from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
import numpy as np
[docs]def categorical_labels(one_hot_labels):
cat_labels = np.argmax(one_hot_labels, axis=1)
return cat_labels
[docs]def one_hot_labels(categorical_labels):
enc = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore')
one_hot_labels = \
enc.fit_transform(categorical_labels.reshape(-1, 1)).toarray()
return one_hot_labels
[docs]def k_fold_split(x, y, k, keys=None, shuffle=False):
Special implementation of k fold splitting that allows to split the dataset
into k folds for cross validation in function of keys array.
It returns a list with the dataset for each iteration (k iterations).
x: numpy array or list
Training set data. Axis 0 represents each observation. Features could
have one or more dimensions. For instance, [observations x eeg samples],
[observations x eeg samples x channels]
y: numpy array or list
Training set labels.
k: int
Number of folds to split the dataset
keys: numpy array or list
Keys to split the dataset. If None, the dataset is splitted considering
each observation independently. If not None, each position of keys
array identifies the set that owns the observation. For instance, This
is useful to split the dataset by subjects or trials.
shuffle: boolean
True if you want to shuffle the dataset randomly.
sets: list
List that contains a dict with the train and test set for each iteration
of the k-fold algorithm.
>>> k_fold_iter = k_fold_split(x, y, k)
>>> k_fold_acc = 0
>>> for iter in k_fold_iter:
>>>[x_train, y_train])
>>> y_test_pred = model.predict(iter[x_test, y_test])
>>> k_fold_acc += np.sum(y_test_pred == y_test)/len(y_test)
>>> k_fold_acc = k_fold_acc/len(k_fold_iter)
# Convert to numpy arrays
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)
# If keys is None, each observation is treated independently
if keys is None:
keys = np.arange(len(x))
keys = np.array(keys)
if keys.shape[0] != x.shape[0] or keys.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Dimensions of x, y and keys arrays must match along"
" axis 0.")
# Divide keys array in k folds
keys_values = np.unique(keys)
if shuffle:
keys_folds = np.array_split(keys_values, k)
# Divide the dataset
k_fold_iter = list()
for i in range(k):
idx = np.isin(keys, keys_folds[i]).nonzero()
# Get train set
x_train = np.delete(x, idx, axis=0)
y_train = np.delete(y, idx, axis=0)
# Get test set
x_test = x[idx]
y_test = y[idx]
# Save train and test sets of iteration i
split = dict()
split["x_train"] = x_train
split["y_train"] = y_train
split["x_test"] = x_test
split["y_test"] = y_test
return k_fold_iter