import scipy.signal as sp_signal
import numpy as np
from medusa import transforms
from numba import jit
import warnings
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, cache=True, parallel=True)
def reshape_angles_loops(phase_data):
""" Additional method require for the implementation of PLV, PLI, and wPLI
in Numba. It receives the phases of the signal and return the PLV, PLI and
wPLI connectivity matrices.
NOTE: The shape of "phase_data" is [n_channels x n_samples], not the usual
[n_samples x n_channels]
phase_data : numpy 2D matrix
phases of the MEEG Signal. [n_channels x n_samples].
plv : numpy 2D square matrix
plv-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
pli : numpy 2D square matrix
pli-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
wpli : numpy 2D square matrix
wpli-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
n_cha = phase_data.shape[0]
m = np.empty((phase_data.shape[0] * phase_data.shape[0],
for i in range(n_cha):
for j in range(n_cha):
m[n_cha * i + j] = phase_data[i] - phase_data[j]
n = np.empty((phase_data.shape[0] * phase_data.shape[0]))
for i in range(m.shape[0]):
n[i] = np.mean(np.sign(np.sin(m[i])))
pli_vector = np.absolute(n)
pli = np.reshape(pli_vector, (n_cha, n_cha))
plv_vector = np.divide(
np.absolute(np.sum(np.exp(1j * m), axis=1)),
plv = np.reshape(plv_vector, (n_cha, n_cha))
imz = np.sin(m)
num = np.empty((phase_data.shape[0] * phase_data.shape[0]))
den = np.empty((phase_data.shape[0] * phase_data.shape[0]))
for i in range(m.shape[0]):
num[i] = np.absolute(
np.mean(np.multiply(np.absolute(imz[i]), np.sign(imz[i]))))
den[i] = np.mean(np.absolute(imz[i]))
wpli_vector = np.divide(num, den)
wpli = np.reshape(wpli_vector, (n_cha, n_cha))
return plv, pli, wpli
def __phase_connectivity_numba(data):
""" This method implements three phase-based connectivity parameters using
Numba: PLV, PLI, and wPLI.
REFERENCES: PLV: Mormann, F., Lehnertz, K., David, P., & Elger, C. E.
(2000). Mean phase coherence as a measure for phase synchronization and its
application to the EEG of epilepsy patients. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena,
144(3-4), 358-369.
PLI: Nolte, G., Bai, O., Wheaton, L., Mari, Z., Vorbach, S., & Hallett, M.
(2004). Identifying true brain interaction from EEG data using the imaginary
part of coherency. Clinical neurophysiology, 115(10), 2292-2307.
wPLI: Vinck, M., Oostenveld, R., Van Wingerden, M., Battaglia, F., &
Pennartz, C. M. (2011). An improved index of phase-synchronization for
electrophysiological data in the presence of volume-conduction, noise and
sample-size bias. Neuroimage, 55(4), 1548-1565.
NOTE: PLV is sensitive to volume conduction effects
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
plv : numpy 2D square matrix
plv-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
pli : numpy 2D square matrix
pli-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
wpli : numpy 2D square matrix
wpli-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
if data.shape[0] < data.shape[1]:
warnings.warn("Warning: Signal dimensions flipped out. If you have more"
" samples than channels, comment this "
data = data.T
# Variable initialization
num_chan = data.shape[1]
# Connectivity computation
phase_data = np.transpose(np.angle(sp_signal.hilbert(np.transpose(data))))
phase_data = np.ascontiguousarray(phase_data.T)
# angles_1 = np.reshape(np.tile(phase_data, (num_chan, 1)),
# (len(phase_data), num_chan * num_chan),
# order='F')
# angles_2 = np.tile(phase_data, (1, num_chan))
# pli_vector = abs(np.mean(np.sign(np.sin(angles_1 - angles_2)), axis=0))
plv, pli, wpli, = reshape_angles_loops(phase_data)
return plv, pli, wpli,
def __phase_connectivity_cpu(data):
""" This method implements three phase-based connectivity parameters using
CPU: PLV, PLI, and wPLI.
REFERENCES: PLV: Mormann, F., Lehnertz, K., David, P., & Elger, C. E.
(2000). Mean phase coherence as a measure for phase synchronization and its
application to the EEG of epilepsy patients. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena,
144(3-4), 358-369.
PLI: Nolte, G., Bai, O., Wheaton, L., Mari, Z., Vorbach, S., & Hallett, M.
(2004). Identifying true brain interaction from EEG data using the imaginary
part of coherency. Clinical neurophysiology, 115(10), 2292-2307.
wPLI: Vinck, M., Oostenveld, R., Van Wingerden, M., Battaglia, F., &
Pennartz, C. M. (2011). An improved index of phase-synchronization for
electrophysiological data in the presence of volume-conduction, noise and
sample-size bias. Neuroimage, 55(4), 1548-1565.
NOTE: PLV is sensitive to volume conduction effects
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
plv : numpy 2D square matrix
plv-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
pli : numpy 2D square matrix
pli-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
wpli : numpy 2D square matrix
wpli-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
if data.shape[0] < data.shape[1]:
warnings.warn("Warning: Signal dimensions flipped out. If you have more"
" samples than channels, comment this "
data = data.T
# Variable initialization
num_chan = data.shape[1]
# Connectivity computation
phase_data = np.transpose(np.angle(sp_signal.hilbert(np.transpose(data))))
phase_data = np.ascontiguousarray(phase_data)
angles_1 = np.reshape(np.tile(phase_data, (num_chan, 1)),
(len(phase_data), num_chan * num_chan),
angles_2 = np.tile(phase_data, (1, num_chan))
pli_vector = abs(np.mean(np.sign(np.sin(angles_1 - angles_2)), axis=0))
pli = np.reshape(pli_vector, (num_chan, num_chan), order='F')
plv_vector = np.divide(
abs(np.sum(np.exp(1j * (angles_1 - angles_2)), axis=0)),
plv = np.reshape(plv_vector, (num_chan, num_chan), order='F')
imz = np.sin(angles_1 - angles_2)
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
wpli_vector = np.divide(
abs(np.mean(np.multiply(abs(imz), np.sign(imz)), axis=0)),
np.mean(abs(imz), axis=0)
wpli = np.reshape(wpli_vector, (num_chan, num_chan), order='F')
return plv, pli, wpli,
def __phase_connectivity_gpu(data):
""" This method implements three phase-based connectivity parameters using
GPU: PLV, PLI, and wPLI.
REFERENCES: PLV: Mormann, F., Lehnertz, K., David, P., & Elger, C. E.
(2000). Mean phase coherence as a measure for phase synchronization and its
application to the EEG of epilepsy patients. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena,
144(3-4), 358-369.
PLI: Nolte, G., Bai, O., Wheaton, L., Mari, Z., Vorbach, S., & Hallett, M.
(2004). Identifying true brain interaction from EEG data using the imaginary
part of coherency. Clinical neurophysiology, 115(10), 2292-2307.
wPLI: Vinck, M., Oostenveld, R., Van Wingerden, M., Battaglia, F., &
Pennartz, C. M. (2011). An improved index of phase-synchronization for
electrophysiological data in the presence of volume-conduction, noise and
sample-size bias. Neuroimage, 55(4), 1548-1565.
NOTE: PLV is sensitive to volume conduction effects
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
plv : numpy 2D square matrix
plv-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
pli : numpy 2D square matrix
pli-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
wpli : numpy 2D square matrix
wpli-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
import tensorflow as tf
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
if data.shape[0] < data.shape[1]:
warnings.warn("Warning: Signal dimensions flipped out. If you have more"
" samples than channels, comment this "
data = data.T
# Variable initialization
num_chan = data.shape[1]
# Connectivity computation
phase_data = tf.math.angle(transforms.hilbert(data))
angles_1 = tf.transpose(
tf.transpose(tf.tile(phase_data, (num_chan, 1))),
(num_chan * num_chan, len(phase_data)))
angles_2 = tf.tile(phase_data, (1, num_chan))
pli_vector = tf.math.abs(
tf.math.sin(tf.math.subtract(angles_1, angles_2))),
pli = tf.reshape(pli_vector, (num_chan, num_chan))
plv_vector = tf.math.divide(
tf.math.subtract(angles_1, angles_2),
plv = tf.reshape(plv_vector, (num_chan, num_chan))
imz = tf.math.sin(tf.math.subtract(angles_1, angles_2))
wpli_vector = tf.math.divide(
tf.math.reduce_mean(tf.math.abs(imz), axis=0))
wpli = tf.reshape(wpli_vector, (num_chan, num_chan))
return plv, pli, wpli,
[docs]def phase_connectivity(data):
""" This method implements three phase-based connectivity parameters: PLV,
PLI, and wPLI.
PLV: Mormann, F., Lehnertz, K., David, P., & Elger, C. E.
(2000). Mean phase coherence as a measure for phase synchronization and its
application to the EEG of epilepsy patients. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena,
144(3-4), 358-369.
PLI: Nolte, G., Bai, O., Wheaton, L., Mari, Z., Vorbach, S., & Hallett, M.
(2004). Identifying true brain interaction from EEG data using the imaginary
part of coherency. Clinical neurophysiology, 115(10), 2292-2307.
wPLI: Vinck, M., Oostenveld, R., Van Wingerden, M., Battaglia, F., &
Pennartz, C. M. (2011). An improved index of phase-synchronization for
electrophysiological data in the presence of volume-conduction, noise and
sample-size bias. Neuroimage, 55(4), 1548-1565.
NOTE: PLV is sensitive to volume conduction effects
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
plv : numpy 2D square matrix
plv-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
pli : numpy 2D square matrix
pli-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
wpli : numpy 2D square matrix
wpli-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
from medusa import tensorflow_integration
# Error check
if not np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.number):
raise ValueError('data matrix contains non-numeric values')
if tensorflow_integration.check_tf_config(autoconfig=True):
plv, pli, wpli, = __phase_connectivity_gpu(data)
# plv, pli, wpli, = __phase_connectivity_numba(data)
plv, pli, wpli, = __phase_connectivity_cpu(data)
return plv, pli, wpli,