medusa.bci package
medusa.bci.cvep_spellers module
Created on Friday October 01 10:09:11 2021
In this module you will find useful functions and classes to operate with data recorded using spellers based on code-modulated visual evoked potentials (c-VEP), which are widely used by the BCI community. Enjoy!
@author: Víctor Martínez-Cagigal
- class medusa.bci.cvep_spellers.CVEPModelCircularShifting[source]
- __init__(bpf=[[7, (1.0, 30.0)]], notch=[7, (49.0, 51.0)], art_rej=None, correct_raster_latencies=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]
ProcessingMethod constructor
- Parameters
kwargs – Key-value arguments that define the exposed methods and output signature. This is used by class Algorithm for a correct implementation of signal processing pipelines.
- class medusa.bci.cvep_spellers.CVEPSpellerData[source]
Experiment info class for c-VEP-based spellers. It supports nested multi-level paradigms. This unified class can be used to represent a run of every c-VEP stimulation paradigm designed to date, and is the expected class for feature extraction and command decoding functions of the module medusa.bci.cvep_paradigms. It is complicated, but powerful so.. use it well!
- __init__(mode, paradigm_conf, commands_info, onsets, command_idx, unit_idx, level_idx, matrix_idx, cycle_idx, trial_idx, cvep_model, spell_result, fps_resolution, spell_target=None, raster_events=None, **kwargs)[source]
- class medusa.bci.cvep_spellers.CVEPSpellerDataset[source]
This class inherits from medusa.data_structures.Dataset, increasing its functionality for datasets with data from c-VEP-based spellers. It provides common ground for the rest of functions in the module.
- __init__(channel_set, fs=None, biosignal_att_key='eeg', experiment_att_key='cvepspellerdata', experiment_mode=None, track_attributes=None)[source]
- Parameters
channel_set (meeg.EEGChannelSet) – EEG channel set. Only these channels will be kept in the dataset, the others will be discarded. Also, the signals will be rearranged, keeping the same channel order, avoiding errors in future stages of the signal processing pipeline
fs (int, float or None) – Sample rate of the recordings. If there are recordings with different sample rates, the consistency of the dataset can be still assured using resampling
biosignal_att_key (str) – Name of the attribute containing the target biosignal that will be used to extract the features. It has to be the same in all recordings (e.g., ‘eeg’, ‘meg’).
experiment_att_key (str or None) – Name of the attribute containing the target experiment that will be used to extract the features. It has to be the same in all recordings (e.g., ‘rcp_data’, ‘cake_paradigm_data’). It is mandatory when a recording of the dataset contains more than 1 experiment data
experiment_mode (str {‘train’|’test’|None}) – Mode of the experiment. If this dataset will be used to fit a model, set to train to avoid errors
track_attributes (dict of dicts or None) –
This parameter indicates custom attributes that must be tracked in feature extraction functions and how. The keys are the name of the attributes, whereas the values are dicts indicating the tracking mode {‘concatenate’|’append’} and parent. Option concatenate is only available for attributes of type list or numpy arrays, forming a 1 dimensional array with the data from all recordings. Option append is used to save all kind of objects for each recording, forming a list whose length will be the number of recordings in the dataset. A set of default attributes is defined, so this parameter will be None in most cases. Example to track 2 custom attributes (i.e., date and experiment_equipment):
- track_attributes = {
- ‘date’: {
‘track_mode’: ‘append’, ‘parent’: None
}, ‘experiment_equipment’: {
’track_mode’: ‘append’, ‘parent’: experiment_att_key
- custom_operations_on_recordings(recording)[source]
Function add_recordings calls this function before adding each recording to the dataset. Implement this method in custom classes to have personalized behaviour (e.g., change the channel set)
- Parameters
recording (subclass of Recording) – Recording that will be changed. It can also be a subclass of Recording
- Returns
recording – Modified recording
- Return type
- class medusa.bci.cvep_spellers.CircularShiftingClassifier[source]
Standard feature extraction method for c-VEP-based spellers. Basically, it computes a template for each sequence.
- fit_dataset(dataset, std_epoch_rejection=3.0, show_progress_bar=True)[source]
- Parameters
dataset (CVEPSpellerDataset) –
- predict_dataset(dataset, show_progress_bar=True)[source]
- Parameters
dataset (CVEPSpellerDataset) –
- class medusa.bci.cvep_spellers.CircularShiftingEarlyStopping[source]
- check_early_stop(corr_vector, std=3.0)[source]
Early stopping method based on normal distributions.
- Parameters
corr_vector (list() or 1D ndarray) – Vector that represents the sorted correlations for each of the possible commands, where corr_vector[0] must point to the most probable selected command.
std (int) – Multiplier that determines if the selected command is an outlier of the normal distribution made up from the rest of correlations. Typical values are: 1 (outside 68% of data), 2 (outside 95% of data), and 3 (default, outside 99.7% of data).
- Returns
must_stop (bool) – True if it is possible to stop now, false otherwise.
probs (1D ndarray) – Current estimated probabilities of being selected (sorted).
- class medusa.bci.cvep_spellers.FilterBankPreprocessing[source]
Just the common preprocessing applied in c-VEP-based spellers. Simple, quick and effective: frequency IIR band-pass and notch filters
- __init__(filter_bank=None, notch_order=7, notch_cutoff=(49.0, 51.0))[source]
ProcessingMethod constructor
- Parameters
kwargs – Key-value arguments that define the exposed methods and output signature. This is used by class Algorithm for a correct implementation of signal processing pipelines.
- fit_transform_dataset(dataset, show_progress_bar=True)[source]
Fits the IIR filters and transforms an EEG dataset applying the filters sequentially. Each recording is preprocessed independently, taking into account possible differences in sample rate.
- Parameters
dataset (ERPSpellerDataset) – ERPSpellerDataset with the recordings to be preprocessed.
show_progress_bar (bool) – Show progress bar
- fit_transform_signal(signal, fs)[source]
Fits the IIR filters and transforms an EEG signal applying them sequentially
- Parameters
signal (np.array or list) – Signal to transform. Shape [n_samples x n_channels]
fs (float) – Sample rate of the signal.
- transform_dataset(dataset, show_progress_bar=True)[source]
- Parameters
dataset (CVEPSpellerDataset) –
- class medusa.bci.cvep_spellers.LFSR[source]
Computes a Linear-Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) sequence.
- static lfsr(polynomial, base=2, seed=None, center=False)[source]
This method implements a Linear-Feedback Shift Register (LFSR).
IMPORTANT: maximal length sequences (m-sequences) can be only generated if the polynomial (taps) is primitive. I.e.:
the number of taps is even.
the set of taps is setwise co-prime (there must be no divisor
other than 1 common to all taps).
A list of primitive polynomials in function of the order m can be found here:
NOTE: if the seed is composed by all zeros, the output sequence will be zeros.
- Parameters
polynomial (list) – Generator polynomial. E.g. (bias is specified for math convention but not used): “1 + x^5 + x^6” would be [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]. “1 + 2x + x^4” would be [2, 0, 0, 1]
base (int) – (Optional, default: base = 2) Base of the sequence events that belongs to the Galois Field of the same base. By default, base=2, so only events of type {0,1} (or {-1,1} are part of the returned sequence.
seed (list) – (Optional) Initial state. If not provided, the default state is a one-array with length equal to the order of the polynomial.
center (bool) – (Optional, default = False) Determines if a centering over zero must be performed in the returned sequence (e.g., {0,1} -> {-1,1})
- Returns
sequence – LFSR m-sequence (maximum length is base^order-1), where order is the order of the polynomial.
- Return type
- class medusa.bci.cvep_spellers.StandardPreprocessing[source]
Just the common preprocessing applied in c-VEP-based spellers. Simple, quick and effective: frequency IIR band-pass and notch filters
- __init__(bpf_order=7, bpf_cutoff=(0.5, 60.0), notch_order=7, notch_cutoff=(49.0, 51.0))[source]
ProcessingMethod constructor
- Parameters
kwargs – Key-value arguments that define the exposed methods and output signature. This is used by class Algorithm for a correct implementation of signal processing pipelines.
- fit_transform_dataset(dataset, show_progress_bar=True)[source]
Fits the IIR filters and transforms an EEG dataset applying the filters sequentially. Each recording is preprocessed independently, taking into account possible differences in sample rate.
- Parameters
dataset (ERPSpellerDataset) – ERPSpellerDataset with the recordings to be preprocessed.
show_progress_bar (bool) – Show progress bar
- fit_transform_signal(signal, fs)[source]
Fits the IIR filters and transforms an EEG signal applying them sequentially
- Parameters
signal (np.array or list) – Signal to transform. Shape [n_samples x n_channels]
fs (float) – Sample rate of the signal.
- transform_dataset(dataset, show_progress_bar=True)[source]
- Parameters
dataset (CVEPSpellerDataset) –
- medusa.bci.cvep_spellers.autocorr_zeropad(x)[source]
With zero padding, equivalent to np.correlate()
- medusa.bci.cvep_spellers.get_items_by_sorted_sequences(experiment, trial_idx, sorted_seqs, sorted_corrs=None)[source]
- Parameters
experiment (CVEPSpellerData) –
- medusa.bci.cvep_spellers.get_unique_sequences_from_targets(experiment)[source]
Function that returns the unique sequences of all targets. return
- Parameters
experiment (CVEPSpellerData) –
medusa.bci.erp_spellers module
Created on Monday March 15 19:27:14 2021
In this module you will find useful functions and classes to operate with data recorded using spellers based on event-related pontentials (ERP), which are widely used by the BCI community. Enjoy!
@author: Eduardo Santamaría-Vázquez
- class medusa.bci.erp_spellers.CMDModelEEGInception[source]
Command decoding model for ERP-based spellers model based on EEG-Inception, a powerful deep convolutional neural network specifically developed for BCI applications [1].
Dataset features:
- Sample rate of the signals > 128 Hz. The model can handle recordings
with different sample rates.
Recommended channels: [‘Fz’, ‘Cz’, ‘Pz’, ‘P3’, ‘P4’, ‘PO7’, ‘PO8’, ‘Oz’].
Processing pipeline:
- IIR Filter (order=5, cutoff=(0.5, 45) Hz: unlike FIR filters, IIR
filters are quick and can be applied in small signal chunks. Thus, they are the preferred method for frequency filter in online systems
- Common average reference (CAR): widely used spatial filter that
increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the ERPs.
Feature extraction:
- Epochs (window=(0, 1000) ms, resampling to 128 HZ): the epochs of
signal are extract for each stimulation. Baseline normalization is also applied, taking the window (-250, 0) ms relative to the stimulus onset.
Feature classification
EEG-Inception: convolutional neural network [1].
[1] Santamaría-Vázquez, E., Martínez-Cagigal, V., Vaquerizo-Villar, F., & Hornero, R. (2020). EEG-Inception: A Novel Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Assistive ERP-based Brain-Computer Interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.
- build()[source]
This function builds the model, adding all the processing methods to the pipeline. It must be called after configure.
- configure(cnn_n_cha=8, fine_tuning=False, shuffle_before_fit=True, validation_split=0.2, init_weights_path=None, gpu_acceleration=True)[source]
This function must be used to configure the model before calling build method. Class attribute settings attribute must be set with a dict
- fit_dataset(dataset, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives an ERPSpellerDataset and uses its data to fit the model. By default, executes pipeline ‘fit_dataset’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
dataset (ERPSpellerDataset) – Dataset with recordings from an ERP-based speller experiment
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- Returns
fit_results – Dict with the information of the fot process. For command decoding models, at least it has to contain keys spell_result, spell_result_per_seq and spell_acc_per_seq, which contain the decoded commands, the decoded commands and the command decoding accuracy per sequences of stimulation considered in the analysis.
- Return type
- predict(times, signal, fs, channel_set, exp_info, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives EEG signal and experiment info from an ERP-based speller to decode the user’s intentions. Used in online experiments. By default, executes pipeline ‘predict’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
times (list or numpy.ndarray) – Timestamps of the EEG samples
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – EEG samples with shape [n_samples x n_channels]
fs (float) – Sample rate of the EEG signal
l_cha (list) – List of channel labels
x_info (dict) – Dict with the needed experiment info to decode the commands. It has to contain keys: paradigm_conf, onsets, batch_idx, group_idx, unit_idx, level_idx, matrix_idx, sequence_idx, trial_idx, run_idx. See ERPSpellerData to know how are defined these variables.
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- class medusa.bci.erp_spellers.CMDModelEEGNet[source]
Command decoding model for ERP-based spellers model based on EEGNet, a compact deep convolutional neural network specifically developed for EEG applications [1].
Dataset features:
- Sample rate of the signals > 128 Hz. The model can handle recordings
with different sample rates.
Recommended channels: [‘Fz’, ‘Cz’, ‘Pz’, ‘P3’, ‘P4’, ‘PO7’, ‘PO8’, ‘Oz’].
Processing pipeline: - Preprocessing:
- IIR Filter (order=5, cutoff=(0.5, 45) Hz: unlike FIR filters, IIR
filters are quick and can be applied in small signal chunks. Thus, they are the preferred method for frequency filter in online systems
- Common average reference (CAR): widely used spatial filter that
increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the ERPs.
Feature extraction:
- Epochs (window=(0, 1000) ms, resampling to 128 HZ): the epochs of
signal are extract for each stimulation. Baseline normalization is also applied, taking the window (-250, 0) ms relative to the stimulus onset.
Feature classification
EEGNet: compact convolutional network.
[1] Lawhern, V. J., Solon, A. J., Waytowich, N. R., Gordon, S. M., Hung, C. P., & Lance, B. J. (2018). EEGNet: a compact convolutional neural network for EEG-based brain–computer interfaces. Journal of neural engineering, 15(5), 056013.
- build()[source]
This function builds the model, adding all the processing methods to the pipeline. It must be called after configure.
- configure(cnn_n_cha=8, fine_tuning=False, shuffle_before_fit=True, validation_split=0.2, init_weights_path=None, gpu_acceleration=True)[source]
This function must be used to configure the model before calling build method. Class attribute settings attribute must be set with a dict
- fit_dataset(dataset, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives an ERPSpellerDataset and uses its data to fit the model. By default, executes pipeline ‘fit_dataset’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
dataset (ERPSpellerDataset) – Dataset with recordings from an ERP-based speller experiment
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- Returns
fit_results – Dict with the information of the fot process. For command decoding models, at least it has to contain keys spell_result, spell_result_per_seq and spell_acc_per_seq, which contain the decoded commands, the decoded commands and the command decoding accuracy per sequences of stimulation considered in the analysis.
- Return type
- predict(times, signal, fs, channel_set, x_info, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives EEG signal and experiment info from an ERP-based speller to decode the user’s intentions. Used in online experiments. By default, executes pipeline ‘predict’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
times (list or numpy.ndarray) – Timestamps of the EEG samples
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – EEG samples with shape [n_samples x n_channels]
fs (float) – Sample rate of the EEG signal
l_cha (list) – List of channel labels
x_info (dict) – Dict with the needed experiment info to decode the commands. It has to contain keys: paradigm_conf, onsets, batch_idx, group_idx, unit_idx, level_idx, matrix_idx, sequence_idx, trial_idx, run_idx. See ERPSpellerData to know how are defined these variables.
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- class medusa.bci.erp_spellers.CMDModelRLDA[source]
Command decoding model for ERP-based spellers model based on regularized linear discriminant analysis (rLDA) based on the implementation of Krusienski et al 2008 [1].
Dataset features:
- Sample rate of the signals > 20 Hz. The model can handle recordings
with different sample rates.
Recommended channels: [‘Fz’, ‘Cz’, ‘Pz’, ‘P3’, ‘P4’, ‘PO7’, ‘PO8’, ‘Oz’].
Processing pipeline: - Preprocessing (medusa.bci.erp_spellers.StandardPreprocessing):
- IIR Filter (order=5, cutoff=(0.5, 10) Hz: unlike FIR filters, IIR
filters are quick and can be applied in small signal chunks. Thus, they are the preferred method for frequency filter in online systems.
- Common average reference (CAR): widely used spatial filter that
increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the ERPs.
Feature extraction (medusa.bci.erp_spellers.StandardFeatureExtraction):
- Epochs (window=(0, 1000) ms, resampling to 20 HZ): the epochs of
signal are extracted for each stimulation. Baseline normalization is also applied, taking the window (-250, 0) ms relative to the stimulus onset.
Feature classification (
- Regularized linear discriminant analysis (rLDA): we use the sklearn
implementation, with eigen solver and auto shrinkage paramers. See reference in sklearn doc.
[1] Krusienski, D. J., Sellers, E. W., McFarland, D. J., Vaughan, T. M., & Wolpaw, J. R. (2008). Toward enhanced P300 speller performance. Journal of neuroscience methods, 167(1), 15-21.
- build()[source]
This function builds the model, adding all the processing methods to the pipeline. It must be called after configure.
- configure(p_filt_cutoff=(0.5, 10), f_w_epoch_t=(0, 800), f_target_fs=20)[source]
This function must be used to configure the model before calling build method. Class attribute settings attribute must be set with a dict
- fit_dataset(dataset, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives an ERPSpellerDataset and uses its data to fit the model. By default, executes pipeline ‘fit_dataset’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
dataset (ERPSpellerDataset) – Dataset with recordings from an ERP-based speller experiment
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- Returns
fit_results – Dict with the information of the fot process. For command decoding models, at least it has to contain keys spell_result, spell_result_per_seq and spell_acc_per_seq, which contain the decoded commands, the decoded commands and the command decoding accuracy per sequences of stimulation considered in the analysis.
- Return type
- predict(times, signal, fs, channel_set, x_info, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives EEG signal and experiment info from an ERP-based speller to decode the user’s intentions. Used in online experiments. By default, executes pipeline ‘predict’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
times (list or numpy.ndarray) – Timestamps of the EEG samples
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – EEG samples with shape [n_samples x n_channels]
fs (float) – Sample rate of the EEG signal
l_cha (list) – List of channel labels
x_info (dict) – Dict with the needed experiment info to decode the commands. It has to contain keys: paradigm_conf, onsets, batch_idx, group_idx, unit_idx, level_idx, matrix_idx, sequence_idx, trial_idx, run_idx. See ERPSpellerData to know how are defined these variables.
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- class medusa.bci.erp_spellers.CSDModelEEGInception[source]
Control state detection model for ERP-based spellers model based on EEG-Inception, a powerful deep convolutional neural network specifically developed for BCI applications [1]. More information about this control state detection method can be found in [2].
Dataset features:
- Sample rate of the signals > 128 Hz. The model can handle recordings
with different sample rates.
Recommended channels: [‘Fz’, ‘Cz’, ‘Pz’, ‘P3’, ‘P4’, ‘PO7’, ‘PO8’, ‘Oz’].
Processing pipeline:
- IIR Filter (order=5, cutoff=(0.5, 45) Hz: unlike FIR filters, IIR
filters are quick and can be applied in small signal chunks. Thus, they are the preferred method for frequency filter in online systems
- Common average reference (CAR): widely used spatial filter that
increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the ERPs.
Feature extraction:
- Epochs (window=(0, 1000) ms, resampling to 128 HZ): the epochs of
signal are extract for each stimulation. Baseline normalization is also applied, taking the window (-250, 0) ms relative to the stimulus onset.
Feature classification
EEG-Inception: convolutional neural network
[1] Santamaría-Vázquez, E., Martínez-Cagigal, V., Vaquerizo-Villar, F., & Hornero, R. (2020). EEG-Inception: A Novel Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Assistive ERP-based Brain-Computer Interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.
[2] Eduardo Santamaría-Vázquez, Víctor Martínez-Cagigal, Sergio Pérez-Velasco, Diego Marcos-Martínez, Roberto Hornero, Robust Asynchronous Control of ERP-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces using Deep Learning, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 215, Marzo, 2022
- build()[source]
This function builds the model, adding all the processing methods to the pipeline. It must be called after configure.
- configure(cnn_n_cha=8, fine_tuning=False, shuffle_before_fit=True, validation_split=0.2, init_weights_path=None, gpu_acceleration=True)[source]
This function must be used to configure the model before calling build method. Class attribute settings attribute must be set with a dict
- fit_dataset(dataset, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives an ERPSpellerDataset and uses its data to fit the model. By default, executes pipeline ‘fit_dataset’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
dataset (ERPSpellerDataset) – Dataset with recordings from an ERP-based speller experiment
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- Returns
fit_results – Dict with the information of the fot process. For command decoding models, at least it has to contain keys spell_result, spell_result_per_seq and spell_acc_per_seq, which contain the decoded commands, the decoded commands and the command decoding accuracy per sequences of stimulation considered in the analysis.
- Return type
- predict(times, signal, fs, channel_set, x_info, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives EEG signal and experiment info from an ERP-based speller to decode the user’s intentions. Used in online experiments. By default, executes pipeline ‘predict’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
times (list or numpy.ndarray) – Timestamps of the EEG samples
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – EEG samples with shape [n_samples x n_channels]
fs (float) – Sample rate of the EEG signal
l_cha (list) – List of channel labels
x_info (dict) – Dict with the needed experiment info to decode the commands. It has to contain keys: paradigm_conf, onsets, batch_idx, group_idx, unit_idx, level_idx, matrix_idx, sequence_idx, trial_idx, run_idx. See ERPSpellerData to know how are defined these variables.
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- class medusa.bci.erp_spellers.ERPSpellerData[source]
Experiment info class for ERP-based spellers. It supports nested multi-level paradigms. This unified class can be used to represent a run of every ERP stimulation paradigm designed to date, and is the expected class for feature extraction and command decoding functions of the module medusa.bci.erp_paradigms. It is complicated, but powerful so.. use it well!
- __init__(mode, paradigm_conf, commands_info, onsets, batch_idx, group_idx, unit_idx, level_idx, matrix_idx, sequence_idx, trial_idx, spell_result, control_state_result, spell_target=None, control_state_target=None, **kwargs)[source]
ERPSpellerData constructor
- Parameters
mode (str) – Mode of this run. Values: {“train”|”test”}
paradigm_conf (list) –
This parameter describes the paradigm configuration for the experiment. The array must have shape [n_matrices x n_units x n_groups x n_batches x n_commands/batch]. The matrix is the maximum entity of the paradigm and only one can be used in each trial. The units are smaller entities that are used in multi-level paradigms, such as the Hex-O-spell (HOS) paradigm [1]. In this case, each level can use a different unit, affecting the selected command for the trial. For instance, in the HOS paradigm, you should define 1 matrix with 7 units, one for the initial menu and 6 for the second level of each command (letters). Importantly, commands must be univocally defined in each matrix. Therefore, units cannot share command identifiers. Then, the groups describe aggregations of commands that are highlighted at the same time. For instance, the row-column paradigm (RCP) [2] has 2 groups of commands (i.e., rows and columns), whereas the HOS has only 1 (i.e., each command is highlighted individually). Finally, batches contain the commands IDs defined in each group. In an RCP matrix of 6x6, each of the 2 groups has 6 batches, corresponding to the rows and columns. This structure supports nested multi-level matrices, providing compatibility with all paradigms to date and setting a general framework for feature extraction and command decoding functions. The relationship between the command IDs and the letters or actions should be defined in other variable, but it is not necessary for signal processing.
Example of 2x2 RCP paradigm:
- rcp_conf = [
# Matrices [
# Units [
# Groups [
# Batches [0, 1], [2, 3]
], [
[0, 2], [1, 3]
Example of HOS paradigm:
- hos_conf = [
# Matrices [
# Units [
# Groups [
# Batches [0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
], [
- [
[6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]
], [
- [
[12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17]
], [
- [
[18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23]
], [
- [
[24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29]
commands_info (list) – List containing the command information per matrix. Each position must be a dict, whose keys are the command ids used in paradigm_conf. The value must be another dict containing important information about each command (e.g., label, text, action, icon path, etc). This information may be different for different use cases, but must be serializable (i.e., contain primitive types). Shape [n_matrices x n_commands].
onsets (list or numpy.ndarray) – Timestamp of each stimulation. This timestamps have to be synchronized with the EEG (or other biosignal) timestamps in order to assure a correct functioning of all medusa functions. Shape: [n_stim x 1]
batch_idx (list or numpy.ndarray) – Index of the highlighted batch for each stimulation. A batch represents the highlighted commands in each stimulation. For example in the row-col paradigm (RCP) represents each row and column. Shape: [n_stim x 1]
group_idx (list or numpy.ndarray) – Index of the group that has been highlighted. Groups represent the different aggregations of batches. Between batches of different groups, 1 command must be common. For example in the RCP there are 2 groups: rows and columns. In this paradigm, between each pair of batches (e.g., row=2, col=4), there is only one command in common. Shape: [n_stim x 1]
unit_idx (list or numpy.ndarray) – Index of the unit used in each stimulation. Units are low level entities used in multi-level paradigms, such as HOS paradigm [1]. For each level, only 1 unit can be used. As the trial may have several layers, several units can be used in 1 trial. For instance, in the HOS, the first unit is the main menu. The other 6 units are each of the lower level entities that are displayed in the second level of stimulation. Shape: [n_stim x 1]
level_idx (list or numpy.ndarray) – Index of the level of each stimulation. Levels represent each one of the selections that must be made before a trial is finished. For example, in the Hex-O-spell paradigm there are 2 levels (see [1]). Shape: [n_stim x 1]
matrix_idx (list or numpy.ndarray) – Index of the matrix used in each stimulation. Each matrix can contain several levels. The matrix has to be the same accross the entire trial. Shape: [n_stim x 1]
sequence_idx (list or numpy.ndarray) – Index of the sequence for each stimulation. A sequence represents a round of stimulation: all commands have been highlighted 1 time. This class support dynamic stopping in different levels. Shape: [n_stim x 1]
trial_idx (list or numpy.ndarray) – Index of the trial for each stimulation. A trial represents the selection of a final command. Depending on the number of levels, the final selection takes N intermediate selections.
spell_result (list or numpy.ndarray) – Spell result of the run. Each position contains the matrix and command id that identifies the selected command per trial and level. Shape [n_trials x n_levels x 2]. Eg., in the RCP: [[[matrix_idx, cmd_id], [matrix_idx, cmd_id]]].
control_state_result (list or numpy.ndarray) – Control state result of the run. Each position contains the detected control state of the user per trial (0 -> non-control, 1-> control). Shape: [n_trials x 1]. Values {0|1}
spell_target (list or numpy.ndarray or None) – Spell target of the run. Each position contains the matrix and command id per level that identifies the target command of the trial. Shape [n_trials x n_levels x 2]. Eg., in the RCP: [[[matrix_idx, cmd_id], [matrix_idx, cmd_id], etc]].
control_state_target (list or numpy.ndarray or None) – Control state target of the run. Each position contains the target control state of the user per trial (0 -> non-control, 1-> control). Shape: [n_trials x 1]. Values {0|1}
kwargs (kwargs) – Custom arguments that will also be saved in the class
[1] Blankertz, B., Dornhege, G., Krauledat, M., Schröder, M., Williamson, J., Murray-Smith, R., & Müller, K. R. (2006). The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface presents the novel mental typewriter Hex-o-Spell.
[2] Farwell, L. A., & Donchin, E. (1988). Talking off the top of your head: toward a mental prosthesis utilizing event-related brain potentials. Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 70(6), 510-523.
- compute_control_state_labels()[source]
This function computes the control state label vector (0 -> non-control state, 1 -> control state).
- compute_erp_labels()[source]
This function computes the erp label vector (0 if the epoch doesn’t have ERP, 1 if the epoch have ERP).
- classmethod from_serializable_obj(dict_data)[source]
This function must return an instance of the class from a serializable dict (primitive types)
- get_batches_associated_to_cmd(matrix_idx, command_idx)[source]
This function returns the batches associated to the given command as defined in the paradigm configuration
- Parameters
matrix_idx (int) – Matrix of the command
command_idx (int) – Index of the command as defined in attribute commands_info
- static get_paradigm_conf_for_hox(matrix_dims, commands_info_hox=None)[source]
Returns the paradigm configuration matrix for the Hex-O-Speller (HOX) or cake paradigms from the Berlin BCI Group [1]. This paradigm has 2 levels of selection with 6 commands in each unit.
- Parameters
matrix_dims (list or np.array) – Array containing the dimensions of the matrices used in the experiment. For each matrix, the first position is the number of commands of the first level and the second the number of commands of the second level (typically both are 6). Shape [n_matrices x 2]
commands_info_hox (list or None) – Array containing the dict info of each command. The first dimension are the matrices, the second dimension represent the units, and the third dimension contains the dictionary with the info of each command. Typically, this paradigm has 7 units of 6 commands each. As defined by the Berlin BCI group: 1 menu matrix and 6 matrix for each group of 6 letters. Therefore, with this setup, this array has shape [n_matrices x 7 x 6]
- Returns
paradigm_conf (list) – Array with the paradigm configuration for an RCP paradigm
commands_info (list) – Flattened version of commands_info input. It contains the command information corresponding to paradigm_conf. If input parameter commands_info is None, this output will be a skeleton with an empty dict for each command. If input commands_info is provided, it will be incorporated in the output
[1] Blankertz, B., Dornhege, G., Krauledat, M., Schröder, M., Williamson, J., Murray-Smith, R., & Müller, K. R. (2006). The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface presents the novel mental typewriter Hex-o-Spell.
- static get_paradigm_conf_for_rcp(matrix_dims, commands_info_rcp=None)[source]
Returns the paradigm configuration matrix for the row-column paradigm (RCP) experiment [1]
- Parameters
matrix_dims (list or np.array) – Array containing the dimensions of the matrices used in the experiment. For each matrix, the first position is the number of rows and the second the number of columns. Shape [n_matrices x 2]
commands_info_rcp (list or None) – Array containing the dict info of each command, arranged in 2D matrices. Shape [n_matrices x n_rows x n_cols]
- Returns
paradigm_conf (list) – Array with the paradigm configuration for an RCP paradigm
commands_info (list) – Flattened version of commands_info input. It contains the command information corresponding to paradigm_conf. If input parameter commands_info is None, this output will be a skeleton with an empty dict for each command. If input commands_info is provided, it will be incorporated in the output
[1] Farwell, L. A., & Donchin, E. (1988). Talking off the top of your head: toward a mental prosthesis utilizing event-related brain potentials. Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 70(6), 510-523.
- class medusa.bci.erp_spellers.ERPSpellerDataset[source]
This class inherits from medusa.data_structures.Dataset, increasing its functionality for datasets with data from ERP-based spellers. It provides common ground for the rest of functions in the module.
- __init__(channel_set, fs=None, biosignal_att_key='eeg', experiment_att_key='erpspellerdata', experiment_mode=None, track_attributes=None)[source]
- Parameters
channel_set (meeg.EEGChannelSet) – EEG channel set. Only these channels will be kept in the dataset, the others will be discarded. Also, the signals will be rearranged, keeping the same channel order, avoiding errors in future stages of the signal processing pipeline
fs (int, float or None) – Sample rate of the recordings. If there are recordings with different sample rates, the consistency of the dataset can be still assured using resampling
biosignal_att_key (str) – Name of the attribute containing the target biosginal that will be used to extract the features. It has to be the same in all recordings (e.g., ‘eeg’, ‘meg’).
experiment_att_key (str or None) – Name of the attribute containing the target experiment that will be used to extract the features. It has to be the same in all recordings (e.g., ‘rcp_data’, ‘cake_paradigm_data’). It is mandatory when a recording of the dataset contains more than 1 experiment data
experiment_mode (str {‘train’|’test’|None}) – Mode of the experiment. If this dataset will be used to fit a model, set to train to avoid errors
track_attributes (dict of dicts or None) –
This parameter indicates custom attributes that must be tracked in feature extraction functions and how. The keys are the name of the attributes, whereas the values are dicts indicating the tracking mode {‘concatenate’|’append’} and parent. Option concatenate is only available for attributes of type list or numpy arrays, forming a 1 dimensional array with the data from all recordings. Option append is used to save all kind of objects for each recording, forming a list whose length will be the number of recordings in the dataset. A set of default attributes is defined, so this parameter will be None in most cases. Example to track 2 custom attributes (i.e., date and experiment_equipment):
- track_attributes = {
- ‘date’: {
‘track_mode’: ‘append’, ‘parent’: None
}, ‘experiment_equipment’: {
’track_mode’: ‘append’, ‘parent’: experiment_att_key
- custom_operations_on_recordings(recording)[source]
Function add_recordings calls this function before adding each recording to the dataset. Implement this method in custom classes to have personalized behaviour (e.g., change the channel set)
- Parameters
recording (subclass of Recording) – Recording that will be changed. It can also be a subclass of Recording
- Returns
recording – Modified recording
- Return type
- class medusa.bci.erp_spellers.ERPSpellerModel[source]
Skeleton class for ERP-based spellers models. This class inherits from components.Algorithm. Therefore, it can be used to create standalone algorithms that can be used in compatible apps from medusa-platform for online experiments. See components.Algorithm to know more about this functionality.
Related tutorials:
Overview of erp_spellers module [LINK]
- Create standalone models for ERP-based spellers compatible with
Medusa platform [LINK]
- abstract build(*args, **kwargs)[source]
This function builds the model, adding all the processing methods to the pipeline. It must be called after configure.
- static check_for_non_control_data(cs_labels, cs_target, throw_warning=True)[source]
Checks the data for non-control trials.
- Returns
check – True if there is non-control trials in the data, False otherwise.
- Return type
- abstract configure(**kwargs)[source]
This function must be used to configure the model before calling build method. Class attribute settings attribute must be set with a dict
- fit_dataset(dataset, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives an ERPSpellerDataset and uses its data to fit the model. By default, executes pipeline ‘fit_dataset’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
dataset (ERPSpellerDataset) – Dataset with recordings from an ERP-based speller experiment
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- Returns
fit_results – Dict with the information of the fot process. For command decoding models, at least it has to contain keys spell_result, spell_result_per_seq and spell_acc_per_seq, which contain the decoded commands, the decoded commands and the command decoding accuracy per sequences of stimulation considered in the analysis.
- Return type
- static get_control_data(x, x_info)[source]
Selects only the control trials in the dataset. Useful to fit command decoding models.
- predict(times, signal, fs, l_cha, x_info, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives EEG signal and experiment info from an ERP-based speller to decode the user’s intentions. Used in online experiments. By default, executes pipeline ‘predict’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
times (list or numpy.ndarray) – Timestamps of the EEG samples
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – EEG samples with shape [n_samples x n_channels]
fs (float) – Sample rate of the EEG signal
l_cha (list) – List of channel labels
x_info (dict) – Dict with the needed experiment info to decode the commands. It has to contain keys: paradigm_conf, onsets, batch_idx, group_idx, unit_idx, level_idx, matrix_idx, sequence_idx, trial_idx, run_idx. See ERPSpellerData to know how are defined these variables.
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- class medusa.bci.erp_spellers.StandardFeatureExtraction[source]
Standard feature extraction method for ERP-based spellers. Basically, it gets the raw epoch for each stimulation event.
- __init__(w_epoch_t=(0, 1000), target_fs=20, w_baseline_t=(- 250, 0), norm='z', concatenate_channels=True, safe_copy=True)[source]
Class constructor
- w_epoch_tlist
Temporal window in ms for each epoch relative to the event onset (e.g., [0, 1000])
- target_fsfloat of None
Target sample rate of each epoch. If None, all the recordings must have the same sample rate, so it is strongly recommended to set this parameter to a suitable value to avoid problems and save time
- w_baseline_tlist
Temporal window in ms to be used for baseline normalization for each epoch relative to the event onset (e.g., [-250, 0])
- normstr {‘z’|’dc’}
Type of baseline normalization. Set to ‘z’ for Z-score normalization or ‘dc’ for DC normalization
- concatenate_channelsbool
This parameter controls the shape of the feature array. If True, all channels will be concatenated, returning an array of shape [n_events x (samples x channels)]. If false, the array will have shape [n_events x samples x channels]
- safe_copybool
Makes a safe copy of the signal to avoid changing the original samples due to references
- transform_dataset(dataset, show_progress_bar=True)[source]
High level function to easily extract features from EEG recordings and save useful info for later processing. Nevertheless, the provided functionality has several limitations and it will not be suitable for all cases and processing pipelines. If it does not fit your needs, create a custom function iterating the recordings and using extract_erp_features, a much more low-level and general function. This function does not apply any preprocessing to the signals, this must be done before
- Parameters
dataset (ERPSpellerDataset) – List of data_structures.Recordings or data_structures.Dataset. If this parameter is a list of recordings, the consistency of the dataset will be checked. Otherwise, if the parameter is a dataset, this function assumes that the consistency is already checked
show_progress_bar (bool) – Show progress bar
- Returns
features (numpy.ndarray) – Array with the biosignal samples arranged in epochs
track_info (dict) – Dictionary with tracked information across all recordings
- transform_signal(times, signal, fs, onsets)[source]
- Function to extract ERP features from raw signal. It returns a 3D
feature array with shape [n_events x n_samples x n_channels]. This function does not track any other attributes. Use for online processing and custom higher level functions.
- timeslist or numpy.ndarray
1D numpy array [n_samples]. Timestamps of each sample. If they are not available, generate them artificially. Nevertheless, all signals and events must have the same temporal origin
- signallist or numpy.ndarray
2D numpy array [n_samples x n_channels]. EEG samples (the units should be defined using kwargs)
- fsint or float
Sample rate of the recording.
- onsetslist or numpy.ndarray [n_events x 1]
Timestamp of each event
- featuresnp.ndarray [n_events x n_samples x n_channels]
Feature array with the epochs of signal
- class medusa.bci.erp_spellers.StandardPreprocessing[source]
Just the common preprocessing applied in ERP-based spellers. Simple, quick and effective: frequency IIR filter followed by common average reference (CAR) spatial filter.
- __init__(order=5, cutoff=(0.5, 10), btype='bandpass', filt_method='sosfiltfilt')[source]
ProcessingMethod constructor
- Parameters
kwargs – Key-value arguments that define the exposed methods and output signature. This is used by class Algorithm for a correct implementation of signal processing pipelines.
- fit(fs, n_cha=None)[source]
Fits the IIR filter.
- Parameters
fs (float) – Sample rate of the signal.
n_cha (int) – Number of channels. Used to compute the initial conditions of the frequency filter. Only required with sosfilt filtering method (online filtering)
- fit_transform_dataset(dataset, show_progress_bar=True)[source]
Fits the IIR filter and transforms an EEG signal applying the filter and CAR sequentially. Each recording is preprocessed independently, taking into account possible differences in sample rate.
- Parameters
dataset (ERPSpellerDataset) – ERPSpellerDataset with the recordings to be preprocessed.
show_progress_bar (bool) – Show progress bar
- medusa.bci.erp_spellers.command_decoding_accuracy(selected_commands, target_commands)[source]
Computes the accuracy of the selected sequence of targets given the objective
- Parameters
selected_commands (list) – Target commands. Each position contains the matrix index and command id per level that identifies the selected command of the trial. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_levels x 2]
target_commands (list) – Target commands. Each position contains the matrix index and command id per level that identifies the target command of the trial. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_levels x 2]
- Returns
accuracy – Accuracy of the command decoding stage
- Return type
- medusa.bci.erp_spellers.command_decoding_accuracy_per_seq(selected_commands_per_seq, target_commands)[source]
Computes the accuracy of the selected sequence of targets given the target
- Parameters
selected_commands_per_seq (list) – List with the spell result per sequence as given by function decode_commands. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_levels x n_sequences x 2]
target_commands (list) – Target commands. Each position contains the matrix index and command id per level that identifies the target command of the trial. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_levels x 2]
- Returns
acc_per_seq – Accuracy of the command decoding stage for each number of sequences considered in the analysis. Shape [n_sequences]
- Return type
- medusa.bci.erp_spellers.control_state_detection_accuracy(selected_control_state, target_control_state)[source]
Computes the accuracy of the selected control states given the target
- Parameters
selected_control_state (list) – Target commands. Each position contains the matrix index and command id per level that identifies the selected command of the trial. Shape [n_runs x n_trials]
target_control_state (list) – Target control state. Each position contains the control state of the trial. Shape [n_runs x n_trials]
- Returns
accuracy – Accuracy of the command decoding stage
- Return type
- medusa.bci.erp_spellers.control_state_detection_accuracy_per_seq(selected_control_state_per_seq, target_control_state)[source]
Returns the accuracy of the selected sequence of predicted control states given the target.
- Parameters
selected_control_state_per_seq (list) – List with the control state detection result per sequence as given by function detect_control_state. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_sequences]
target_control_state (list) – Numpy array with dimensions [n_runs x n_trials] with the real control state of each trial
- Returns
acc_per_seq – Accuracy of the control state detection stage
- Return type
- medusa.bci.erp_spellers.decode_commands(scores, paradigm_conf, run_idx, trial_idx, matrix_idx, level_idx, unit_idx, sequence_idx, group_idx, batch_idx)[source]
Command decoder for ERP-based spellers.
- Parameters
scores (list or np.ndarray) – Array with the score for each stimulation
paradigm_conf (list or np.ndarray) – Array containing the unified speller matrix structure with shape [n_runs x n_matrices x n_units x n_groups x n_batches x n_commands/batch]. All ERP-based speller paradigms can be adapted to this format and use this function for command decoding. See ERPSpellerData class for more info.
run_idx (list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]) – Index of the run for each stimulation. This variable is automatically retrieved by function extract_erp_features_from_dataset as part of the track info dict. The run indexes must be related to paradigm_conf, keeping the same order. Therefore paradigm_conf[np.unique(run_idx)[0]] must retrieve the paradigm configuration of run 0.
trial_idx (list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]) – Index of the trial for each stimulation. A trial represents the selection of a final command. Depending on the number of levels, the final selection takes N intermediate selections.
matrix_idx (list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]) – Index of the matrix used in each stimulation. Each matrix can contain several levels. The matrix has to be the same accross the entire trial.
level_idx (list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]) – Index of the level of each stimulation. Levels represent each one of the selections that must be made before a trial is finished. For example, in the Hex-O-spell paradigm there are 2 levels (see [1]).
unit_idx (list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]) – Index of the unit used in each stimulation. Units are low level entities used in multi-level paradigms, such as HOS paradigm [1]. For each level, only 1 unit can be used. As the trial may have several layers, several units can be used in 1 trial. For instance, in the HOS, there are 7 units. The first unit is the main menu. The other 6 units are each of the lower level entities that are displayed in the second level of stimulation.
sequence_idx (list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]) – Index of the sequence for each stimulation. A sequence represents a round of stimulation: all commands have been highlighted 1 time. This class support dynamic stopping in different levels.
group_idx (list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]) – Index of the group that has been highlighted. Groups represent the different aggregations of batches. Between batches of different groups, 1 command must be common. For example in the RCP there are 2 groups: rows and columns. In this paradigm, between each pair of batches (e.g., row=2, col=4), there is only one command in common.
batch_idx (list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]) – Index of the code of the highlighted batch for each stimulation. A batch represents the highlighted commands in each stimulation. For example in the row-col paradigm (RCP) represents each row and column.
- Returns
selected_commands (list) – Selected command for each trial considering all sequences of stimulation. Each command is organized in an array [matrix_idx, command_id]. Take into account that the command ids are unique for each matrix, and therefore only the command of the last level should be useful to take action. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_levels x 2]
selected_commands_per_seq (list) – Selected command for each trial and sequence of stimulation. The fourth dimension of the array contains [matrix_idx, command_id]. To calculate the command for each sequence, it takes into account the scores of all the previous sequences as well. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_levels x n_sequences x 2]
scores (list) – Scores for each command per sequence. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_levels x n_sequences x n_commands x 1]. The score of each sequence is calculated independently of the previous sequences.
- medusa.bci.erp_spellers.detect_control_state(scores, run_idx, trial_idx, sequence_idx)[source]
Detects the user’s control state for each trial, assigning 0 to non-control and 1 to control states.
- Parameters
scores (list or np.ndarray) – Array with the score per stimulation.
run_idx (list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]) – Index of the run for each stimulation.
trial_idx (list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]) – Index of the trial for each stimulation. A trial represents the selection of a final command. Depending on the number of levels, the final selection takes N intermediate selections.
sequence_idx (list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]) – Index of the sequence for each stimulation. A sequence represents a round of stimulation: all commands have been highlighted 1 time. This class support dynamic stopping in different levels.
- Returns
selected_control_state (list) – Selected control state for each trial considering all sequences of stimulation. Shape [n_runs x n_trials]
selected_control_state_per_seq (list) – Selected command for each trial and sequence of stimulation. The fourth dimension of the array contains [matrix_idx, command_id]. To calculate the command for each sequence, it takes into account the scores of all the previous sequences as well. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_sequences]
scores (list) – Scores for each command per sequence. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_levels x n_sequences]. The score of each sequence is calculated independently of the previous sequences.
- medusa.bci.erp_spellers.get_selected_commands_info(selected_commands, commands_info)[source]
Returns the info dict of the selected commands
- Parameters
selected_commands (list) – Selected command for each trial. Each command is organized in an array [matrix_idx, command_id]. Take into account that the command ids are unique for each matrix, and therefore only the command of the last level should be useful to take action. Shape [n_runs x n_trials x n_levels x 2]
commands_info (list) – List containing the command information per run and matrix. Each position must be a dict, whose keys are the commands ids used in paradigm_conf. The value must be another dict containing important information about each command (e.g., label, text, action, icon path, etc). This information may be different for different use cases, but must be serializable (i.e., contain primitive types). Shape [n_runs x n_matrices x n_commands]
- Returns
selected_commands_info – List containing the information dict of the selected commands
- Return type
- medusa.bci.erp_spellers.split_erp_features(sets_pct, trial_idx_key='trial_idx', **kwargs)[source]
This function splits randomly an ERP dataset keeping the relation between epochs and trials, which enables a later analysis of command prediction.
- Parameters
sets_pct (list) – List containing the percentage of for each set. For example, sets_pct=[60, 20, 20] will split the dataset in three sets, one that contains 60% of the trials, and two that contains 20% each.
trial_idx_key (string) – Sets the trial_track_key, which is a vector that keeps the relation between trials and stimulus.
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Variables to split.
- Returns
variables – List of the sets containing a dict with the split variables
- Return type
medusa.bci.metrics module
Last edit: Víctor Martínez-Cagigal (07 Dec 2021)
- medusa.bci.metrics.itr(accuracy, n_commands, selections_per_min)[source]
Calculates the information transfer rate (ITR) in bits/min. This metric is widely used to assess the performance of a BCI. However, it has serious limitations for online systems: (i) it assumes that the probability of selecting all symbols is the same; (ii) the system is memoryless; (iii) a synchronous paradigm is used; (iv) users cannot correct mistakes.
- Parameters
accuracy (float or list of floats) – Accuracy of the system (between 0 and 1).
n_commands (int) – Number of possible commands to be selected.
selections_per_min (float) – Number of selections that have been performed in a minute.
- Returns
itr – ITR corresponding to each accuracy in bits per min (bpm).
- Return type
float or list of floats
medusa.bci.mi_paradigms module
Created on Monday February 14 09:27:14 2022
In this module you will find useful functions and classes to operate with data recorded using motor imagery paradigms, which are widely used by the BCI community. Enjoy!
@author: Sergio Pérez-Velasco
- class medusa.bci.mi_paradigms.CSPFeatureExtraction[source]
Common Spatial Patterns (CSP) feature extraction method for MI-based spellers.
Processing pipeline: - Use of StandardFeatureExtraction to get the raw epoch of each MI event. - Extract CSP features of those MI events.
- __init__(n_filters=4, w_epoch_t=(500, 4000), target_fs=None, baseline_mode='trial', w_baseline_t=(- 1500, - 500), norm='z', concatenate_channels=False, safe_copy=True, **kwargs)[source]
Class constructor
- n_filterint or None
Number of most discriminant CSP filters to decompose the signal into (must be less or equal to the number of channels in your signal). If int it will return that number of filters. If None it will return the all calculated filters.
- w_epoch_tlist
Temporal window in ms for each epoch relative to the event onset (e.g., [0, 3000])
- target_fsfloat of None
Target sample rate of each epoch. If None, all the recordings must have the same sample rate, so it is strongly recommended to set this parameter to a suitable value to avoid problems and save time
- baseline_mode{‘run’, ‘trial’, None}
If “run” selected it will use the w_baseline_t of the beginning of each run. If “trial” selected it will use the w_baseline_t previous to each epoch extracted. If None it will not perform the baseline extraction.
- w_baseline_tlist, np.ndarray or “auto”
Temporal window in ms to be used for baseline normalization. If baseline_mode = “run” it will use the temporal window since start of trial. If baseline_mode = “trial”, for each epoch it will use the time relative to the event onset (e.g., [0, 3000]). If “auto” selected:
If baseline_mode = “run” will use the time between the MedusaData.experiment.start and MedusaData.experiment.calibration information stored in the run. If baseline_mode = “trial” will use the time between [-1500,-500]ms takes the baseline from -1500ms to -500ms before each onset (0 ms represents the onset). If baseline_mode = None it will not be used.
- normstr {‘z’|’dc’}
Type of baseline normalization. Set to ‘z’ for Z-score normalization or ‘dc’ for DC normalization
- concatenate_channelsbool
This parameter controls the shape of the feature array. If True, all channels will be concatenated, returning an array of shape [n_events x (samples x channels)]. If false, the array will have shape [n_events x samples x channels]
- safe_copybool
Makes a safe copy of the signal to avoid changing the original samples due to references
After using the function, the attributes are computed:
methods fit and project.
- filters{(…, M, M) numpy.ndarray, (…, M, M) matrix}
Mixing matrix (spatial filters are stored in columns).
- eigenvalues(…, M) numpy.ndarray
Eigenvalues of w.
- patternsnumpy.ndarray
De-mixing matrix (activation patterns are stored in columns).
- Type
CSP class with attributes filters, eigenvalues, patterns and
- extract_log_var_features(X)[source]
This method computes the standard motor imagery log-variance features given the CSP .
- Parameters
X (numpy.ndarray, [n_trials, samples, channels]) – Epoched data of shape (n_trials, samples, channels)
- Returns
features – Feature array with the epochs of signal projected in the CSP space
- Return type
numpy.ndarray [n_events x n_channels]
- fit(X, y)[source]
Train Common Spatial Patterns (CSP) filters
Train Common Spatial Patterns (CSP) filters with support to >2 classes based on support multiclass CSP by means of approximate joint diagonalization. In this case, the spatial filter selection is achieved according to [1].
Adapted from
- Parameters
X (numpy.ndarray, [n_trials, samples, channels]) – Epoched data of shape (n_trials, samples, channels)
y (numpy.ndarray, [n_trials,]) – Labels for epoched data of shape (n_trials,)
[1] Grosse-Wentrup, Moritz, and Martin Buss. “Multiclass common spatial patterns and information theoretic feature extraction.” Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 55, no. 8 (2008): 1991-2000.
- project(times, signal, fs, onsets)[source]
Function to extract MI features from raw signal. It returns a 3D feature array with shape [n_events x n_samples x n_channels]. This function does not track any other attributes. Use for online processing and custom higher level functions.
- Parameters
times (list or numpy.ndarray) – 1D numpy array [n_samples]. Timestamps of each sample. If they are not available, generate them artificially. Nevertheless, all signals and events must have the same temporal origin
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – 2D numpy array [n_samples x n_channels]. EEG samples (the units should be defined using kwargs)
fs (int or float) – Sample rate of the recording.
onsets (list or numpy.ndarray [n_events x 1]) – Timestamp of each event
- Returns
features – Feature array with the epochs of signal projected in the CSP space
- Return type
numpy.ndarray [n_events x n_samples x n_channels]
- transform_dataset(dataset, show_progress_bar=True)[source]
High level function to easily extract features from EEG recordings and save useful info for later processing. Nevertheless, the provided functionality has several limitations and it will not be suitable for all cases and processing pipelines. If it does not fit your needs, create a custom function iterating the recordings and using extract_erp_features, a much more low-level and general function. This function does not apply any preprocessing to the signals, this must be done before
- Parameters
dataset (MIDataset) – List of data_structures.Recordings or data_structures.Dataset. If this parameter is a list of recordings, the consistency of the dataset will be checked. Otherwise, if the parameter is a dataset, this function assumes that the consistency is already checked
show_progress_bar (bool) – Show progress bar
- Returns
features (numpy.ndarray) – Array with the biosignal samples arranged in epochs
track_info (dict) – Dictionary with tracked information across all recordings
- class medusa.bci.mi_paradigms.MIData[source]
Class with the necessary attributes to define motor imagery (MI) experiments. It provides compatibility with high-level functions for this MI paradigms in BCI module.
- __init__(mode, onsets, w_trial_t, calibration_onset_w=None, w_preparation_t=None, w_rest_t=None, mi_labels=None, mi_labels_info=None, mi_result=None, paradigm_info=None, **kwargs)[source]
MIData constructor
- Parameters
mode (str {"train"|"test"|"guided test"}) – Mode of this run.
onsets (list or numpy.ndarray [n_stim x 1]) – Timestamp of the cue with respect to the EEG signal (just when the motor imagery starts).
w_trial_t (list [start, end]) – Temporal window of the motor imagery with respect to each onset in ms. For example, if w_trial_t = [500, 4000] the subject was performing the motor imagery task from 500ms to 4000ms after the onset.
calibration_onset_w (list [start, end]) – Timestamps of the onsets regarding the calibration window, if exists, respect to the EEG signal.
w_preparation_t (list [start, end]) – Temporal window of the preparation time (no motor imagery), if exists, with respect to each onset in ms.
w_rest_t (list [start, end]) – Temporal window of the rest time (no motor imagery), if exists, with respect to each onset in ms.
mi_labels (list or numpy.ndarray [n_mi_labels x 1]) – Only in train mode. Contains the mi labels of each stimulation, as many as classes in the experiment.
mi_labels_info (dict) –
Contains the description of the mi labels. Example:
- mi_labels_info =
{0: “Rest”, 1: “Left_hand”, 2: “Right_hand”}
mi_result (list or numpy.ndarray [n_mi_labels x 1]) – Result of this run. Each position contains the data of the selected target at each trial.
paradigm_info (dict()) – Recommended but not mandatory. Use this variable to keep the information regarding the different timings of the paradigm.
kwargs (kwargs) – Custom arguments that will also be saved in the class (e.g., timings, calibration gaps, etc.)
- class medusa.bci.mi_paradigms.MIDataset[source]
This class inherits from medusa.data_structures.Dataset, increasing its functionality for datasets with data from MI experiments. It provides common ground for the rest of functions in the module.
- __init__(channel_set, fs=None, biosignal_att_key='eeg', experiment_att_key='midata', experiment_mode=None, track_attributes=None)[source]
- Parameters
channel_set (meeg.EEGChannelSet) – EEG channel set. Only these channels will be kept in the dataset, the others will be discarded. Also, the signals will be rearranged, keeping the same channel order, avoiding errors in future stages of the signal processing pipeline
fs (int, float or None) – Sample rate of the recordings. If there are recordings with different sample rates, the consistency of the dataset can be still assured using resampling
biosignal_att_key (str) – Name of the attribute containing the target biosginal that will be used to extract the features. It has to be the same in all recordings (e.g., ‘eeg’, ‘meg’).
experiment_att_key (str or None) – Name of the attribute containing the target experiment that will be used to extract the features. It has to be the same in all recordings (e.g., ‘mi_left_right’, ‘rest_mi’). It is mandatory when a recording of the dataset contains more than 1 experiment data
experiment_mode (str {‘train’|’test’|’guided test’|None}) – Mode of the experiment. If this dataset will be used to fit a model, set to train to avoid errors
track_attributes (dict of dicts or None) –
This parameter indicates custom attributes that must be tracked in feature extraction functions and how. The keys are the name of the attributes, whereas the values are dicts indicating the tracking mode {‘concatenate’|’append’} and parent. Option concatenate is only available for attributes of type list or numpy arrays, forming a 1 dimensional array with the data from all recordings. Option append is used to save all kind of objects for each recording, forming a list whose length will be the number of recordings in the dataset. A set of default attributes is defined, so this parameter will be None in most cases. Example to track 2 custom attributes (i.e., date and experiment_equipment):
- track_attributes = {
- ‘date’: {
‘track_mode’: ‘append’, ‘parent’: None
}, ‘experiment_equipment’: {
’track_mode’: ‘append’, ‘parent’: experiment_att_key
- custom_operations_on_recordings(recording)[source]
Function add_recordings calls this function before adding each recording to the dataset. Implement this method in custom classes to have personalized behaviour (e.g., change the channel set)
- Parameters
recording (subclass of Recording) – Recording that will be changed. It can also be a subclass of Recording
- Returns
recording – Modified recording
- Return type
- class medusa.bci.mi_paradigms.MIModel[source]
Skeleton class for MI-based BCIs models. This class inherits from components.Algorithm. Therefore, it can be used to create standalone algorithms that can be used in compatible apps from medusa-platform for online experiments. See components.Algorithm to know more about this functionality.
Related tutorials:
Overview of mi_paradigms module [LINK]
- Create standalone models for MI-based BCIs compatible with
Medusa platform [LINK]
- abstract build(*args, **kwargs)[source]
This function builds the model, adding all the processing methods to the pipeline. It must be called after configure.
- abstract configure(**kwargs)[source]
This function must be used to configure the model before calling build method. Class attribute settings attribute must be set with a dict
- fit_dataset(dataset, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives an MIDataset and uses its data to fit the model. By default, executes pipeline ‘fit_dataset’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
dataset (MIDataset) – Dataset with recordings from an MI-based BCI experiment
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- Returns
fit_results – Dict with the information of the fit process. For command decoding models, at least it has to contain keys mi_target, mi_result and accuracy, which contain the target MI, the decoded MI and the decoding accuracy in the analysis.
- Return type
- predict(times, signal, fs, l_cha, x_info, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives EEG signal and experiment info from an MI-based trial to decode the user’s intentions. Used in online experiments. By default, executes pipeline ‘predict’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
times (list or numpy.ndarray) – Timestamps of the EEG samples
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – EEG samples with shape [n_samples x n_channels]
fs (float) – Sample rate of the EEG signal
l_cha (list) – List of channel labels
x_info (dict) – Dict with the needed experiment info to decode the commands. It has to contain keys: mode, onsets, w_trial_t. See MIData to know how are defined these variables.
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- class medusa.bci.mi_paradigms.MIModelCSP[source]
Decoding model for MI-based BCI applications based on Common Spatial Patterns (CSP).
Dataset features:
- Sample rate of the signals > 60 Hz. The model can handle recordings
with different sample rates.
Recommended channels: [‘C3’, ‘C4’].
Processing pipeline: - Preprocessing (medusa.bci.erp_spellers.StandardPreprocessing):
- IIR Filter (order=5, cutoff=(8, 30) Hz: unlike FIR filters, IIR
filters are quick and can be applied in small signal chunks. Thus, they are the preferred method for frequency filter in online systems.
- Common average reference (CAR): widely used spatial filter that
increases the signal-to-noise ratio of the MI control signals.
Feature extraction (medusa.bci.mi_paradigms.CSPFeatureExtraction):
- Epochs (window=(500, 4000) ms, resampling to 60 HZ): the epochs of
signal are extracted for each stimulation. Baseline normalization is also applied, taking the window (-1500, -500) ms relative to the stimulus onset.
- CSP projection: Epochs are then projected according to a CSP filter
previously trained.
Feature classification (
- Regularized linear discriminant analysis (rLDA): we use the sklearn
implementation, with eigen solver and auto shrinkage paramers. See reference in sklearn doc.
- build()[source]
This function builds the model, adding all the processing methods to the pipeline. It must be called after configure.
- configure(p_filt_cutoff=(8, 30), f_w_epoch_t=(500, 4000), f_target_fs=60, **kwargs)[source]
This function must be used to configure the model before calling build method. Class attribute settings attribute must be set with a dict
- fit_dataset(dataset, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives an MIDataset and uses its data to fit the model. By default, executes pipeline ‘fit_dataset’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
dataset (MIDataset) – Dataset with recordings from an MI-based BCI experiment
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- Returns
fit_results – Dict with the information of the fit process. For command decoding models, at least it has to contain keys mi_target, mi_result and accuracy, which contain the target MI, the decoded MI and the decoding accuracy in the analysis.
- Return type
- predict(times, signal, fs, channel_set, x_info, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives EEG signal and experiment info from an MI-based trial to decode the user’s intentions. Used in online experiments. By default, executes pipeline ‘predict’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
times (list or numpy.ndarray) – Timestamps of the EEG samples
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – EEG samples with shape [n_samples x n_channels]
fs (float) – Sample rate of the EEG signal
l_cha (list) – List of channel labels
x_info (dict) – Dict with the needed experiment info to decode the commands. It has to contain keys: mode, onsets, w_trial_t. See MIData to know how are defined these variables.
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- class medusa.bci.mi_paradigms.MIModelEEGSym[source]
Decoding model for MI-based BCI applications based on EEGSym [1], a deep convolutional neural network developed for inter-subjects MI classification.
Dataset features:
- Sample rate of the signals > 128 Hz. The model can handle recordings
with different sample rates.
Recommended channels: [‘F7’, ‘C3’, ‘Po3’, ‘Cz’, ‘Pz’, ‘F8’, ‘C4’, ‘Po4’].
Processing pipeline:
- IIR Filter (order=4, lowpass=49 Hz: unlike FIR filters, IIR filters
are quick and can be applied in small signal chunks. Thus, they are the preferred method for frequency filter in online systems
- Common average reference (CAR): widely used spatial filter that
increases the signal-to-noise ratio.
Feature extraction:
- Epochs (window=(0, 2000) ms, resampling to 128 HZ): the epochs of
signal are extracted after each onset. Baseline normalization is also applied, taking the same epoch window.
Feature classification
EEGSym: convolutional neural network [1].
[1] Pérez-Velasco, S., Santamaría-Vázquez, E., Martínez-Cagigal, V., Marcos-Mateo, D., & Hornero, R. (2020). EEGSym: Overcoming Intersubject Variability in Motor Imagery Based BCIs with Deep Learning. ?.
- build()[source]
This function builds the model, adding all the processing methods to the pipeline. It must be called after configure.
- configure(cnn_n_cha=8, ch_lateral=3, fine_tuning=False, shuffle_before_fit=True, validation_split=0.4, init_weights_path=None, gpu_acceleration=False, augmentation=False)[source]
This function must be used to configure the model before calling build method. Class attribute settings attribute must be set with a dict
- fit_dataset(dataset, continuous=False, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives an MIDataset and uses its data to fit the model. By default, executes pipeline ‘fit_dataset’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
dataset (MIDataset) – Dataset with recordings from an MI-based BCI experiment
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- Returns
fit_results – Dict with the information of the fit process. For command decoding models, at least it has to contain keys mi_target, mi_result and accuracy, which contain the target MI, the decoded MI and the decoding accuracy in the analysis.
- Return type
- predict(times, signal, fs, channel_set, x_info, **kwargs)[source]
Function that receives EEG signal and experiment info from an MI-based trial to decode the user’s intentions. Used in online experiments. By default, executes pipeline ‘predict’. Override method for other behaviour.
- Parameters
times (list or numpy.ndarray) – Timestamps of the EEG samples
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – EEG samples with shape [n_samples x n_channels]
fs (float) – Sample rate of the EEG signal
l_cha (list) – List of channel labels
x_info (dict) – Dict with the needed experiment info to decode the commands. It has to contain keys: mode, onsets, w_trial_t. See MIData to know how are defined these variables.
kwargs (key-value arguments) – Optional parameters depending on the specific implementation of the model
- class medusa.bci.mi_paradigms.StandardFeatureExtraction[source]
Standard feature extraction method for MI-based spellers. Basically, it gets the raw epoch for each MI event.
- __init__(w_epoch_t=(0, 3000), target_fs=128, baseline_mode='trial', w_baseline_t=(- 1500, - 500), norm='z', concatenate_channels=False, safe_copy=True)[source]
Class constructor
- w_epoch_tlist
Temporal window in ms for each epoch relative to the event onset (e.g., [0, 3000])
- target_fsfloat of None
Target sample rate of each epoch. If None, all the recordings must have the same sample rate, so it is strongly recommended to set this parameter to a suitable value to avoid problems and save time
- baseline_mode{‘run’, ‘trial’, None}
If “run” selected it will use the w_baseline_t of the beginning of each run. If “trial” selected it will use the w_baseline_t previous to each epoch extracted. If None it will not perform the baseline extraction.
- w_baseline_tlist, np.ndarray or “auto”
Temporal window in ms to be used for baseline normalization. If baseline_mode = “run” it will use the temporal window since start of trial. If baseline_mode = “trial”, for each epoch it will use the time relative to the event onset (e.g., [-1500, -500]). If “auto” selected:
If baseline_mode = “run” will use the time between the MedusaData.experiment.start and MedusaData.experiment.calibration information stored in the run. If baseline_mode = “trial” will use the time between [-1500,-500]ms takes the baseline from -1500ms to -500ms before each onset (0 ms represents the onset). If baseline_mode = None it will not be used.
- normstr {‘z’|’dc’}
Type of baseline normalization. Set to ‘z’ for Z-score normalization or ‘dc’ for DC normalization
- concatenate_channelsbool
This parameter controls the shape of the feature array. If True, all channels will be concatenated, returning an array of shape [n_events x (samples x channels)]. If false, the array will have shape [n_events x samples x channels]
- safe_copybool
Makes a safe copy of the signal to avoid changing the original samples due to references
- transform_dataset(dataset, show_progress_bar=True, continuous=False)[source]
High level function to easily extract features from EEG recordings and save useful info for later processing. Nevertheless, the provided functionality has several limitations and it will not be suitable for all cases and processing pipelines. If it does not fit your needs, create a custom function iterating the recordings and using extract_erp_features, a much more low-level and general function. This function does not apply any preprocessing to the signals, this must be done before
- Parameters
dataset (MIDataset) – List of data_structures.Recordings or data_structures.Dataset. If this parameter is a list of recordings, the consistency of the dataset will be checked. Otherwise, if the parameter is a dataset, this function assumes that the consistency is already checked
show_progress_bar (bool) – Show progress bar
- Returns
features (numpy.ndarray) – Array with the biosignal samples arranged in epochs
track_info (dict) – Dictionary with tracked information across all recordings
- transform_signal(times, signal, fs, onsets, w_epoch_t=None)[source]
Function to extract MI features from raw signal. It returns a 3D feature array with shape [n_events x n_samples x n_channels]. This function does not track any other attributes. Use for online processing and custom higher level functions.
- Parameters
times (list or numpy.ndarray) – 1D numpy array [n_samples]. Timestamps of each sample. If they are not available, generate them artificially. Nevertheless, all signals and events must have the same temporal origin
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – 2D numpy array [n_samples x n_channels]. EEG samples (the units should be defined using kwargs)
fs (int or float) – Sample rate of the recording.
onsets (list or numpy.ndarray [n_events x 1]) – Timestamp of each event
- Returns
features – Feature array with the epochs of signal
- Return type
np.ndarray [n_events x n_samples x n_channels]
- class medusa.bci.mi_paradigms.StandardPreprocessing[source]
Just the common preprocessing applied in MI-based BCI. Simple, quick and effective: frequency IIR filter followed by common average reference (CAR) spatial filter.
- __init__(order=5, cutoff=[0.05, 63], btype='bandpass', temp_filt_method='sosfiltfilt')[source]
ProcessingMethod constructor
- Parameters
kwargs – Key-value arguments that define the exposed methods and output signature. This is used by class Algorithm for a correct implementation of signal processing pipelines.
- fit(fs, n_cha=None)[source]
Fits the IIR filter.
- Parameters
fs (float) – Sample rate of the signal.
n_cha (int) – Number of channels. Used to compute the initial conditions of the frequency filter. Only required with sosfilt filtering method (online filtering)
- fit_transform_dataset(dataset, show_progress_bar=True)[source]
Fits the IIR filter and transforms an EEG signal applying the filter and CAR sequentially. Each recording is preprocessed independently, taking into account possible differences in sample rate.
- Parameters
dataset (MIDataset) – MIDataset with the recordings to be preprocessed.
show_progress_bar (bool) – Show progress bar
medusa.bci.nft_paradigms module
In this module you will find useful functions and classes to apply on-line Neurofeedback models. Each model is based on different features to be used as target to train. Enjoy!
@author: Diego Marcos-Martínez
- class medusa.bci.nft_paradigms.ConnectivityBasedNFTModel[source]
- __init__(fs, filter_dict, l_baseline_t, update_feature_window, update_rate, montage, target_channels, fc_measure, mode, apply_car, pct_tol_ocular=None, pct_tol_muscular=None)[source]
ProcessingMethod constructor
- Parameters
kwargs – Key-value arguments that define the exposed methods and output signature. This is used by class Algorithm for a correct implementation of signal processing pipelines.
- calibration(eeg)[source]
It pre-process eeg, gets signal filtered in artifact-related bands and filters the pre-processed eeg in training band. Then, it calculates the baseline value. :param eeg: [n_samples, n_channels] :type eeg: numpy.ndarray
- Returns
- Return type
- class medusa.bci.nft_paradigms.ConnectivityExtraction[source]
Functional Connectivity-based features to extract from user’s EEG.
- __init__(l_baseline_t=5, fs=250, update_feature_window=2, update_rate=0.25, fc_measure=None, mode=None, montage=None, target_channels=None, pct_tol=0.9)[source]
Class constructor
- l_baseline_t: int
Time employed to calculate the number of samples to obtain baseline connectivity parameter. In seconds.
- fs: int or float
Sample rate of the recording.
- update_feature_window: int or float
Length in seconds of the temporal window applied to calculate the feature.
- update_rate: int or float
Feedback update time in online mode.
- fc_measure: str
“WPLI” or “AECORT”. Measure of Functional Connectivity to calculate.
- mode: str
“Global coupling”, “Strength” or “Coupling”. Information extracted from adjacency matrix.
montage: EEGChannelSet target_channels: list or None
List containing the labels of the target channels.
pct_tol: numpy.ndarray Array containing variance increase (in percentage) tolerated.
- calculate_adj_mat(signal)[source]
This function calculates the adjacency matrix depending on the FC mode. :param signal: Signal filtered in the narrow band for training.
[n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels] or [n_samples, n_channels].
- Returns
adj_mat – [n_epochs, n_channels, n_channels].
- Return type
- calculate_feature(adj_mat)[source]
Calculates Graph metric from adjacency matrix.
- Parameters
adj_mat (numpy.ndarray) – [n_channels, n_channels].
- ext_feature(signal, signal_artifacts)[source]
Function for extracting FC values in online mode. :param signal: Signal filtered in the narrow band for training. [n_samples, n_channels]. :type signal: numpy.ndarray :param signal_artifacts: Array containing the signal filtered in each frequency band associated
to the artifacts to avoid. [n_artifact_bands, n_samples, n_channels].
- Returns
- Return type
- mean_coupling(adj_mat)[source]
- This function calculates the connectivity values between all the
target channels and average it value.
- Parameters
adj_mat (numpy.ndarray) – [n_channels, n_channels].
- set_baseline(signal, signal_artifacts, filtered_signal)[source]
This functions establish the baseline value. :param signal: Original signal pre-processed (offset and power-line removed, and CAR)
[n_samples, n_channels].
- Parameters
signal_artifacts (numpy.ndarray) – Array containing the signal filtered in each frequency band associated to the artifacts to avoid. [n_artifact_bands, n_samples, n_channels].
filtered_signal (numpy.ndarray) – Signal filtered in the narrow band for training. [n_samples, n_channels].
- Returns
- Return type
- class medusa.bci.nft_paradigms.NeurofeedbackData[source]
Experiment info class for Neurofeedback training experiments. It records the important events that take place during a Neurofeedback run, allowing offline analysis.
- __init__(run_onsets, run_durations, run_success, run_pauses, run_restarts, medusa_nft_app_settings, nft_values, nft_times, nft_baseline)[source]
- class medusa.bci.nft_paradigms.PowerBasedNFTModel[source]
- __init__(fs, filter_dict, l_baseline_t, update_feature_window, update_rate, montage, target_channels, mode, apply_car, apply_laplacian, pct_tol_ocular=None, pct_tol_muscular=None)[source]
Pipeline for Power-based Neurofeedback training. This class inherits from components.Algorithm. Therefore, it can be used to create standalone algorithms that can be used in compatible apps from medusa-platform for online experiments. See components.Algorithm to know more about this functionality.
- calibration(eeg, **kwargs)[source]
It pre-process eeg and gets signal filtered in artifact-related bands. Then, it calculates the baseline value. :param eeg: [n_samples, n_channels] :type eeg: numpy.ndarray
- Returns
- Return type
- class medusa.bci.nft_paradigms.PowerExtraction[source]
Power-based features to extract from user’s EEG.
- __init__(l_baseline_t=5, fs=250, update_feature_window=2, update_rate=0.25, pct_tol=0.9, f_dict=None, mode=None)[source]
Class constructor
- l_baseline_t: int
Time employed to calculate the number of samples to obtain baseline power parameter. In seconds.
- fs: int or float
Sample rate of the recording.
- update_feature_window = int
Length in seconds of the temporal window applied to calculate the feature.
- update_rate: int or float
Feedback update time in online mode.
- f_dict: dict
Dict containing the frequency bands associated to training band and artifacts to avoid.
- pct_tol: numpy.ndarray
Array containing variance increase (in percentage) tolerated.
- mode: str
“single” or “ratio”
- band_power(signal, signal_artifacts)[source]
This function returns the band power from Power Spectral Density. If signal noise is above the pre-established thresholds, this function will return None.
- Parameters
signal (numpy.ndarray) – Signal pre-processed. [n_samples, n_channels].
signal_artifacts (numpy.ndarray) – Signal filtered in the frequency bands associated to the artifacts to be avoided. [n_artifact_bands, n_samples, n_channels].
- Returns
- Return type
float or None
- power(psd)[source]
This function calculates power from Power Spectral Density :param psd: [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels]. :type psd: numpy.ndarray
- Returns
powers – [n_training_bands].
- Return type
- set_baseline(signal, signal_artifacts)[source]
This function sets the power baseline, given the already filtered EEG containing the calibration phase. Also, takes into account the Neurofeedback training mode, so performs different baseline calculations depending on the mode set.
- Parameters
signal (numpy.ndarray) – EEG already pre-processed. [n_samples, n_channels].
signal_artifacts (numpy.ndarray) – Signal filtered in the frequency bands associated to the artifacts to be avoided. [n_artifact_bands, n_samples, n_channels].
- Returns
- Return type
- class medusa.bci.nft_paradigms.SignalPreprocessing[source]
Common preprocessing applied in Neurofeedback applications. It is composed by a frequency IIR filter followed by a spatial filters. Functions are adapted to filter the signal in more than one frequency range, if necessary.
- __init__(filter_dict=None, montage=None, target_channels=None, laplacian=False, car=False, n_cha_lp=None)[source]
ProcessingMethod constructor
- Parameters
kwargs – Key-value arguments that define the exposed methods and output signature. This is used by class Algorithm for a correct implementation of signal processing pipelines.
- fit(fs)[source]
Fits the IIR filter and Laplacian spatial filter (if selected) for signal preprocessing stage.
- Parameters
fs (float) – Sampling rate in Hz.
- narrow_transform(signal, parallel_computing=True)[source]
Applies the IIR filter for narrow band filtering.
- Parameters
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – Signal to transform. Shape [n_samples x n_channels].
parallel_computing (bool) – If true, it filters the signal concurrently.
- Returns
signal – Signal filtered in the training band [n_samples, n_channels].
- Return type
- prep_fit_transform(fs, signal)[source]
Fits the IIR filter and transforms an EEG signal applying IIR filter and spatial filters sequentially.
- Parameters
fs (float) – Sampling rate in Hz.
n_cha_lp (int) – Number of nearest channels to compute Laplacian spatial filter (Auto mode).
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – Signal to transform. Shape [n_samples x n_channels]
- Returns
signal (numpy.ndarray) – Original signal with power line and offset removed, and spatially filtered if chosen. [n_samples, n_channels].
signal_artifacts (numpy.ndarray) – If it has been chosen to reject artifact sections, this matrix contains the filtered signal in the frequency bands associated with these artifacts. [n_artifact_bands, n_samples, n_channels].
- prep_transform(signal, parallel_computing=True)[source]
Transforms an EEG signal applying IIR filter. It also applies CAR and Laplacian spatial filter sequentially if desired.
- Parameters
signal (list or numpy.ndarray) – Signal to transform. Shape [n_samples x n_channels]
parallel_computing (bool) – If true, it filters the signal concurrently
- Returns
signal_ (numpy.ndarray) – Original signal with power line and offset removed, and spatially filtered if chosen. [n_samples, n_channels].
signal_artifacts (numpy.ndarray) – If it has been chosen to reject artifact sections, this matrix contains the filtered signal in the frequency bands associated with these artifacts. [n_artifact_bands, n_samples, n_channels].
- medusa.bci.nft_paradigms.ignore_noisy_windows(signals, thresholds, pct_tol)[source]
This function check if a specific signal segment contains noise above the pre-established thresholds. :param signals: Array containing the signal filtered in the frequency bands associated to
artifacts to avoid. [n_artifact_bands, n_samples, n_channels].
- Parameters
thresholds (numpy.ndarray) – Array containing the variance thresholds related to artifacts to avoid.
pct_tol (numpy.ndarray) – Array containing variance increase (in percentage) tolerated.
- medusa.bci.nft_paradigms.make_windows(signal, fs, update_feature_window, update_rate, n_cha=1, n_samp=2, k=4, reject=True)[source]
- Parameters
signal (numpy.ndarray) – Signal to be converted into epochs. [n_samples, n_channels].
fs (int or float) – Sampling rate.
update_feature_window (int or float) – Time window taken for the calculation of the characteristic (in seconds).
update_rate (int or float) – Feedback update time in online mode.
n_cha (int) – Threshold number of channels meeting the rejection condition to reject the epoch.
n_samp (int) – Threshold number of samples meeting the rejection condition to reject the epoch.
k (int) – Standard deviation of the signal. Used in the definition of the rejection criterion.
reject (bool) – If true, it returns the epochs that have not been reject. Else, it returns the whole windowed signal.
- Returns
good_epochs (numpy.ndarray) – Array containing the signal divided into epochs that are not noisy. [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels].
ind (numpy.ndarray) –
- Array containing bools. True for epochs that were rejected and False for
epochs that were not.