ndarray: rec_dict[key] = rec_dict[key].tolist() return rec_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_serializable_obj(cls, dict_data): return cls(**dict_data)
[docs]class MIDataset(components.Dataset): """This class inherits from medusa.data_structures.Dataset, increasing its functionality for datasets with data from MI experiments. It provides common ground for the rest of functions in the module. """
[docs] def __init__(self, channel_set, fs=None, biosignal_att_key='eeg', experiment_att_key='midata', experiment_mode=None, track_attributes=None): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- channel_set : meeg.EEGChannelSet EEG channel set. Only these channels will be kept in the dataset, the others will be discarded. Also, the signals will be rearranged, keeping the same channel order, avoiding errors in future stages of the signal processing pipeline fs : int, float or None Sample rate of the recordings. If there are recordings with different sample rates, the consistency of the dataset can be still assured using resampling biosignal_att_key : str Name of the attribute containing the target biosginal that will be used to extract the features. It has to be the same in all recordings (e.g., 'eeg', 'meg'). experiment_att_key : str or None Name of the attribute containing the target experiment that will be used to extract the features. It has to be the same in all recordings (e.g., 'mi_left_right', 'rest_mi'). It is mandatory when a recording of the dataset contains more than 1 experiment data experiment_mode : str {'train'|'test'|'guided test'|None} Mode of the experiment. If this dataset will be used to fit a model, set to train to avoid errors track_attributes: dict of dicts or None This parameter indicates custom attributes that must be tracked in feature extraction functions and how. The keys are the name of the attributes, whereas the values are dicts indicating the tracking mode {'concatenate'|'append'} and parent. Option concatenate is only available for attributes of type list or numpy arrays, forming a 1 dimensional array with the data from all recordings. Option append is used to save all kind of objects for each recording, forming a list whose length will be the number of recordings in the dataset. A set of default attributes is defined, so this parameter will be None in most cases. Example to track 2 custom attributes (i.e., date and experiment_equipment): track_attributes = { 'date': { 'track_mode': 'append', 'parent': None }, 'experiment_equipment': { 'track_mode': 'append', 'parent': experiment_att_key } } """ # Check errors if experiment_mode is not None: if experiment_mode not in ('train', 'test', 'guided test'): raise ValueError('Parameter experiment_mode must be ' '{train|test|guided test|None}') # Default track attributes default_track_attributes = { 'subject_id': { 'track_mode': 'append', 'parent': None }, 'onsets': { 'track_mode': 'concatenate', 'parent': experiment_att_key }, 'w_trial_t': { 'track_mode': 'append', 'parent': experiment_att_key }, 'calibration_onset_w': { 'track_mode': 'append', 'parent': experiment_att_key }, 'w_preparation_t': { 'track_mode': 'append', 'parent': experiment_att_key }, 'w_rest_t': { 'track_mode': 'append', 'parent': experiment_att_key }, 'mi_labels_info': { 'track_mode': 'append', 'parent': experiment_att_key }, 'paradigm_info': { 'track_mode': 'append', 'parent': experiment_att_key } } if experiment_mode in ['train', 'guided test']: default_track_attributes_train = { 'mi_labels': { 'track_mode': 'concatenate', 'parent': experiment_att_key } } default_track_attributes = { **default_track_attributes, **default_track_attributes_train } if experiment_mode in ['test', 'guided test']: default_track_attributes_test = { 'mi_result': { 'track_mode': 'concatenate', 'parent': experiment_att_key } } default_track_attributes = { **default_track_attributes, **default_track_attributes_test } track_attributes = \ default_track_attributes if track_attributes is None else \ {**default_track_attributes, **track_attributes} # Class attributes self.channel_set = channel_set self.fs = fs self.biosignal_att_key = biosignal_att_key self.experiment_att_key = experiment_att_key self.experiment_mode = experiment_mode self.track_attributes = track_attributes # Consistency checker checker = self.__get_consistency_checker() super().__init__(consistency_checker=checker)
def __get_consistency_checker(self): """Creates a standard consistency checker for MI datasets Returns ------- checker : data_structures.ConsistencyChecker Standard consistency checker for MI feature extraction """ # Create consistency checker checker = components.ConsistencyChecker() # Check that the biosignal exists checker.add_consistency_rule( rule='check-attribute', rule_params={'attribute': self.biosignal_att_key} ) checker.add_consistency_rule( rule='check-attribute-type', rule_params={'attribute': self.biosignal_att_key, 'type': meeg.EEG} ) # Check channels checker.add_consistency_rule( rule='check-values-in-attribute', rule_params={'attribute': 'channels', 'values': self.channel_set.channels}, parent=self.biosignal_att_key + '.channel_set' ) # Check sample rate if self.fs is not None: checker.add_consistency_rule(rule='check-attribute-value', rule_params={'attribute': 'fs', 'value': self.fs}, parent=self.biosignal_att_key) else: warnings.warn('Parameter fs is None. The consistency of the ' 'dataset cannot be assured. Still, you can use ' 'target_fs parameter for feature extraction ' 'and everything should be fine.') # Check experiment checker.add_consistency_rule( rule='check-attribute', rule_params={'attribute': self.experiment_att_key} ) checker.add_consistency_rule( rule='check-attribute-type', rule_params={'attribute': self.experiment_att_key, 'type': MIData} ) # Check track_attributes if self.track_attributes is not None: for key, value in self.track_attributes.items(): checker.add_consistency_rule( rule='check-attribute', rule_params={'attribute': key}, parent=value['parent'] ) if value['track_mode'] == 'concatenate': checker.add_consistency_rule( rule='check-attribute-type', rule_params={'attribute': key, 'type': [list, np.ndarray, dict]}, parent=value['parent'] ) return checker
[docs] def custom_operations_on_recordings(self, recording): # Select channels eeg = getattr(recording, self.biosignal_att_key) eeg.change_channel_set(self.channel_set) return recording
[docs]class StandardPreprocessing(components.ProcessingMethod): """Just the common preprocessing applied in MI-based BCI. Simple, quick and effective: frequency IIR filter followed by common average reference (CAR) spatial filter. """
[docs] def __init__(self, order=5, cutoff=[8, 30], btype='bandpass', temp_filt_method='sosfiltfilt'): super().__init__(fit_transform_signal=['signal'], fit_transform_dataset=['dataset']) # Parameters self.order = order self.cutoff = cutoff self.btype = btype self.temp_filt_method = temp_filt_method # Variables that self.iir_filter = None
[docs] def fit(self, fs, n_cha=None): """Fits the IIR filter. Parameters ---------- fs: float Sample rate of the signal. n_cha: int Number of channels. Used to compute the initial conditions of the frequency filter. Only required with sosfilt filtering method (online filtering) """ self.iir_filter = IIRFilter(order=self.order, cutoff=self.cutoff, btype=self.btype, filt_method=self.temp_filt_method), n_cha=n_cha)
[docs] def transform_signal(self, signal): """Transforms an EEG signal applying IIR filtering and CAR sequentially Parameters ---------- signal: np.array or list Signal to transform. Shape [n_samples x n_channels] """ signal = self.iir_filter.transform(signal) signal = car(signal) return signal
[docs] def transform_dataset(self, dataset: MIDataset, show_progress_bar=True, **kwargs): """Transforms an MIDataset applying IIR filtering and CAR sequentially Parameters ---------- signal: np.array or list Signal to transform. Shape [n_samples x n_channels] """ pbar = None if show_progress_bar: pbar = tqdm(total=len(dataset.recordings), desc='Preprocessing') for rec in dataset.recordings: eeg = getattr(rec, dataset.biosignal_att_key) eeg.signal = self.transform_signal(eeg.signal) setattr(rec, dataset.biosignal_att_key, eeg) if show_progress_bar: pbar.update(1) if show_progress_bar: pbar.close() return dataset
[docs] def fit_transform_signal(self, signal, fs): """Fits the IIR filter and transforms an EEG signal applying IIR filtering and CAR sequentially Parameters ---------- signal: np.array or list Signal to transform. Shape [n_samples x n_channels] fs: float Sample rate of the signal. """ self.iir_filter = IIRFilter(order=self.order, cutoff=self.cutoff, btype=self.btype, filt_method=self.temp_filt_method) signal = self.iir_filter.fit_transform(signal, fs) signal = car(signal) return signal
[docs] def fit_transform_dataset(self, dataset, show_progress_bar=True): """Fits the IIR filter and transforms an EEG signal applying the filter and CAR sequentially. Each recording is preprocessed independently, taking into account possible differences in sample rate. Parameters ---------- dataset: MIDataset MIDataset with the recordings to be preprocessed. show_progress_bar: bool Show progress bar """ pbar = None if show_progress_bar: pbar = tqdm(total=len(dataset.recordings), desc='Preprocessing') for rec in dataset.recordings: eeg = getattr(rec, dataset.biosignal_att_key) eeg.signal = self.fit_transform_signal(eeg.signal, eeg.fs) setattr(rec, dataset.biosignal_att_key, eeg) if show_progress_bar: pbar.update(1) if show_progress_bar: pbar.close() return dataset
[docs]class StandardFeatureExtraction(components.ProcessingMethod): """ Standard feature extraction method for MI-based spellers. Basically, it gets the raw epoch for each MI event. """
[docs] def __init__(self, safe_copy=True): """ Class constructor. All parameters except "safe_copy" must be specified in each method. Parameters ----------- safe_copy : bool Makes a safe copy of the signal to avoid changing the original samples due to references. """ super().__init__(transform_signal=['x'], transform_dataset=['x', 'x_info']) self.safe_copy = safe_copy
[docs] def transform_signal(self, times, signal, fs, onsets, w_epoch_t=(0, 3000), baseline_mode="trial", w_baseline_t=(-1500, -500), norm='z', target_fs=128, concatenate_channels=False, **kwargs): """ Method to extract epochs from an individual signal. Parameters ----------------- times : ndarray (n_samples,) Timestamp array signal: ndarray (n_samples x n_channels) Signal data. fs : int Sampling frequency. onsets: ndarray (n_trials,) Timestamps for the MI event onsets. w_epoch_t : list, tuple, or ndarray Temporal window in ms for each epoch relative to the event onset (e.g., [0, 3000]) baseline_mode : basestring {'run', 'trial', None} If "run", the baseline will be extracted from the very beginning of the run (i.e., the first samples of the signal). If "trial" (default), the baseline will be extracted for each trial relative to the onset. If None, no baseline extraction will be performed. w_baseline_t : list, tuple, or ndarray Temporal window in ms to be used for baseline normalization. If baseline_mode = "run", the window is relative to the start of the signal. If baseline_mode = "trial", the window is relative to each trial onset (e.g., [-1500, -500]). norm : str {'z'|'dc'} Type of baseline normalization. Set to 'z' for Z-score normalization (subtract the mean and divide by the std), or 'dc' for DC normalization (subtract the mean). target_fs : float of None Target sample rate of each epoch. If None, no resampling will be applied. Please note that, in this case, all the recordings must have the same sample rate. concatenate_channels : bool This parameter controls the shape of the feature array. If True, all channels will be concatenated, returning an array of shape [n_events x (samples x channels)]. If false, the array will have shape [n_events x samples x channels]. Returns ----------- features : ndarray MI epochs extracted with shape [n_events x samples x channels], or [n_events x (samples x channels)] if concatenate_channels == True. """ # Avoid changes in the original signal (this may not be necessary) if self.safe_copy: signal = signal.copy() # Baseline options if baseline_mode == "sliding": baseline_mode = "trial" assert baseline_mode in ('run', 'trial', None), \ ValueError('Parameter baseline_mode must be {"run", "trial", None}') if baseline_mode in ('run', None): w_baseline_t = None norm = None # Extract features features = get_epochs_of_events( timestamps=times, signal=signal, onsets=onsets, fs=fs, w_epoch_t=w_epoch_t, w_baseline_t=w_baseline_t, norm=norm ) # Common baseline for the entire run if baseline_mode == "run": # Here baseline is taken relative to the start of the signal norm_epoch_s = np.array(w_baseline_t * fs / 1000, dtype=int) norm_epoch = np.expand_dims(signal[norm_epoch_s, :], axis=0) features = normalize_epochs(features, norm_epochs=norm_epoch, norm=self.norm) # Apply resampling if required if target_fs is not None: if target_fs > fs: raise warnings.warn('Target fs is greater than data fs') features = resample_epochs(features, w_epoch_t, target_fs) # Channel concatenation if desired if concatenate_channels: features = np.squeeze(features.reshape( (features.shape[0], features.shape[1] * features.shape[2], 1))) return features
[docs] def transform_dataset(self, dataset, show_progress_bar=True, w_epoch_t=(0, 3000), baseline_mode="trial", w_baseline_t=(-1500, -500), norm='z', target_fs=128, concatenate_channels=False, sliding_w_lims_t=None, sliding_t_step=None, sliding_win_len=None, **kwargs): """ Method to extract epochs from an entire MIDataset High level function to easily extract features from EEG recordings and save useful info for later processing. Nevertheless, the provided functionality has several limitations and it will not be suitable for all cases and processing pipelines. If it does not fit your needs, create a custom function iterating the recordings and using extract_erp_features, a much more low-level and general function. This function does not apply any preprocessing to the signals, this must be done before. Most parameters are shared with StandardFeatureExtraction.transform_signal() method, check it for more information. Only the new parameters or those that behave differently than the aforementioned method are detailed below. These new parameters are related to a continuous extraction of epochs using a sliding window between a desired epoch range, instead of extracting only one epoch for each onset. Parameters ---------- dataset: MIDataset MIDataset instance containing the MIData recordings. show_progress_bar: bool Boolean to show (or not) the progress bar info. sliding_w_lims_t: list, tuple, ndarray, or None 2D window that indicates the range (start, end) for the sliding window approach. If None, no sliding window would be applied. This parameter delimits the number of windows to be extracted for each onset, so none of them can fall outside the range (excluding baseline). sliding_t_step: int, None Step in samples that is used to separate the sliding windows. If None, no sliding window would be applied. sliding_win_len: int, None Length in samples of the sliding windows. Please note that the w_epoch_t parameter would not be used if the sliding window approach is used. If None, no sliding window would be applied. baseline_mode : {'run', 'trial', None, 'sliding'} The baseline_mode has an additional feature when sliding window is used: - "run": common baseline extracted from the start of the run. - "trial": common baseline for the trial, i.e., all the windows that belongs to an onset; extracted relative to the onset. - None: no baseline. - "sliding": baseline is applied to each sliding window, and it is relative to the start of each sliding window. Returns ------- features : numpy.ndarray Array with the biosignal samples arranged in epochs. track_info : dict Dictionary with tracked information across all recordings. """ # Continuous settings use_continuous = False if sliding_w_lims_t is not None or sliding_t_step is not None or \ sliding_win_len is not None: assert sliding_w_lims_t is not None and sliding_t_step is not \ None and sliding_win_len is not None, \ ValueError("All these three parameters {sliding_w_lims_t, " "sliding_t_step, sliding_win_len} must be " "specified to use sliding windows. If not desired, " "then put all three to None. Aborting.") use_continuous = True # Avoid changes in the original recordings (this may not be necessary) if self.safe_copy: dataset = copy.deepcopy(dataset) # Avoid consistency problems if dataset.fs is None and target_fs is None: raise ValueError('The consistency of the features is not assured ' 'since dataset.fs and target_fs are both None. ' 'Specify one of these parameters') # Additional track attributes track_attributes = dataset.track_attributes # Initialization track_info = dict() for key, value in track_attributes.items(): if value['track_mode'] == 'append': track_info[key] = list() elif value['track_mode'] == 'concatenate': track_info[key] = None else: raise ValueError('Unknown track mode') # Init progress bar pbar = None if show_progress_bar: pbar = tqdm(total=len(dataset.recordings), desc='Extracting features') # Compute features features = None for run_counter, rec in enumerate(dataset.recordings): # Extract recording experiment and biosignal rec_exp = getattr(rec, dataset.experiment_att_key) rec_sig = getattr(rec, dataset.biosignal_att_key) # If continuous: get different windows relative to the onsets if use_continuous: # Get windows start, stop = sliding_w_lims_t # respect to each onset step_array = np.arange(0, (stop - start - sliding_win_len) // sliding_t_step + 1) win_0 = start + step_array * sliding_t_step win_1 = win_0 + sliding_win_len list_w_epoch_t = [(w0, w1) for w0, w1 in zip(win_0, win_1) if w1 <= stop] # Get baselines if baseline_mode == "sliding": bas_0 = start + w_baseline_t[0] + step_array * sliding_t_step bas_1 = start + w_baseline_t[1] + step_array * sliding_t_step list_w_bas_t = [(w0, w1) for w0, w1 in zip(bas_0, bas_1)] elif baseline_mode == "trial": bas_0 = start + w_baseline_t[0] + step_array * 0 bas_1 = start + w_baseline_t[1] + step_array * 0 list_w_bas_t = [(w0, w1) for w0, w1 in zip(bas_0, bas_1)] elif baseline_mode == "run": list_w_bas_t = [w_baseline_t for _ in range(len( list_w_epoch_t))] else: list_w_bas_t = [None for _ in range(len(list_w_epoch_t))] # Modify the mi_labels if hasattr(rec.midata, "mi_labels"): rec.midata.mi_labels = \ np.tile(rec.midata.mi_labels, (len(list_w_epoch_t), 1)).flatten() else: list_w_epoch_t = [w_epoch_t] list_w_bas_t = [w_baseline_t] # For each window for i in range(len(list_w_epoch_t)): # Get features rec_feat = self.transform_signal( times=rec_sig.times, signal=rec_sig.signal, fs=rec_sig.fs, onsets=rec_exp.onsets, w_epoch_t=list_w_epoch_t[i], w_baseline_t=list_w_bas_t[i], baseline_mode=baseline_mode, norm=norm, target_fs=target_fs, concatenate_channels=concatenate_channels ) features = np.concatenate((features, rec_feat), axis=0) \ if features is not None else rec_feat # Track experiment info for key, value in track_attributes.items(): if value['parent'] is None: parent = rec else: parent = rec for p in value['parent'].split('.'): parent = getattr(parent, p) att = getattr(parent, key) if value['track_mode'] == 'append': track_info[key].append(att) elif value['track_mode'] == 'concatenate': track_info[key] = np.concatenate( (track_info[key], att), axis=0 ) if track_info[key] is not None else att else: raise ValueError('Unknown track mode') if show_progress_bar: pbar.update(1) if show_progress_bar: pbar.close() return features, track_info
[docs]class CSPFeatureExtraction(components.ProcessingMethod): """Common Spatial Patterns (CSP) feature extraction method for MI-based spellers. Processing pipeline: - Use of StandardFeatureExtraction to get the raw epoch of each MI event. - Extract CSP features of those MI events. - Log-var features """
[docs] def __init__(self, n_filters=4, safe_copy=True, normalize_log_vars=True, **kwargs): """Class constructor. n_filters : int or None Number of most discriminant CSP filters to decompose the signal into (must be less or equal to the number of channels in your signal). If None, all filters will be used. safe_copy : bool Makes a safe copy of the signal to avoid changing the original samples due to references normalize_log_vars : bool If true, log-var features are normalized. **kwargs : dict() Parameters from StandardFeatureExtraction are not detailed here. Please refer to the StandardFeatureExtraction documentation to know more, as they are passed through kwargs. After using the function, the attributes are computed: Attributes ---------- CSP : CSP class with attributes filters, eigenvalues, patterns and methods fit and project. filters : {(…, M, M) numpy.ndarray, (…, M, M) matrix} Mixing matrix (spatial filters are stored in columns). eigenvalues : (…, M) numpy.ndarray Eigenvalues of w. patterns : numpy.ndarray De-mixing matrix (activation patterns are stored in columns). """ self.normalize_log_vars = normalize_log_vars self.feature_extractor = StandardFeatureExtraction(safe_copy=safe_copy) self.CSP = CSP(n_filters=n_filters, selection="extremes")
[docs] def fit_signal(self, labels, times, signal, fs, onsets, **kwargs): # Standard extraction: just epoching (epochs x samples x channels) features = self.feature_extractor.transform_signal( times=times, signal=signal, fs=fs, onsets=onsets, **kwargs ) # Fit the CSP filter, y=labels) return features
[docs] def fit_dataset(self, dataset, show_progress_bar=True, **kwargs): # Standard extraction: just epoching (epochs x samples x channels) features, track_info = self.feature_extractor.transform_dataset( dataset=dataset, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar, **kwargs ) # Fit the CSP filter, y=track_info['mi_labels']) return features, track_info
[docs] def transform_signal(self, times, signal, fs, onsets, **kwargs): if not self.CSP.is_fitted: raise ValueError('CSPFeatureExtraction must be fitted before ' 'predict!') # Standard extraction: just epoching (epochs x samples x channels) features = self.feature_extractor.transform_signal( times=times, signal=signal, fs=fs, onsets=onsets, **kwargs ) # Project using CSP projection = self.CSP.project(X=features) # trials x samples x projects # Log-variance features across samples log_var = self._get_log_vars(projection, self.normalize_log_vars) return log_var
[docs] def transform_dataset(self, dataset, show_progress_bar=True, **kwargs): if not self.CSP.is_fitted: raise ValueError('CSPFeatureExtraction must be fitted before ' 'predict!') # Standard extraction: just epoching (epochs x samples x channels) features, track_info = self.feature_extractor.transform_dataset( dataset=dataset, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar, **kwargs ) # Project using CSP projection = self.CSP.project(X=features) # Log-variance features log_var = self._get_log_vars(projection, self.normalize_log_vars) return log_var, track_info
[docs] def fit_transform_signal(self, labels, times, signal, fs, onsets, **kwargs): # Fit features = self.fit_signal(labels, times, signal, fs, onsets, **kwargs) # Project using CSP projection = self.CSP.project(X=features) # trials x samples x projects # Log-variance features across samples log_var = self._get_log_vars(projection, self.normalize_log_vars) return log_var
[docs] def fit_transform_dataset(self, dataset, show_progress_bar=True, **kwargs): # Fit features, track_info = self.fit_dataset( dataset, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar, **kwargs) # Project using CSP projection = self.CSP.project(X=features) # Log-variance features log_var = self._get_log_vars(projection, self.normalize_log_vars) return log_var, track_info
@staticmethod def _get_log_vars(projection, normalize): if normalize: return np.log( np.var(projection, axis=1) / np.tile(np.sum(np.var(projection, axis=1), axis=1), (projection.shape[2], 1)).T ) else: return np.log(np.var(projection, axis=1))
[docs]class MIModel(components.Algorithm): """Skeleton class for MI-based BCIs models. This class inherits from components.Algorithm. Therefore, it can be used to create standalone algorithms that can be used in compatible apps from medusa-platform for online experiments. See components.Algorithm to know more about this functionality. Related tutorials: - Overview of mi_paradigms module [LINK] - Create standalone models for MI-based BCIs compatible with Medusa platform [LINK] """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Class constructor """ super().__init__(fit_dataset=['mi_target', 'mi_result', 'accuracy'], predict=['mi_result']) # Settings self.settings = None self.channel_set = None self.configure() # Configuration self.is_configured = False self.is_built = False self.is_fit = False
[docs] @abstractmethod def configure(self, **kwargs): """This function must be used to configure the model before calling build method. Class attribute settings attribute must be set with a dict """ # Update state self.is_configured = True self.is_built = False self.is_fit = False
[docs] @abstractmethod def build(self, *args, **kwargs): """This function builds the model, adding all the processing methods to the pipeline. It must be called after configure. """ # Check errors if not self.is_configured: raise ValueError('Function configure must be called first!') # Update state self.is_built = True self.is_fit = False
[docs] def fit_dataset(self, dataset, **kwargs): """Function that receives an MIDataset and uses its data to fit the model. By default, executes pipeline 'fit_dataset'. Override method for other behaviour. Parameters ---------- dataset: MIDataset Dataset with recordings from an MI-based BCI experiment kwargs: key-value arguments Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model Returns ------- fit_results: dict Dict with the information of the fit process. For command decoding models, at least it has to contain keys mi_target, mi_result and accuracy, which contain the target MI, the decoded MI and the decoding accuracy in the analysis. """ # Check errors if not self.is_built: raise ValueError('Function build must be called first!') # Execute pipeline output = self.exec_pipeline('fit_dataset', dataset=dataset) # Set channels self.channel_set = dataset.channel_set # Update state self.is_fit = True return output
[docs] def predict(self, times, signal, fs, l_cha, x_info, **kwargs): """Function that receives EEG signal and experiment info from an MI-based trial to decode the user's intentions. Used in online experiments. By default, executes pipeline 'predict'. Override method for other behaviour. Parameters --------- times: list or numpy.ndarray Timestamps of the EEG samples signal: list or numpy.ndarray EEG samples with shape [n_samples x n_channels] fs: float Sample rate of the EEG signal l_cha: list List of channel labels x_info: dict Dict with the needed experiment info to decode the commands. It has to contain keys: mode, onsets, w_trial_t. See MIData to know how are defined these variables. kwargs: key-value arguments Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model """ # Check errors if not self.is_fit: raise ValueError('Function fit_dataset must be called first!') # Check channels self.channel_set.check_channels_labels(l_cha, strict=True) # Execute predict pipeline return self.exec_pipeline('predict', times=times, signal=signal, fs=fs, x_info=x_info, **kwargs)
[docs]class MIModelCSP(MIModel): """Decoding model for MI-based BCI applications based on Common Spatial Patterns (CSP). It is strongly recommended to update the default settings by passing arguments through **kwargs. See the different algorithms to know more about the possible parameters: StandardPreprocessing, CSPFeatureExtraction and StandardFeatureExtraction. Dataset features: - Sample rate of the signals > 60 Hz. The model can handle recordings with different sample rates. - Recommended channels to be present: ['C3', 'C4']. Processing pipeline: - Preprocessing (medusa.bci.erp_spellers.StandardPreprocessing): - IIR Filter (order=5, cutoff=(8, 30) Hz: unlike FIR filters, IIR filters are quick and can be applied in small signal chunks. Thus, they are the preferred method for frequency filter in online systems. - Common average reference (CAR): widely used spatial filter that increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the MI control signals. - Feature extraction (medusa.bci.mi_paradigms.CSPFeatureExtraction): - Epochs (window=(0, 2000) ms, resampling to 60 HZ): the epochs of signal are extracted for each stimulation. Baseline normalization is also applied, taking the window (-1000, 0) ms relative to the stimulus onset. - CSP projection: Epochs are then projected according to a CSP filter previously trained. - Log variance: Log variance features are extracted from the CSP projection. - Feature classification ( sklearn.discriminant_analysis.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis) - Regularized linear discriminant analysis (rLDA): we use the sklearn implementation, with eigen solver and auto shrinkage paramers. See reference in sklearn doc. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def configure(self, p_filt_cutoff=(8, 30), w_epoch_t=(0, 2000), w_baseline_t=(-1000, 0), target_fs=60, **kwargs): """ Configures the default settings. """ self.settings = { # StandardPreprocessing 'p_filt_cutoff': p_filt_cutoff, # CSPFeatureExtraction 'n_filters': 4, 'normalize_log_vars': False, # StandardFeatureExtraction 'w_epoch_t': w_epoch_t, 'baseline_mode': 'trial', 'w_baseline_t': w_baseline_t, 'norm': 'z', 'target_fs': target_fs, 'concatenate_channels': False, 'sliding_w_lims_t': None, 'sliding_t_step': None, 'sliding_win_len': None } self.settings = dict(self.settings, **kwargs) # Update state self.is_configured = True self.is_built = False self.is_fit = False
[docs] def build(self): """ Initializes the different methods that comprise the MIModelCSP pipeline. """ # Check errors if not self.is_configured: raise ValueError('Function configure must be called first!') # Preprocessing (default: bandpass IIR filter [8, 30] Hz + CAR) self.add_method('prep_method', StandardPreprocessing( cutoff=self.settings['p_filt_cutoff'] )) # Feature extraction (default: epochs [500, 4000] ms + resampling to 80 # Hz) self.add_method('ext_method', CSPFeatureExtraction(**self.settings)) # Feature classification (rLDA) clf = components.ProcessingClassWrapper( LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver='eigen', shrinkage='auto'), fit=[], predict_proba=['y_pred'] ) self.add_method('clf_method', clf) # Update state self.is_built = True self.is_fit = False
[docs] def fit_dataset(self, dataset, get_training_accuracy=True, k_fold=5, **kwargs): """ Function to fit a dataset using MIModelCSP. Parameters ------------- dataset : MIDataset MI dataset used for training. get_training_accuracy : bool Whether to perform an estimation on training accuracy after fitting. k_fold : int Number of k-folds used in the k-fold cross-validation procedure to estimate the training accuracy. **kwargs : dict These parameters will be overwritten over self.settings. Returns ------------- assessment : dict Dictionary containing the details of the training accuracy estimation. """ # Check errors if not self.is_built: raise ValueError('Function build must be called first!') # Merge settings settings = dict(self.settings, **kwargs) self.channel_set = dataset.channel_set # Preprocessing dataset = self.get_inst('prep_method').fit_transform_dataset(dataset) # Extract CSP features x, x_info = self.get_inst('ext_method').fit_transform_dataset( dataset, **settings) # Training accuracy using a k-fold cross-validation assessment = None if get_training_accuracy: folds_decoding = list() k_fold_iter = cu.k_fold_split(x, x_info['mi_labels'], k_fold) k_fold_acc = 0 for iter in k_fold_iter: self.get_inst('clf_method').fit( iter["x_train"], iter["y_train"]) y_test_pred = self.get_inst('clf_method').predict( iter["x_test"]) y_test_prob = self.get_inst('clf_method').predict_proba( iter["x_test"]) fold_acc = np.sum(y_test_pred == iter["y_test"]) / \ len(iter["y_test"]) k_fold_acc += fold_acc folds_decoding.append({ "y_pred": y_test_pred, "y_prob": y_test_prob, "accuracy": fold_acc, }) k_fold_acc /= len(k_fold_iter) assessment = { 'x': x, 'x_info': x_info, 'k-fold': folds_decoding, 'accuracy': k_fold_acc } # Fit classifier with all the data self.get_inst('clf_method').fit(x, x_info['mi_labels']) # Save info self.channel_set = dataset.channel_set # Update state self.is_fit = True return assessment
[docs] def predict(self, times, signal, fs, channel_set, x_info, **kwargs): """ Function to predict an individual signal in MIModelCSP. Parameters -------------- times : ndarray (n_samples,) Timestamp array signal: ndarray (n_samples x n_channels) Signal data. fs : int Sampling frequency. channel_set : EEGChannelSet or similar Channel montage. x_info : dict Dictionary containing the trial "onsets" and "mi_labels". If the latter is not specified, accuracy is not calculated. **kwargs : dict These parameters will be overwritten over self.settings. Returns ------------- decoding : dict Dictionary containing the decoding. """ # Check errors if not self.is_fit: raise ValueError('Function fit_dataset must be called first!') # Merge settings settings = dict(self.settings, **kwargs) # Check channel set if self.channel_set.l_cha != channel_set.l_cha: warnings.warn('The channel set is not the same that was used to ' 'fit the model. Be careful!') # Preprocessing signal = self.get_inst('prep_method').transform_signal(signal) # Extract features x = self.get_inst('ext_method').transform_signal( times, signal, fs, x_info['onsets'], **settings) # Classification y_prob = self.get_inst('clf_method').predict_proba(x) y_pred = self.get_inst('clf_method').predict(x) # Decoding accuracy = None clf_report = None if x_info['mi_labels'] is not None: accuracy = np.sum((y_pred == x_info['mi_labels'])) / len(y_pred) clf_report = classification_report(x_info['mi_labels'], y_pred, output_dict=True) decoding = { 'x': x, 'x_info': x_info, 'y_prob': y_prob, 'y_pred': y_pred, 'accuracy': accuracy, 'report': clf_report } return decoding
[docs] def predict_dataset(self, dataset, **kwargs): """ Function to predict a dataset using MIModelCSP. Parameters ------------- dataset : MIDataset Test dataset. **kwargs : dict These parameters will be overwritten over self.settings. Returns ------------- decoding : dict Dictionary containing the decoding. """ # Check errors if not self.is_fit: raise ValueError('Function fit_dataset must be called first!') # Check channel set if self.channel_set.l_cha != dataset.channel_set.l_cha: warnings.warn('The channel set is not the same that was used to ' 'fit the model. Be careful!') # Merge settings settings = dict(self.settings, **kwargs) # Preprocessing dataset = self.get_inst('prep_method').transform_dataset(dataset, **settings) # Extract features x, x_info = self.get_inst('ext_method').transform_dataset( dataset, **settings) # Classification y_prob = self.get_inst('clf_method').predict_proba(x) y_pred = self.get_inst('clf_method').predict(x) # Decoding accuracy = None clf_report = None if x_info['mi_labels'] is not None: accuracy = np.sum((y_pred == x_info['mi_labels'])) / len(y_pred) clf_report = classification_report(x_info['mi_labels'], y_pred, output_dict=True) decoding = { 'x': x, 'x_info': x_info, 'y_prob': y_prob, 'y_pred': y_pred, 'accuracy': accuracy, 'report': clf_report } return decoding
[docs]class MIModelEEGSym(MIModel): """Decoding model for MI-based BCI applications based on EEGSym [1], a deep convolutional neural network developed for inter-subjects MI classification. Dataset features: - Sample rate of the signals > 128 Hz. The model can handle recordings with different sample rates. - Recommended channels: ['F7', 'C3', 'Po3', 'Cz', 'Pz', 'F8', 'C4', 'Po4']. Processing pipeline: - Preprocessing: - IIR Filter (order=4, lowpass=49 Hz: unlike FIR filters, IIR filters are quick and can be applied in small signal chunks. Thus, they are the preferred method for frequency filter in online systems - Common average reference (CAR): widely used spatial filter that increases the signal-to-noise ratio. - Feature extraction: - Epochs (window=(0, 2000) ms, resampling to 128 HZ): the epochs of signal are extracted after each onset. Baseline normalization is also applied, taking the same epoch window. - Feature classification - EEGSym: convolutional neural network [1]. References ---------- [1] Pérez-Velasco, S., Santamaría-Vázquez, E., Martínez-Cagigal, V., Marcos-Mateo, D., & Hornero, R. (2020). EEGSym: Overcoming Intersubject Variability in Motor Imagery Based BCIs with Deep Learning. ?. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def configure(self, cnn_n_cha=8, ch_lateral=3, fine_tuning=False, shuffle_before_fit=True, validation_split=0.4, init_weights_path=None, gpu_acceleration=False, augmentation=False): self.settings = { 'cnn_n_cha': cnn_n_cha, 'ch_lateral': ch_lateral, 'fine_tuning': fine_tuning, 'augmentation': augmentation, 'shuffle_before_fit': shuffle_before_fit, 'validation_split': validation_split, 'init_weights_path': init_weights_path, 'gpu_acceleration': gpu_acceleration } # Update state self.is_configured = True self.is_built = False self.is_fit = False
[docs] def build(self): # Check errors if not self.is_configured: raise ValueError('Function configure must be called first!') # Only import deep learning models if necessary from medusa.deep_learning_models import EEGSym # Preprocessing (bandpass IIR filter [0.5, 45] Hz + CAR) self.add_method('prep_method', StandardPreprocessing(cutoff=49, btype='lowpass')) # Feature extraction (epochs [0, 2000] ms + resampling to 128 Hz) self.add_method('ext_method', StandardFeatureExtraction(safe_copy=True)) # Feature classification clf = EEGSym( input_time=2000, fs=128, n_cha=self.settings['cnn_n_cha'], ch_lateral=self.settings['ch_lateral'], filters_per_branch=24, scales_time=(125, 250, 500), dropout_rate=0.4, activation='elu', n_classes=2, learning_rate=0.0001, gpu_acceleration=self.settings['gpu_acceleration']) self.is_fit = False if self.settings['init_weights_path'] is not None: clf.load_weights(self.settings['init_weights_path']) self.channel_set = meeg.EEGChannelSet() standard_lcha = ['F7', 'C3', 'Po3', 'Cz', 'Pz', 'F8', 'C4', 'Po4'] self.channel_set.set_standard_montage(standard_lcha) self.is_fit = True self.add_method('clf_method', clf) # Update state self.is_built = True
# self.is_fit = False
[docs] def fit_dataset(self, dataset, continuous=False, **kwargs): # Check errors if not self.is_built: raise ValueError('Function build must be called first!') # Preprocessing dataset = self.get_inst('prep_method').fit_transform_dataset(dataset) # Extract features # TODO: perform sliding window? if so, we need the lims # TODO: hardcoded? x, x_info = self.get_inst('ext_method').transform_dataset( dataset, w_epoch_t=(0, 2000), baseline_mode="trial", w_baseline_t=(0, 2000), norm="z", target_fs=128, sliding_w_lims_t=None, sliding_t_step=None, sliding_win_len=None ) # Put channels in symmetric order x, _ = self.get_inst('clf_method').symmetric_channels( x, dataset.channel_set.l_cha) # Classification self.get_inst('clf_method').fit( x, x_info['mi_labels'], fine_tuning=self.settings['fine_tuning'], shuffle_before_fit=self.settings['shuffle_before_fit'], validation_split=self.settings['validation_split'], augmentation=self.settings['augmentation'], **kwargs) y_prob = self.get_inst('clf_method').predict_proba(x) y_pred = y_prob.argmax(axis=-1) # Accuracy accuracy = np.sum((y_pred == x_info['mi_labels'])) / len(y_pred) clf_report = classification_report(x_info['mi_labels'], y_pred, output_dict=True) assessment = { 'x': x, 'x_info': x_info, 'y_pred': y_pred, 'y_prob': y_prob, 'accuracy': accuracy, 'report': clf_report } # Save info self.channel_set = dataset.channel_set # Update state self.is_fit = True return assessment
[docs] def predict(self, times, signal, fs, channel_set, x_info, **kwargs): # Check errors if not self.is_fit: raise ValueError('Function fit_dataset must be called first!') # Check channel set if self.channel_set.channels != channel_set.channels: warnings.warn('The channel set is not the same that was used to ' 'fit the model. Be careful!') # Preprocessing signal = self.get_inst('prep_method').fit_transform_signal(signal, fs) # Extract features # TODO: hardcoded? x = self.get_inst('ext_method').transform_signal( times=times, signal=signal, fs=fs, onsets=x_info['onsets'], w_epoch_t=(0, 2000), baseline_mode="trial", w_baseline_t=(0, 2000), norm="z", target_fs=128 ) # Put channels in symmetric order x, _ = self.get_inst('clf_method').symmetric_channels( x, self.channel_set.l_cha) # Classification y_prob = self.get_inst('clf_method').predict_proba(x) y_pred = y_prob.argmax(axis=-1) # Decoding accuracy = None clf_report = None if x_info['mi_labels'] is not None: accuracy = np.sum((y_pred == x_info['mi_labels'])) / len(y_pred) clf_report = classification_report(x_info['mi_labels'], y_pred, output_dict=True) decoding = { 'x': x, 'x_info': x_info, 'y_pred': y_pred, 'y_prob': y_prob, 'accuracy': accuracy, 'report': clf_report } return decoding