Source code for medusa.plots.timeplot

Created on Thu Aug 25 17:09:18 2022

@author: Diego Marcos-Martínez
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def time_plot(epoch, fs=1.0, ch_labels=None): """ Parameters --------- epoch: numpy array Signal with shape of [n_epochs,n_samples, n_channels] or [n_samples, n_channels] fs: float Sampling rate. Value 1 as default ch_labels: list of strings or None List containing the channel labels """ try: # Check if signals is divided in epochs if len(epoch.shape) == 2: epoch = epoch[np.newaxis,:,:] blocks, samples_per_block, channels = epoch.shape if ch_labels is None: ch_labels = [f"Channel {idx}" for idx in range(channels)] epoch_c = __reshape_signal(epoch) channel_offset = np.zeros(epoch_c.shape[1]) if len(channel_offset) > 1: channel_offset[1:] = np.max(np.max(epoch_c[:, 1:], axis=0) - np.min(epoch_c[:, :-1], axis=0)) channel_offset = np.cumsum(channel_offset) epoch_c = epoch_c - channel_offset max_val, min_val = epoch_c.max(), epoch_c.min() display_times = np.linspace(0, int(epoch_c.shape[0] / fs), epoch_c.shape[0]) # Plot plt.plot(display_times, epoch_c, 'k', linewidth=0.5) plt.yticks(-channel_offset, labels=ch_labels) vertical_lines = np.empty((blocks - 1, 2, 50)) for block in range(blocks - 1): vertical_lines[block, :, :] = np.asarray( [np.ones(50) * (block + 1) * int(samples_per_block / fs), np.linspace(min_val, max_val, 50)]) plt.plot(vertical_lines[block, 0, :], vertical_lines[block, 1, :], '--', color='red', linewidth=1.5) except Exception as e: print(e)
def __reshape_signal(epochs): """This is an auxiliary function than reshapes the signal it is divided in epochs in order to plot it in a row""" try: epoch_c = epochs.copy() blocks, samples_per_block, channels = epoch_c.shape epoch_c = np.reshape(epoch_c, (int(blocks * samples_per_block), channels)) return epoch_c except Exception as e: print(e)