Source code for medusa.graph_theory.assortativity

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from medusa.graph_theory import degree

def __assort_gpu(W):
    Calculates the assortativity using GPU

    W : numpy 2D matrix
        Graph matrix. ChannelsXChannels.
    global_assort : numpy array
        Global assortativity
    deg =,'GPU')
    aux = tf.linalg.band_part(W, 0, -1) - tf.linalg.band_part(W, 0, 0)
    ind = tf.where(aux>0)
    K = ind.shape[0] # Equal to N choose 2 is there is no 0
    deg_i = tf.gather(deg, tf.transpose(ind[:,0]))
    deg_j = tf.gather(deg, tf.transpose(ind[:,1]))
    num_1 = tf.math.divide(tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.multiply(deg_i,deg_j)),K)
    num_2 = tf.math.multiply(tf.math.add(deg_i,deg_j),0.5)
    num_2 = tf.math.square(tf.math.divide(tf.reduce_sum(num_2),K))
    num = num_1 - num_2

    den_1 = tf.math.multiply(tf.math.add(tf.math.square(deg_i),tf.math.square(deg_j)),0.5)
    den_1 = tf.math.divide(tf.reduce_sum(den_1),K)
    den_2 = num_2
    den = den_1 - den_2
    global_assort = tf.math.divide(num,den)    
    return global_assort

def __assort_cpu(W):
    Calculates the assortativity using CPU

    W : numpy 2D matrix
        Graph matrix. ChannelsXChannels.
    global_assort : numpy array
        Global assortativity
    deg =,'CPU')
    ind = np.triu_indices(W.shape[0],1,W.shape[1])
    K = ind[0].shape
    deg_i = deg[ind[0]]
    deg_j = deg[ind[1]]

    num_1 = np.sum(deg_i * deg_j) / K
    num_2 = (np.sum(0.5 *(deg_i + deg_j))/K)**2
    num = num_1 - num_2
    den_1 = np.sum(0.5*(deg_i**2 + deg_j**2)) / K
    den_2 = num_2
    den = den_1 - den_2
    global_assort = num / den    
    return global_assort

[docs]def assortativity(W,mode): """ Calculates the assortativity, which is a preference of nodes to attach to other nodes that are somehow similar to them Parameters ---------- W : numpy 2D matrix Graph matrix. ChannelsXChannels. mode : string GPU or CPU Returns ------- global_assort : numpy array Global assortativity """ if W.shape[0] is not W.shape[1]: raise ValueError('W matrix must be square') if not np.issubdtype(W.dtype, np.number): raise ValueError('W matrix contains non-numeric values') if mode == 'CPU': global_assort = __assort_cpu(W) elif mode == 'GPU': global_assort = __assort_gpu(W) else: raise ValueError('Unknown mode') return global_assort
# import as rmat # data = rmat.loadmat('D:/OneDrive - Universidad de Valladolid/Scripts/testPython/graphTest.mat') # W = data['W'] # aa = assortativity(W,'CPU')