import numpy as np
[docs]def pearson_corr_matrix(a, b):
""" This method implements the Pearson correlation row wise (correlates each
row in a with each row in b). The input is [n_samples x n_channels], but the
matrices are transposed in a first step.
a : numpy 2D matrix
First variable to be correlated. [n_samples x n_channels].
b : numpy 2D matrix
Second variable to be correlated. [n_samples x n_channels].
corr_values : numpy 2D square matrix
matrix containing the correlation values. [n_channels x n_channels].
a = np.transpose(a)
b = np.transpose(b)
A_mA = a - a.mean(1)[:, None]
B_mB = b - b.mean(1)[:, None]
ssA = (A_mA ** 2).sum(1)
ssB = (B_mB ** 2).sum(1)
corr_values =, B_mB.T) / np.sqrt([:, None], ssB[None]))
return corr_values