# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 20 15:34:18 2019
Edited on Mon Jun 13 10:00:00 2022
@author: VICTOR
@editor: Sergio Pérez-Velasco
from medusa import frequency_filtering as ff
from medusa import spatial_filtering as sf
# from medusa.storage.medusa_data import MedusaData
from medusa.components import Recording
# from medusa.bci.mi_feat_extraction import extract_mi_trials_from_midata
from medusa.local_activation import statistics
# from medusa.bci.mi_models import MIModelSettings
from medusa.plots import topographic_plots
from medusa.bci.mi_paradigms import StandardPreprocessing, \
StandardFeatureExtraction, MIDataset
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import uniform_filter1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.signal as scisig
[docs]class MIPlots():
[docs] def __init__(self, fir_order=1000, fir_cutoff=(5, 35),
fir_btype="bandpass", fir_method="filtfilt",
w_baseline_t=(-1000, 0), w_epoch_t=(-1000, 6000), norm="z",
baseline_mode="trial", target_fs=None):
self.fir_order = fir_order
self.fir_cutoff = fir_cutoff
self.fir_btype = fir_btype
self.fir_method = fir_method
self.w_baseline_t = w_baseline_t
self.w_epoch_t = w_epoch_t
self.norm = norm
self.target_fs = target_fs
self.baseline_mode = baseline_mode
# generated
self.dataset = None
self.fs = None
self.channel_set = None
self.fir = None
self.features = None
self.track_info = None
[docs] def set_sizes(self, label_size=6, axes_size=5, line_width=1):
self.label_size = label_size
self.axes_size = axes_size
self.line_width = line_width
[docs] def plot_spectrogram(self, ch_to_plot, axs_to_plot=None,
if self.dataset is None:
raise Exception("Call MiPlots._extract_features() before plotting!")
if axs_to_plot is None:
axs_to_plot = list()
for c in ch_to_plot:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5), dpi=300)
gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 1, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2,
height_ratios=[1, 0.2])
axs_to_plot.append({'freq': fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]),
'r2': fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])})
labels = self.track_info["mi_labels"]
labels_info = self.track_info["mi_labels_info"][0]
# Compute the spectrogram
trials_specgram = None
new_fs = self.fs if self.target_fs is None else self.target_fs
for t in self.features:
welch_seg_len = np.round(
welch_seg_len_pct / 100 * t.shape[0]).astype(int)
welch_overlap = np.round(
welch_overlap_pct / 100 * welch_seg_len).astype(int)
t_freqs, t_times, t_sxx = scisig.spectrogram(
t, fs=new_fs, axis=0, nperseg=int(256 / 2)
t_sxx = np.expand_dims(t_sxx, axis=0)
trials_specgram = np.concatenate((trials_specgram, t_sxx), axis=0) \
if trials_specgram is not None else t_sxx
# Separate the classes
trials_specgram_c1 = trials_specgram[labels == 0, :, :, :]
trials_specgram_c2 = trials_specgram[labels == 1, :, :, :]
# Plot ranges
lims = [0, new_fs / 2]
if self.fir_btype == 'bandpass':
lims = [self.fir_cutoff[0],
elif self.fir_btype == 'highpass':
lims[0] = self.fir_cutoff[0]
elif self.fir_btype == 'lowpass':
lims[1] = self.fir_cutoff[1]
# Plot
lcha = self.dataset.channel_set.l_cha
for n in range(len(ch_to_plot)):
if ch_to_plot[n] not in lcha:
raise ValueError('Channel ' + ch_to_plot[n] + ' is missing!')
i = lcha.index(ch_to_plot[n])
# Signed r2
temp_c1 = np.squeeze(trials_specgram_c1[:, :, i, :]) # obs, t, f
temp_c2 = np.squeeze(trials_specgram_c2[:, :, i, :]) # obs, t, f
temp_r2 = statistics.signed_r2(temp_c1, temp_c2, signed=True,
with plt.style.context('seaborn'):
# Averaged curves
ax1 = axs_to_plot[n]
ax1.pcolormesh(t_times, t_freqs, temp_r2, cmap='RdBu_r')
# ax1.grid(b=True, which='minor', color='#ededed', linestyle='--')
# ax1.grid(b=True, which='major')
# ax1.plot(freqs, m_psd_c1[:, i], linewidth=self.line_width,
# color=[255 / 255, 174 / 255, 0 / 255])
# ax1.plot(freqs, m_psd_c2[:, i], linewidth=self.line_width,
# color=[24 / 255, 255 / 255, 73 / 255])
ax1.set_xlim((self.w_baseline_t[1] / 1000,
self.w_epoch_t[1] / 1000))
ax1.set_title(ch_to_plot[n], fontsize=self.label_size)
ax1.set_ylabel(r'Frequency (Hz)', fontsize=self.label_size)
ax1.set_xlabel(r'Time (s)', fontsize=self.label_size)
ax1.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=self.axes_size)
ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=self.axes_size)
return axs_to_plot
[docs] def plot_erd_ers_freq(self, ch_to_plot, axs_to_plot=None,
if self.dataset is None:
raise Exception("Call MiPlots._extract_features() before plotting!")
if axs_to_plot is None:
axs_to_plot = list()
for c in ch_to_plot:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5), dpi=300)
gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 1, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2,
height_ratios=[1, 0.2])
axs_to_plot.append({'freq': fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]),
'r2': fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])})
labels = self.track_info["mi_labels"]
labels_info = self.track_info["mi_labels_info"][0]
# Compute the PSD
trials_psd = None
new_fs = self.fs if self.target_fs is None else self.target_fs
for t in self.features:
# Compute PSD of the trial
welch_seg_len = np.round(
welch_seg_len_pct / 100 * t.shape[0]).astype(int)
welch_overlap = np.round(
welch_overlap_pct / 100 * welch_seg_len).astype(int)
t_freqs, t_psd = scisig.welch(t, fs=new_fs, nperseg=welch_seg_len,
nfft=welch_seg_len, axis=0)
# Concatenate
t_psd = t_psd.reshape(1, t_psd.shape[0], t_psd.shape[1])
trials_psd = np.concatenate((trials_psd, t_psd), axis=0) if \
trials_psd is not None else t_psd
# Separate the classes
trials_psd_c1 = trials_psd[labels == 0, :, :]
trials_psd_c2 = trials_psd[labels == 1, :, :]
# Signed r2
trials_r2 = statistics.signed_r2(trials_psd_c1, trials_psd_c2,
signed=False, axis=0)
if mov_mean_hz != 0:
size = int(trials_psd_c1.shape[1] /
(self.fir_cutoff[1] - self.fir_cutoff[0]) * mov_mean_hz)
trials_r2 = uniform_filter1d(trials_r2, size, axis=0,
# Mean PSD
m_psd_c1 = np.mean(trials_psd_c1, axis=0)
m_psd_c2 = np.mean(trials_psd_c2, axis=0)
# Plot ranges
freqs = np.linspace(0, new_fs / 2, len(m_psd_c1))
lims = [0, new_fs / 2]
if self.fir_btype == 'bandpass':
lims = [self.fir_cutoff[0],
elif self.fir_btype == 'highpass':
lims[0] = self.fir_cutoff[0]
elif self.fir_btype == 'lowpass':
lims[1] = self.fir_cutoff[1]
# Plot
lcha = self.dataset.channel_set.l_cha
for n in range(len(ch_to_plot)):
if ch_to_plot[n] not in lcha:
raise ValueError('Channel ' + ch_to_plot[n] + ' is missing!')
i = lcha.index(ch_to_plot[n])
with plt.style.context('seaborn'):
# Averaged curves
ax1 = axs_to_plot[n]['freq']
ax1.grid(b=True, which='minor', color='#ededed', linestyle='--')
ax1.grid(b=True, which='major')
ax1.plot(freqs, m_psd_c1[:, i], linewidth=self.line_width,
color=[255 / 255, 174 / 255, 0 / 255])
ax1.plot(freqs, m_psd_c2[:, i], linewidth=self.line_width,
color=[24 / 255, 255 / 255, 73 / 255])
ax1.set_title(ch_to_plot[n], fontsize=self.label_size)
ax1.set_ylabel(r'PSD ($uV^2/Hz$)', fontsize=self.label_size)
ax1.legend([labels_info[str(0)], labels_info[str(1)]],
ax1.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=self.axes_size)
ax1.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=self.axes_size)
# Signed-r2
ax2 = axs_to_plot[n]['r2']
ax2.pcolormesh(freqs, range(2),
np.tile(trials_r2[:, i], reps=[2, 1]),
ax2.set_ylabel('$r^2$', fontsize=self.label_size)
ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)', fontsize=self.label_size)
ax2.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=self.axes_size)
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=self.axes_size)
return axs_to_plot
[docs] def plot_erd_ers_time(self):
[docs] def plot_erd_ers_r2_topo(self, ch_to_plot, ax_to_plot=None,
if self.dataset is None:
raise Exception("Call MiPlots._extract_features() before plotting!")
if len(ch_to_plot) != 2:
raise Exception("We need exactly two channels to compute r2 topo!")
if ax_to_plot is None:
ax_to_plot = list()
for c in ch_to_plot:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5), dpi=300)
ax_to_plot = fig.add_subplot(111)
lcha = self.dataset.channel_set.l_cha
labels = self.track_info["mi_labels"]
labels_info = self.track_info["mi_labels_info"][0]
# Compute the PSD
trials_psd = None
new_fs = self.fs if self.target_fs is None else self.target_fs
for t in self.features:
# Compute PSD of the trial
welch_seg_len = np.round(
welch_seg_len_pct / 100 * t.shape[0]).astype(int)
welch_overlap = np.round(
welch_overlap_pct / 100 * welch_seg_len).astype(int)
t_freqs, t_psd = scisig.welch(t, fs=new_fs, nperseg=welch_seg_len,
nfft=welch_seg_len, axis=0)
# Concatenate
t_psd = t_psd.reshape(1, t_psd.shape[0], t_psd.shape[1])
trials_psd = np.concatenate((trials_psd, t_psd), axis=0) if \
trials_psd is not None else t_psd
# Separate the classes
trials_psd_c1 = trials_psd[labels == 0, :, :]
trials_psd_c2 = trials_psd[labels == 1, :, :]
# Signed r2
trials_r2 = statistics.signed_r2(trials_psd_c1, trials_psd_c2,
signed=True, axis=0)
trials_r2 = np.mean(trials_r2, axis=0)
max_r2 = np.abs(np.max(trials_r2.flatten()))
# Topoplot
values = trials_r2.reshape(1, len(lcha))
_, ax_to_plot, p_interp = topographic_plots.plot_topography(
self.dataset.channel_set, values, clim=(-max_r2, max_r2),
cmap='RdBu_r', linewidth=self.line_width * 2,
head_radius=1.0, axes=ax_to_plot, show_colorbar=False,
show=False, plot_skin_in_color=True)
ax_to_plot.set_title("Signed $r^2$ (%s)" % ' vs. '.join(ch_to_plot),
return ax_to_plot, p_interp
def _extract_erd_ers_features(files, ch_to_plot, order=1000, cutoff=[5, 35],
btype='bandpass', temp_filt_method='filtfilt',
w_epoch_t=(-1000, 6000), target_fs=None,
baseline_mode='trial', w_baseline_t=(-1000, 0),
saved_args = locals()
del saved_args['files']
del saved_args['ch_to_plot']
# Load files
rec = Recording.load(files[0])
fs = rec.eeg.fs
channel_set = rec.eeg.channel_set
dataset = MIDataset(channel_set=channel_set, fs=rec.eeg.fs,
biosignal_att_key='eeg', experiment_mode='train')
for file in files:
# Pre-processing
fir = ff.FIRFilter(order=order, cutoff=cutoff, btype=btype,
for rec in dataset.recordings:
eeg = getattr(rec, dataset.biosignal_att_key)
eeg.signal = fir.transform(signal=eeg.signal)
eeg.signal = sf.car(signal=eeg.signal)
setattr(rec, dataset.biosignal_att_key, eeg)
# Feature extraction
feature_extractor = StandardFeatureExtraction(w_epoch_t=w_epoch_t,
features, track_info = feature_extractor.transform_dataset(dataset=dataset)
lcha = dataset.channel_set.l_cha
return features, track_info, fs, lcha, channel_set, saved_args
[docs]def plot_erd_ers_time(files, ch_to_plot, features=None, track_info=None,
fs=None, lcha=None, channel_set=None, mov_mean_ms=1000,
"""Plotting function of ERD/ERS from motor imagery runs of MEDUSA.
files: list
List of paths pointing to MI files.
ch_to_plot: list
List with the labels of the channels to plot
for key, value in kwargs.items():
globals()[key] = value
# Extract only if required
if features is None:
features, track_info, fs, lcha, channel_set, saved_args = \
files, ch_to_plot, **kwargs
for key, value in saved_args.items():
globals()[key] = value
labels = track_info["mi_labels"]
# todo: hardcoded
labels_info = track_info["mi_labels_info"][0]
new_fs = fs if target_fs is None else target_fs
# # Baseline parameters
t_baseline = [w_baseline_t[0] - w_epoch_t[0],
w_baseline_t[1] - w_epoch_t[0]]
idx_baseline = np.round(np.array(t_baseline) * new_fs / 1000).astype(int)
# Separate the classes
trials_c1 = features[labels == 0, :, :]
trials_c2 = features[labels == 1, :, :]
# Compute the average power
p_c1 = np.power(trials_c1, 2)
p_c2 = np.power(trials_c2, 2)
p_c1_avg = np.mean(p_c1, axis=0)
p_c2_avg = np.mean(p_c2, axis=0)
# Compute the reference power for each channel
r_c1_mean = np.mean(p_c1_avg[idx_baseline[0]:idx_baseline[1], :], axis=0)
r_c2_mean = np.mean(p_c2_avg[idx_baseline[0]:idx_baseline[1], :], axis=0)
# Compute ERD/ERS
ERDERS_c1 = 100 * (p_c1_avg - r_c1_mean) / r_c1_mean
ERDERS_c2 = 100 * (p_c2_avg - r_c2_mean) / r_c2_mean
# TODO: Cambiar por https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.ndimage.uniform_filter1d.html
ERDERS_c1_smooth = uniform_filter1d(ERDERS_c1,
mov_mean_ms * new_fs / 1000)),
axis=0, mode='mirror')
ERDERS_c2_smooth = uniform_filter1d(ERDERS_c2,
mov_mean_ms * new_fs / 1000)),
axis=0, mode='mirror')
# Signed r2 for the power
p_c1_marg = 100 * (p_c1 - r_c1_mean / p_c1.shape[0]) / r_c1_mean
p_c2_marg = 100 * (p_c2 - r_c2_mean / p_c2.shape[0]) / r_c2_mean
trials_r2 = statistics.signed_r2(p_c1_marg, p_c2_marg, signed=False, axis=0)
if mov_mean_ms != 0:
trials_r2 = uniform_filter1d(trials_r2,
int(np.floor(mov_mean_ms * new_fs / 1000)),
axis=0, mode='mirror')
# Plotting
times = np.linspace(w_epoch_t[0], w_epoch_t[1], ERDERS_c1_smooth.shape[0])
# Plot
left = 0.1
bottom = 0
width = 0.8
height_psd = 0.6
height_r2 = 0.06
height_cbar = 0.06
gap = 0.12
figs = list()
for n in range(len(ch_to_plot)):
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_axes(
[left, bottom + height_r2 + height_cbar + gap, width, height_psd],
ax2 = fig.add_axes([left, bottom + height_cbar + gap, width, height_r2],
if ch_to_plot[n] not in ch_to_plot:
raise ValueError('Channel ' + ch_to_plot[n] + ' is missing!')
i = lcha.index(ch_to_plot[n])
# ERD/ERS(%)
ax1.grid(visible=True, which='minor', color='#ededed', linestyle='--')
ax1.grid(visible=True, which='major')
ax1.axvline(x=0, color='k', linestyle='--', label='_nolegend_')
ax1.axvspan(w_baseline_t[0], w_baseline_t[1], alpha=0.1,
facecolor='gray', label='_nolegend_')
ax1.plot(times, ERDERS_c1_smooth[:, i], linewidth=2,
color=[255 / 255, 174 / 255, 0 / 255])
ax1.plot(times, ERDERS_c2_smooth[:, i], linewidth=2,
color=[24 / 255, 255 / 255, 73 / 255])
ax1.set_ylabel(r'ERD/ERS (%)')
ax1.legend([labels_info[str(0)], labels_info[str(1)]])
# Signed-r2
ax2.pcolormesh(times, range(2), np.tile(trials_r2[:, i], reps=[2, 1]),
ax2.axvline(x=0, color='k', linestyle='--', label='_nolegend_')
ax2.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
return figs
[docs]def plot_erd_ers_freq(files, ch_to_plot, features=None, track_info=None,
fs=None, lcha=None, channel_set=None,
welch_overlap_pct=75, mov_mean_hz=0,
# TODO: More options!...
# TODO: Left and right classes labels are hardcoded!
""" This function depicts the ERD/ERS events of MI BCIs over the frequency
files: list
List of paths pointing to MI files.
ch_to_plot: list
List with the labels of the channels to plot
for key, value in kwargs.items():
globals()[key] = value
# Extract only if required
if features is None:
features, track_info, fs, lcha, channel_set, saved_args = \
files, ch_to_plot, **kwargs
for key, value in saved_args.items():
globals()[key] = value
labels = track_info["mi_labels"]
# todo: hardcoded
labels_info = track_info["mi_labels_info"][0]
# Compute the PSD
trials_psd = None
new_fs = fs if target_fs is None else target_fs
for t in features:
# Compute PSD of the trial
welch_seg_len = np.round(welch_seg_len_pct / 100 * t.shape[0]).astype(
welch_overlap = np.round(
welch_overlap_pct / 100 * welch_seg_len).astype(int)
welch_ndft = welch_seg_len
t_freqs, t_psd = scisig.welch(t, fs=new_fs, nperseg=welch_seg_len,
nfft=welch_ndft, axis=0)
# Concatenate
t_psd = t_psd.reshape(1, t_psd.shape[0], t_psd.shape[1])
trials_psd = np.concatenate((trials_psd, t_psd),
axis=0) if trials_psd is not None else t_psd
# Separate the classes
trials_psd_c1 = trials_psd[labels == 0, :, :]
trials_psd_c2 = trials_psd[labels == 1, :, :]
# Signed r2
trials_r2 = statistics.signed_r2(trials_psd_c1, trials_psd_c2, signed=False,
if mov_mean_hz != 0:
size = int(
trials_psd_c1.shape[1] / (cutoff[1] - cutoff[0]) * mov_mean_hz)
trials_r2 = uniform_filter1d(trials_r2, size,
axis=0, mode='nearest')
# Mean PSD
m_psd_c1 = np.mean(trials_psd_c1, axis=0)
m_psd_c2 = np.mean(trials_psd_c2, axis=0)
# Plot ranges
freqs = np.linspace(0, new_fs / 2, len(m_psd_c1))
lims = [0, new_fs / 2]
if btype == 'bandpass':
lims = [cutoff[0],
elif btype == 'highpass':
lims[0] = cutoff[0]
elif btype == 'lowpass':
lims[1] = cutoff[1]
# Plot
left = 0.1
bottom = 0
width = 0.8
height_psd = 0.6
height_r2 = 0.06
height_cbar = 0.06
gap = 0.12
figs = list()
for n in range(len(ch_to_plot)):
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_axes(
[left, bottom + height_r2 + height_cbar + gap, width, height_psd],
ax2 = fig.add_axes([left, bottom + height_cbar + gap, width, height_r2],
if ch_to_plot[n] not in ch_to_plot:
raise ValueError('Channel ' + ch_to_plot[n] + ' is missing!')
i = lcha.index(ch_to_plot[n])
# Individual curves
# for j in range(trials_psd_c1.shape[0]):
# plt.plot(freqs, trials_psd_c1[j,:,i], linewidth=0.5,
# color=[255/255, 174/255, 0/255], alpha=0.5)
# for j in range(trials_psd_c2.shape[0]):
# plt.plot(freqs, trials_psd_c2[j,:,i], linewidth=0.5,
# color=[24/255, 255/255, 73/255], alpha=0.5)
# Averaged curves
ax1.grid(b=True, which='minor', color='#ededed', linestyle='--')
ax1.grid(b=True, which='major')
ax1.plot(freqs, m_psd_c1[:, i], linewidth=2,
color=[255 / 255, 174 / 255, 0 / 255])
ax1.plot(freqs, m_psd_c2[:, i], linewidth=2,
color=[24 / 255, 255 / 255, 73 / 255])
ax1.set_ylabel(r'PSD ($uV^2/Hz$)')
ax1.legend([labels_info[str(0)], labels_info[str(1)]])
# Signed-r2
ax2.pcolormesh(freqs, range(2), np.tile(trials_r2[:, i], reps=[2, 1]),
cmap='YlOrRd', vmin=0)
ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
return figs
[docs]def plot_r2_topoplot(files, ch_to_plot, features=None, track_info=None,
fs=None, lcha=None, channel_set=None,
welch_overlap_pct=75, background=False, **kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
globals()[key] = value
# Extract only if required
if features is None:
features, track_info, fs, lcha, channel_set, saved_args = \
files, ch_to_plot, **kwargs
for key, value in saved_args.items():
globals()[key] = value
labels = track_info["mi_labels"]
# todo: hardcoded
labels_info = track_info["mi_labels_info"][0]
new_fs = fs if target_fs is None else target_fs
# Compute the PSD
trials_psd = None
for t in features:
# Compute PSD of the trial
welch_seg_len = np.round(welch_seg_len_pct / 100 * t.shape[0]).astype(
welch_overlap = np.round(
welch_overlap_pct / 100 * welch_seg_len).astype(int)
welch_ndft = welch_seg_len
t_freqs, t_psd = scisig.welch(t, fs=new_fs, nperseg=welch_seg_len,
nfft=welch_ndft, axis=0)
# Concatenate
t_psd = t_psd.reshape(1, t_psd.shape[0], t_psd.shape[1])
trials_psd = np.concatenate((trials_psd, t_psd),
axis=0) if trials_psd is not None else t_psd
# Separate the classes
trials_psd_c1 = trials_psd[labels == 0, :, :]
trials_psd_c2 = trials_psd[labels == 1, :, :]
# Signed r2
trials_r2 = statistics.signed_r2(trials_psd_c1, trials_psd_c2, signed=True,
trials_r2 = np.mean(trials_r2, axis=0)
# Topoplot
values = trials_r2.reshape(1, len(lcha))
fig, _, _ = topographic_plots.plot_topography(channel_set,
values, cmap='RdBu',
return fig