import numpy as np
# from numba import jit
import warnings
from medusa.utils import check_dimensions
[docs]def signal_orthogonalization_cpu(signal_1, signal_2):
""" This method implements the ortogonalization of each channel of signal_1
regarding all the channels in signal_2 using CPU
REFERENCES: O’Neill, G. C., Barratt, E. L., Hunt, B. A., Tewarie, P. K., &
Brookes, M.J. (2015). Measuring electrophysiological connectivity by power
envelope correlation: a technical review on MEG methods. Physics in Medicine
& Biology, 60(21), R271.
signal_1 : numpy 2D matrix
First MEEG Signal. Allowed dimensions: [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels],
[n_samples, n_channels] and [n_samples].
signal_2 : numpy 2D matrix
Second MEEG Signal. If empty signal_2 will be set to be equal to
signal_1. Allowed dimensions: [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels],
[n_samples, n_channels] and [n_samples].
signal_ort : numpy 3D matrix
MEEG ortogonalised signals. The first dimension is epochs. The second
dimension is samples. The fourth dimension is the channel of first signal,
and the second dimension is regarding which channel of second signal it
has been orthogonalized the channel in third dimension.
[n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels, n_channels].
# Error check
if signal_2 is None:
signal_2 = signal_1
if len(signal_1) != len(signal_2):
raise ValueError("Signals must have the same length")
if (type(signal_1) != np.ndarray) or (type(signal_2) != np.ndarray):
raise ValueError("Parameter signal_1 and signal_2 must be of type "
# Set correct dimensions
signal_1 = np.ascontiguousarray(check_dimensions(signal_1))
signal_2 = np.ascontiguousarray(check_dimensions(signal_2))
n_chan_1 = signal_1.shape[2]
n_chan_2 = signal_2.shape[2]
n_samp_1 = signal_1.shape[1]
n_epo_1 = signal_1.shape[0]
signal_1_chan = np.transpose(np.repeat(signal_1, repeats=n_chan_1, axis=2), (0,2,1))
signal_2_chan = np.transpose(np.tile(signal_2, (1, 1, n_chan_2)),(0,2,1))
# Add extra dimensions
signal_1_chan = signal_1_chan[:,:,np.newaxis,:]
signal_2_chan = signal_2_chan[:,:,np.newaxis,:]
# Calculate pseudo inverse
inv_signal_1_chan = np.repeat(np.linalg.pinv(np.transpose(signal_1,(0,2,1))[:, :,
np.newaxis, :]),repeats=n_chan_1,axis=1)
beta = np.matmul(signal_2_chan, inv_signal_1_chan)
signal_ort = np.transpose(np.reshape(signal_2_chan - beta * signal_1_chan,
signal_ort[:,:,np.arange(n_chan_2),np.arange(n_chan_1)] = signal_1
return signal_ort
[docs]def signal_orthogonalization_gpu(signal_1, signal_2):
This function ortogonalizes each channel of signal_1 regarding all the
channels in signal_2. Based in O'Neill et al. 2015
signal_1 : numpy 3D matrix
First MEEG Signal. Allowed dimensions: [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels],
[n_samples, n_channels] and [n_samples].
signal_2 : numpy 3D matrix
Second MEEG Signal. If empty signal_2 will be set to be equal to
signal_1. Allowed dimensions: [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels],
[n_samples, n_channels] and [n_samples].
signal_ort : numpy 3D matrix
MEEG ortogonalized signals. The first dimension is epochs. The second
dimension is samples. The fourth dimension is the channel of first signal,
and the second dimension is regarding which channel of second signal it
has been orthogonalized the channel in third dimension.
[n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels, n_channels].
import tensorflow as tf
# Error check
if signal_2 is None:
signal_2 = signal_1
if len(signal_1) != len(signal_2):
raise ValueError("Signals must have the same length")
if (type(signal_1) != np.ndarray) or (type(signal_2) != np.ndarray):
raise ValueError("Parameter signal_1 and signal_2 must be of type "
# Set correct dimensions
signal_1 = np.ascontiguousarray(check_dimensions(signal_1))
signal_2 = np.ascontiguousarray(check_dimensions(signal_2))
n_chan_1 = signal_1.shape[2]
n_chan_2 = signal_2.shape[2]
n_samp_1 = signal_1.shape[1]
n_epo_1 = signal_1.shape[0]
signal_1_chan = tf.transpose(tf.repeat(signal_1, repeats=n_chan_1, axis=2),
perm=[0, 2, 1])
signal_2_chan = tf.transpose(tf.tile(signal_2,(1,1,n_chan_2)),perm=[0,2,1])
# Add extra dimensions
signal_1_chan = signal_1_chan[:,:,tf.newaxis,:]
signal_2_chan = signal_2_chan[:,:,tf.newaxis,:]
# Calculate pseudo inverse
inv_signal_1_chan = tf.repeat(
tf.linalg.pinv(tf.transpose(signal_1, perm=[0, 2, 1])[:, :,
np.newaxis, :]), repeats=n_chan_1, axis=1)
beta = np.matmul(signal_2_chan, inv_signal_1_chan)
signal_ort = tf.transpose(tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.transpose(signal_2_chan - beta *
perm =(0,3,2,1)),perm=[0,3,1,2]).numpy()
signal_ort[:,:,tf.range(n_chan_2),tf.range(n_chan_1)] = signal_1
return signal_ort
[docs]def signal_orthogonalization_gpu_old(signal_1, signal_2):
DEPRECATED: This functions performs the orthogonalization of the signal
but it is not vectorized nor allow epochs as inputs. Its use is not
This function ortogonalizes each channel of signal_1 regarding all the
channels in signal_2. Based in O'Neill et al. 2015
signal_1 : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. SamplesXChannel.
signal_2 : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. SamplesXChannel.
signal_ort : numpy 3D matrix
MEEG ortogonalised signals. Samples x Channel x Channel.
The first dimension are the samples, the third is the base channel
used to ortogonalize the other channels and the second dimension are
the ortogonalized channels regarding the third dimension
import tensorflow as tf
# Error check
if signal_2 is None:
signal_2 = signal_1
if len(signal_1) != len(signal_2):
raise ValueError("Signals must have the same length")
if (type(signal_1) != np.ndarray) or (type(signal_2) != np.ndarray):
raise ValueError("Parameter signal_1 and signal_2 must be of type "
# Variable initialization
signal_ort = tf.zeros((len(signal_1), len(signal_2[0]), len(signal_1[0])),
i1 = tf.range(0, len(signal_1))
i2 = tf.ones_like(i1)
i3 = tf.ones_like(i1)
# Orthogonalization process
signal_1_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(signal_1)
signal_2_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(signal_2)
for chan_1 in range(0, len(signal_1[0])):
for chan_2 in range(0, len(signal_2[0])):
signal_1_chan = tf.slice(signal_1_tf,
[0, chan_1],
[len(signal_1), 1])
signal_2_chan = tf.slice(signal_2_tf,
[0, chan_2],
[len(signal_2), 1])
if not np.array_equal(signal_1_chan.numpy(), signal_2_chan.numpy()):
beta = tf.linalg.matmul(
tmp = tf.math.subtract(
signal_2_chan, tf.math.multiply(beta,signal_1_chan)
idx = tf.stack([i1, chan_2 * i2, chan_1 * i3], axis=-1)
signal_ort = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(
signal_ort, idx, tf.squeeze(tmp)
idx = tf.stack([i1, chan_2 * i2, chan_1 * i3], axis=-1)
signal_ort = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(
signal_ort, idx, tf.squeeze(signal_1_chan)
return signal_ort.numpy()