import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
[docs]def get_epochs(signal, epochs_length, stride=None, norm=None):
"""This function returns the signal divided in epochs following a sliding
window approach
signal : list or numpy.ndarray
Array to extract epochs with shape [samples, channels]
epochs_length : int
Epochs length in samples
stride : int, optional
Separation between consecutive epochs in samples. If None, stride is set
to epochs_length.
norm : str, optional
Set to 'z' for Z-score normalization or 'dc' for DC normalization.
Statistical parameters are computed using the whole epoch.
Structured data with dimensions [n_epochs x length x n_channels]
# Check errors
if epochs_length <= 0:
ValueError('Parameter epochs_length must be greater than 0')
if stride is None:
stride = epochs_length
if stride <= 0:
raise ValueError('Parameter stride must be None or greater than 0')
# Assure ints
n_cha = signal.shape[1]
epochs_length = int(epochs_length)
stride = int(stride)
# Get epochs
epochs = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(
signal, (epochs_length, n_cha))[::stride].squeeze()
# Normalize
if norm is not None:
epochs = normalize_epochs(epochs, norm)
return epochs
[docs]def get_epochs_of_events(timestamps, signal, onsets, fs, w_epoch_t,
w_baseline_t=None, norm=None):
"""This function calculates the epochs of signal given the onsets of events.
timestamps : list or numpy.ndarray
Timestamps of each biosignal sample
signal : list or numpy.ndarray
Biosignal samples
onsets : list or numpy.ndarray
Events timestamps
fs : float
Sample rate
w_epoch_t : list or numpy.ndarray
Temporal window in ms of the epoch. For example, t_baseline = [0, 1000]
takes the epoch form 0 ms to 1000 ms after each onset (0 ms represents
the onset).
w_baseline_t : list or numpy.ndarray, optional
Temporal window in ms of the baseline. For example, t_baseline =
[-500, 100] takes the baseline form -500 ms before each onset to 100
ms after each onset (0 ms represents the onset). This chunk of signal is
used to normalize the epoch, if aplicable
norm : str, optional
Set to 'z' for Z-score normalization or 'dc' for DC normalization.
Statistical parameters are computed using the whole epoch.
Structured data with dimensions [events x samples x channels]
# Error prevention
epoch_feasibility = check_epochs_feasibility(timestamps, onsets, fs,
if epoch_feasibility == 'first':
raise ValueError("Not enough EEG samples to get the first epoch")
elif epoch_feasibility == 'last':
raise ValueError("Not enough EEG samples to get the last epoch")
if w_baseline_t is not None:
baseline_feasibility = check_epochs_feasibility(timestamps, onsets, fs,
if baseline_feasibility == 'first':
raise ValueError("Not enough EEG samples to get the first baseline")
elif baseline_feasibility == 'last':
raise ValueError("Not enough EEG samples to get the last baseline")
if norm is None:
raise ValueError('If parameter w_baseline_t is not None, please '
'specify the normalization type with parameter '
if norm is not None and w_baseline_t is None:
raise ValueError('If parameter norm is not None, please specify the '
'baseline window with parameter w_baseline_t')
# Useful parameters
w_epoch_t = np.array(w_epoch_t)
w_epoch_s = np.array(w_epoch_t * fs / 1000, dtype=int)
l_epoch = w_epoch_s[1] - w_epoch_s[0]
# For each onset
n_cha = signal.shape[1]
epochs_idx = np.searchsorted(timestamps, onsets + w_epoch_t[0] / 1000,
epochs = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(
signal, (l_epoch, n_cha))[epochs_idx].squeeze(axis=1)
# Baseline normalization
if w_baseline_t is not None and norm is not None:
# Baseline start-end (samples)
w_baseline_t = np.array(w_baseline_t)
w_baseline_s = np.array(w_baseline_t * fs / 1000, dtype=int)
l_baseline = w_baseline_s[1] - w_baseline_s[0]
# Extract baselines
baseline_idx = np.searchsorted(
timestamps, onsets + w_baseline_t[0] / 1000, side='left')
baselines = np.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view(
signal, (l_baseline, n_cha))[baseline_idx].squeeze(axis=1)
epochs = normalize_epochs(epochs, norm_epochs=baselines, norm=norm)
return epochs
[docs]def normalize_epochs(epochs, norm_epochs=None, norm='z'):
Normalizes epochs
epochs: list or numpy.ndarray
Epochs of signal with dimensions [n_epochs x n_samples x n_channels]
norm_epochs: list or numpy.ndarray, optional
Epochs of signal with dimensions [n_epochs x n_samples x n_channels]
that are used to compute the statistical parameters for normalization.
If None, norm_epochs=epochs.
norm: str
Set to 'z' for Z-score normalization or 'dc' for DC normalization.
Statistical parameters are computed using the whole epoch.
# Check errors
if norm_epochs is None:
norm_epochs = epochs
if norm not in ['z', 'dc']:
raise ValueError("Parameter norm must be 'z' or 'dc'")
# Normalization
if norm == 'z':
# z-score
mean = np.mean(norm_epochs, axis=1, keepdims=True)
std = np.std(norm_epochs, axis=1, keepdims=True)
epochs = (epochs - mean) / std
elif norm == 'dc':
# DC subtraction
mean = np.mean(norm_epochs, axis=1, keepdims=True)
epochs = epochs - mean
raise ValueError("Parameter norm must be 'z' or 'dc'")
return epochs
[docs]def resample_epochs(epochs, t_window, target_fs):
"""Resample epochs to the target_fs.
IMPORTANT: No antialising filter is applied
epochs : list or numpy.ndarray
Epochs of signal with dimensions [n_epochs x samples x channels]
t_window : list or numpy.ndarray
Temporal window in ms of the epoch. For example, t_window = [0, 1000]
takes the epoch form 0 ms to 1000 ms after each onset (0 ms
represents the onset).
target_fs : float
Target sample rate
Final epochs with dimensions [events x target_samples x channels]
# Compute the desired window and baseline in samples
l_t_window = t_window[1] - t_window[0] # Window length (ms)
target_samples = np.floor((target_fs * l_t_window) / 1000).astype(int)
# Resample epochs
epochs = signal.resample(epochs, target_samples, axis=1)
return epochs
[docs]def check_epochs_feasibility(timestamps, onsets, fs, t_window):
"""Checks if the extraction of the desired window is feasible with the
available samples. Sometimes, the first/last stimulus sample is so close
to the beginning/end of the signal data chunk that there are not enough
samples to compute this window. In this case, the function will return
"first" or "last" to identify which onset can not be extracted with
the current t_window. It will return 'ok' if there is no conflict.
timestamps : list or numpy.ndarray
Timestamps of each biosginal sample
onsets : list or numpy.ndarray
Events timestamps
fs : float
Sample rate
t_window : list or numpy.ndarray
Temporal window in ms of the epoch. For example, t_window = [0, 1000]
takes the epoch form 0 ms to 1000 ms after each onset (0 ms represents
the onset).
feasibility : string
"ok" If window extraction is feasible.
"first" If window extraction is not feasible for the first onset.
"last" If window extraction is not feasible for the last onset.
first_sti_sam_onset = np.argmin(np.abs(timestamps - onsets[0]))
last_sti_sam_onset = np.argmin(np.abs(timestamps - onsets[-1]))
s_window = np.array(np.array(t_window) * fs / 1000, dtype=int)
last_sti_sam_end = last_sti_sam_onset + s_window[1]
first_sti_sam_beginning = first_sti_sam_onset + s_window[0]
if first_sti_sam_beginning < 0:
feasibility = 'first'
elif last_sti_sam_end >= len(timestamps):
feasibility = 'last'
feasibility = 'ok'
return feasibility
[docs]def reject_noisy_epochs(epochs, signal_mean, signal_std, k=4, n_samp=2,
"""Simple thresholding method to reject noisy epochs. It discards epochs
with n_samp samples greater than k*std in n_cha channels
epochs : list or numpy.ndarray
Epochs of signal with dimensions [n_epochs x samples x channels]
signal_mean : float
Mean of the signal
signal_std : float
Standard deviation of the signal
k : float
Standard deviation multiplier to calculate threshold
n_samp : int
Minimum number of samples that have to be over the threshold in each
epoch to be discarded
n_cha : int
Minimum number of channels that have to have n_samples over the
threshold in each epoch to be discarded
Percentage of reject epochs in
Clean epochs
Indexes for rejected epochs. True for discarded epoch
# Check errors
if len(epochs.shape) != 3:
raise Exception('Malformed epochs array. It must be of dimmensions '
'[epochs x samples x channels]')
if signal_std.shape[0] != epochs.shape[2]:
raise Exception('Array signal_std does not match with epochs size. '
'It must have the same number of channels')
if signal_mean.shape[0] != epochs.shape[2]:
raise Exception('Array signal_mean does not match with epochs size. '
'It must have the same number of channels')
epochs_abs = np.abs(epochs)
cmp = epochs_abs > np.abs(signal_mean) + k * signal_std
idx = np.sum((np.sum(cmp, axis=1) >= n_samp), axis=1) >= n_cha
pct_rejected = (np.sum(idx) / epochs.shape[0]) * 100
return pct_rejected, epochs[~idx, :, :], idx
[docs]def time_to_sample_index_events(times, onsets):
"""Converts an array of time onsets to an array that indicates the sample
index of the event
times : list or numpy.ndarray
Array of shape [n_samples]. Timestamps of the biosignal
onsets : list or numpy.ndarray
Array of shape [n_events]. Onsets in time of the events
Array of shape [n_samples]. The array is 1 only in the nearest
timestamp to each onset, otherwise 0
# Check errors
times = np.squeeze(times)
onsets = np.squeeze(onsets)
if len(times.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError('Parameter times must be a 1D array')
if len(onsets.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError('Parameter onsets must be a 1D array')
rep_times = np.matlib.repmat(times, onsets.shape[0], 1).T
rep_onsets = np.matlib.repmat(onsets, times.shape[0], 1)
return np.argmin(np.abs(rep_times - rep_onsets), axis=0)