In this module you will find useful functions to apply optimized amplitude-based
connectivity metrics. Enjoy!
@authors: Víctor Rodríguez-González and Diego Marcos-Martínez
# Built-in imports
import warnings
# External imports
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats as sp_stats
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_probability import stats as tfp_stats
# Medusa imports
import medusa.components
from medusa import signal_orthogonalization as orthogonalizate
from medusa.transforms import hilbert
from medusa import pearson_corr_matrix as corr
from medusa.utils import check_dimensions
def __aec_gpu(data):
""" This method implements the amplitude envelope correlation using GPU.
NOTE: See the orthogonalized version.
data : numpy.ndarray
MEEG Signal. [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels].
aec : numpy.ndarray
aec-based connectivity matrix. [n_epochs, n_channels, n_channels].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
# Set to correct dimensions
data = check_dimensions(data)
# AEC computation
hilb = hilbert(data)
envelope = tf.math.abs(hilb)
env = tf.math.log(tf.math.square(envelope))
aec = tfp_stats.correlation(env,sample_axis=1)
return aec.numpy()
def __aec_cpu(data):
""" This method implements the amplitude envelope correlation using CPU.
NOTE: See the orthogonalized version.
data : numpy.ndarray
MEEG Signal. [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels].
aec : numpy.ndarray
aec-based connectivity matrix. [n_epochs, n_channels, n_channels].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
# Set to correct dimensions
data = check_dimensions(data)
# Variable initialization
n_epo = data.shape[0]
n_cha = data.shape[2]
aec = np.empty((n_epo, n_cha, n_cha))
aec[:] = np.nan
# AEC computation
hilb = hilbert(data)
envelope = abs(hilb)
env = np.log(envelope ** 2)
# Concurrent calculation for more than one epoch
w_threads = []
for epoch in env:
t = medusa.components.ThreadWithReturnValue(target= np.corrcoef,
for epoch_idx, thread in enumerate(w_threads):
aec[epoch_idx, :, :] = thread.join()
return aec
def __aec_ort_gpu(data):
""" This method implements the orthogonalized version of the amplitude
envelope correlation using GPU. This orthogonalized version minimizes the
spurious connectivity caused by common sources (zero-lag correlations).
data : numpy.ndarray
MEEG Signal. [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels].
aec : numpy.ndarray
aec-based connectivity matrix. [n_epochs, n_channels, n_channels].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
# Set to correct dimensions
data = check_dimensions(data)
# Variable initialization
n_epo = data.shape[0]
n_samp = data.shape[1]
n_cha = data.shape[2]
aec_ort = np.empty((n_epo,n_cha, n_cha))
aec_ort[:] = np.nan
# AEC Ort Calculation (CPU orthogonalization is much faster than GPU one)
signal_ort = orthogonalizate.signal_orthogonalization_cpu(data, data)
signal_ort_2 = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.transpose(signal_ort,perm=[0,3,2,1]),
hilb_1 = hilbert(signal_ort_2)
envelope_1 = tf.math.abs(hilb_1)
env = tf.math.log(tf.math.square(envelope_1))
# Concurrent calculation for more than one epoch
w_threads = []
for epoch in env:
t = medusa.components.ThreadWithReturnValue(target=__aec_ort_comp_aux,
args=(epoch, n_cha, 'gpu',))
for epoch_idx, thread in enumerate(w_threads):
aec_ort[epoch_idx, :, :] = thread.join()
return aec_ort
def __aec_ort_cpu(data):
""" This method implements the orthogonalized version of the amplitude
envelope correlation using CPU. This orthogonalized version minimizes the
spurious connectivity caused by common sources (zero-lag correlations).
data : numpy.ndarray
MEEG Signal. [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels].
aec : numpy.ndarray
aec-based connectivity matrix. [n_epochs, n_channels, n_channels].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
# Set to correct dimensions
data = check_dimensions(data)
# Variable initialization
n_epo = data.shape[0]
n_samp = data.shape[1]
n_cha = data.shape[2]
aec_ort = np.empty((n_epo, n_cha, n_cha))
aec_ort[:] = np.nan
# AEC Ort Calculation
signal_ort = orthogonalizate.signal_orthogonalization_cpu(data, data)
signal_ort_2 = np.transpose(np.reshape(np.transpose(signal_ort, (0, 3, 2, 1)),
(n_epo, n_cha * n_cha, n_samp)),(0,2,1))
hilb_1 = hilbert(signal_ort_2)
envelope_1 = np.abs(hilb_1)
env = np.log(np.square(envelope_1))
# Concurrent calculation for more than one epoch
w_threads = []
for epoch in env:
t = medusa.components.ThreadWithReturnValue(target=__aec_ort_comp_aux,
for epoch_idx, thread in enumerate(w_threads):
aec_ort[epoch_idx,:,:] = thread.join()
return aec_ort
def __aec_ort_comp_aux(env, n_cha, ctype='cpu'):
Auxiliary method that implements a function to compute the orthogonalized AEC.
env: numpy.ndarray
Array with signal envelope. [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels x n_channels].
type: str
Calculation type: 'cpu' or 'gpu'.
aec_ort: numpy.ndarray
AEC orthogonalized connectivity matrix. [n_channels, n_channels].
# Note: Orthogonalize A regarding B is not the same as orthogonalize B regarding
# A, so we average lower and upper triangular matrices to construct the
# symmetric matrix required for Orthogonalized AEC
if ctype == 'cpu':
aec_tmp = np.corrcoef(env, rowvar=False)
aec_tmp2 = np.transpose(
(int(aec_tmp.shape[0] * aec_tmp.shape[0] / n_cha), -1)
idx = np.linspace(0, aec_tmp2.shape[1] - 1, n_cha).astype(np.int32)
aec = aec_tmp2[:, idx]
aec_upper = np.triu(np.squeeze(aec))
aec_lower = np.transpose(np.tril(np.squeeze(aec)))
aec_ort = (aec_upper + aec_lower) / 2
aec_ort = abs(np.triu(aec_ort, 1) + np.transpose(aec_ort))
return aec_ort
elif ctype == 'gpu':
aec_tmp = tfp_stats.correlation(env)
aec_tmp2 = tf.transpose(
(tf.cast(aec_tmp.shape[0] * aec_tmp.shape[0] / n_cha,
tf.int32), -1)
idx = tf.cast(tf.linspace(0, len(aec_tmp2[0]) - 1, n_cha), tf.int32)
aec = tf.gather(aec_tmp2, idx, axis=1).numpy()
aec_upper = tf.linalg.band_part(aec, 0, -1)
aec_lower = tf.transpose(tf.linalg.band_part(aec, -1, 0))
aec_ort = tf.math.divide(tf.math.add(aec_upper, aec_lower), 2)
aux = tf.linalg.band_part(aec_ort, 0, -1) - tf.linalg.band_part(
aec_ort, 0, 0)
aec_ort = tf.math.abs(tf.math.add(aux, tf.transpose(aec_ort)))
return aec_ort
[docs]def aec(data, ort=True):
""" This method implements the amplitude envelope correlation (using GPU if
available). Based on the "ort" param, the signals could be orthogonalized
before the computation of the amplitude envelope correlation.
Liu, Z., Fukunaga, M., de Zwart, J. A., & Duyn, J. H. (2010).
Large-scale spontaneous fluctuations and correlations in brain electrical
activity observed with magnetoencephalography. Neuroimage, 51(1), 102-111.
Hipp, J. F., Hawellek, D. J., Corbetta, M., Siegel, M., & Engel,
A. K. (2012). Large-scale cortical correlation structure of spontaneous
oscillatory activity. Nature neuroscience, 15(6), 884-890.
O’Neill, G. C., Barratt, E. L., Hunt, B. A., Tewarie, P. K., & Brookes, M.
J. (2015). Measuring electrophysiological connectivity by power envelope
correlation: a technical review on MEG methods. Physics in Medicine &
Biology, 60(21), R271.
data : numpy.ndarray
MEEG Signal. Allowed dimensions: [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels] and
[n_samples, n_channels].
ort : bool
If True, the signals on "data" will be orthogonalized before the
computation of the amplitude envelope correlation.
aec : numpy.ndarray
aec-based connectivity matrix. [n_epochs, n_channels, n_channels].
from medusa import tensorflow_integration
# Error check
if not np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.number):
raise ValueError('data matrix contains non-numeric values')
if not ort:
if tensorflow_integration.check_tf_config(autoconfig=True):
aec = __aec_gpu(data)
aec = __aec_cpu(data)
if tensorflow_integration.check_tf_config(autoconfig=True):
aec = __aec_ort_gpu(data)
aec = __aec_ort_cpu(data)
return aec
def __iac_gpu(data):
""" This method implements the instantaneous amplitude correlation using
NOTE: See the orthogonalized version. In the original paper, the
orthogonalized version was used
data : numpy.ndarray
MEEG Signal. [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels].
iac : numpy.ndarray
iac-based connectivity matrix.
[n_epochs, n_channels, n_channels, n_samples].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
# Set to correct dimensions
data = check_dimensions(data)
# Variable initialization
n_epo = data.shape[0]
n_samp = data.shape[1]
n_cha = data.shape[2]
# Z-score
data = tf.math.divide(
tf.math.reduce_mean(data, axis=1, keepdims=True)),
tf.math.reduce_std(data, axis=1, keepdims=True))
# IAC computation
hilb = hilbert(data)
envelope = tf.math.abs(hilb)
iac = tf.multiply(tf.tile(envelope, (1, 1, n_cha)),
tf.transpose(tf.tile(envelope, (1, n_cha,1)),perm=[0,2,1]),
(n_epo, n_cha*n_cha, n_samp)), perm=[0,2,1])).numpy()
iac = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(iac,perm=[0,2,1]),
(n_epo, n_cha, n_cha, n_samp)).numpy()
# Set diagonal to 0
diag_mask = tf.ones((n_cha, n_cha))
diag_mask = tf.linalg.set_diag(diag_mask, tf.zeros(diag_mask.shape[0:-1]),
iac = tf.multiply(iac, tf.repeat(tf.repeat(diag_mask[None,:, :, None], n_samp,
axis=-1), n_epo,axis=0))
return iac.numpy()
def __iac_cpu(data):
""" This method implements the instantaneous amplitude correlation using
NOTE: See the orthogonalized version. In the original paper, the
orthogonalized version was used
data : numpy.ndarray
MEEG Signal. [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels].
iac : numpy.ndarray
iac-based connectivity matrix.
[n_epochs, n_channels, n_channels, n_samples].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
# Set to correct dimensions
data = check_dimensions(data)
# Variable initialization
n_epo = data.shape[0]
n_samp = data.shape[1]
n_cha = data.shape[2]
# IAC computation
data = sp_stats.zscore(data, axis=1)
hilb = hilbert(data)
envelope = abs(hilb)
iac = np.multiply(np.reshape(
np.tile(envelope, (1, n_cha, 1)), (n_epo, n_samp, n_cha*n_cha), order='F'),
np.tile(envelope, (1, 1, n_cha)))
iac = np.reshape(np.transpose(iac,(0,2,1)), (n_epo, n_cha, n_cha, n_samp))
# Set diagonal to 0
diag_mask = np.ones((n_cha, n_cha))
np.fill_diagonal(diag_mask, 0)
iac = iac * np.repeat(np.repeat(diag_mask[None,:, :, None], n_samp, axis=-1),
return iac
def __iac_ort_gpu(data):
""" This method implements the orthogonalized version of the instantaneous
amplitude correlation using GPU. This orthogonalized version minimizes the
spurious connectivity caused by common sources (zero-lag correlations).
data : numpy.ndarray
MEEG Signal. [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels].
iac_ort : numpy.ndarray
iac-based connectivity matrix.
[n_epochs, n_channels, n_channels, n_samples].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
# Set to correct dimensions
data = check_dimensions(data)
# Variable initialization
n_epo = data.shape[0]
n_samp = data.shape[1]
n_cha = data.shape[2]
# IAC Ort Calculation (CPU orthogonalization is much faster than GPU one)
# Z-score
data = tf.math.divide(
tf.math.reduce_mean(data, axis=1, keepdims=True)),
tf.math.reduce_std(data, axis=1, keepdims=True))
signal_ort = orthogonalizate.signal_orthogonalization_cpu(data.numpy(),
signal_ort_2 = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.transpose(signal_ort, perm=
(n_epo, n_cha * n_cha,n_samp)),
perm = [0,2,1])
hilb_1 = hilbert(signal_ort_2)
envelope = tf.math.abs(hilb_1)
iac = tf.multiply(tf.tile(envelope, (1, 1, n_cha**2)),
tf.transpose(tf.tile(envelope, (1, n_cha**2, 1)), perm=
(n_epo,(n_cha*n_cha)**2, n_samp)),perm=[0,2,1]))
iac = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(iac,perm=[0,2,1]), (n_epo, n_cha**2, n_cha**2,
iac_tmp2 = tf.transpose(
tf.transpose(iac, (0,2, 1, 3)),
(n_epo,int(iac.shape[1] * iac.shape[1] / n_cha), -1, iac.shape[3])
), (0,2, 1, 3)
idx = tf.cast(tf.linspace(0, iac_tmp2.shape[2]-1, n_cha), dtype=tf.int32)
iac = tf.gather(iac_tmp2, idx, axis=2)
# Orthogonalize A regarding B is not the same as orthogonalize B regarding
# A, so we average lower and upper triangular matrices to construct the
# symmetric matrix required for Orthogonalized iac
iac_upper = tf.linalg.band_part(tf.transpose(iac, (0,3, 1, 2)), 0, -1)
iac_lower = tf.transpose(tf.linalg.band_part(tf.transpose(iac, (0,3, 1, 2)),
-1, 0), (0,1, 3, 2))
iac_ort = tf.math.divide(tf.math.add(iac_upper, iac_lower), 2)
aux = tf.linalg.band_part(iac_ort, 0, -1) - tf.linalg.band_part(iac_ort, 0,
iac_ort = tf.math.abs(tf.math.add(aux, tf.transpose(aux, (0,1, 3, 2))))
return tf.transpose(iac_ort, (0, 2, 3, 1)).numpy()
def __iac_ort_cpu(data):
""" This method implements the orthogonalized version of the instantaneous
amplitude correlation using CPU. This orthogonalized version minimizes the
spurious connectivity caused by common sources (zero-lag correlations).
data : numpy.ndarray
MEEG Signal. [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels].
iac_ort : numpy.ndarray
iac-based connectivity matrix.
[n_epochs, n_channels, n_channels, n_samples].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
# Set to correct dimensions
data = check_dimensions(data)
# Variable initialization
n_epo = data.shape[0]
n_samp = data.shape[1]
n_cha = data.shape[2]
# AEC Ort Calculation
data = sp_stats.zscore(data, axis=1)
signal_ort = orthogonalizate.signal_orthogonalization_cpu(data, data)
signal_ort_2 = np.transpose(
np.reshape(np.transpose(signal_ort, (0, 3, 2, 1)),
(n_epo, n_cha * n_cha, n_samp)), (0, 2, 1))
hilb_1 = hilbert(signal_ort_2)
envelope_1 = np.abs(hilb_1)
iac = np.multiply(np.reshape(np.tile(
envelope_1, (1, n_cha**2, 1)), (n_epo, n_samp, n_cha**2*n_cha**2),
order='F'), np.tile(envelope_1, (1, 1, n_cha**2)))
iac = np.reshape(np.transpose(iac,[0,2,1]), (n_epo,n_cha**2, n_cha**2, n_samp))
iac_tmp2 = np.transpose(
np.transpose(iac, (0,2, 1, 3)),
(n_epo,int(iac.shape[1] * iac.shape[1] / n_cha), -1, n_samp)
), (0,2, 1, 3)
idx = np.linspace(0, iac_tmp2.shape[2]-1, n_cha).astype(np.int32)
iac = iac_tmp2[:,:, idx, :]
# Orthogonalize A regarding B is not the same as orthogonalize B regarding
# A, so we average lower and upper triangular matrices to construct the
# symmetric matrix required for Orthogonalized AEC
iac_upper = np.triu(np.transpose(iac, (0,3, 1, 2)), k=1)
iac_lower = np.transpose(np.tril(np.transpose(iac, (0,3, 1, 2)), k=-1), (0,1, 3,
iac_ort = (iac_upper + iac_lower) / 2
iac_ort = abs(np.triu(iac_ort, k=1) + np.transpose(iac_ort, (0,1, 3, 2)))
return np.transpose(iac_ort, (0,2, 3, 1))
[docs]def iac(data, ort=True):
""" This method implements the instantaneous amplitude correlation (using
GPU if available). Based on the "ort" param, the signals could be
orthogonalized before the computation of the amplitude envelope correlation.
Tewarie, P., Liuzzi, L., O'Neill, G. C., Quinn, A. J., Griffa,
A., Woolrich, M. W., ... & Brookes, M. J. (2019). Tracking dynamic brain
networks using high temporal resolution MEG measures of functional
connectivity. Neuroimage, 200, 38-50.
O’Neill, G. C., Barratt, E. L., Hunt, B. A., Tewarie, P. K., & Brookes, M.
J. (2015). Measuring electrophysiological connectivity by power envelope
correlation: a technical review on MEG methods. Physics in Medicine &
Biology, 60(21), R271.
data : numpy.ndarray
MEEG Signal. Allowed dimensions: [n_epochs, n_samples, n_channels] and
[n_samples, n_channels].
ort : bool
If True, the signals on "data" will be orthogonalized before the
computation of the instantaneous amplitude correlation.
iac : numpy 2D square matrix
iac-based connectivity matrix.
[n_epochs, n_channels, n_channels, n_samples].
from medusa import tensorflow_integration
# Error check
if not np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.number):
raise ValueError('data matrix contains non-numeric values')
if not ort:
if tensorflow_integration.check_tf_config(autoconfig=True):
iac = __iac_gpu(data)
iac = __iac_cpu(data)
if tensorflow_integration.check_tf_config(autoconfig=True):
iac = __iac_ort_gpu(data)
iac = __iac_ort_cpu(data)
return iac