import numpy as np
from scipy import stats as sp_stats
from medusa import signal_orthogonalization as orthogonalizate
from medusa.transforms import hilbert
from medusa import pearson_corr_matrix as corr
import warnings
def __aec_gpu(data):
""" This method implements the amplitude envelope correlation using GPU.
REFERENCES: Liu, Z., Fukunaga, M., de Zwart, J. A., & Duyn, J. H. (2010).
Large-scale spontaneous fluctuations and correlations in brain electrical
activity observed with magnetoencephalography. Neuroimage, 51(1), 102-111.
NOTE: See the orthogonalized version.
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
aec : numpy 2D square matrix
aec-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_probability import stats as tfp_stats
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
if data.shape[0] < data.shape[1]:
warnings.warn("Warning: Signal dimensions flipped out. If you have more"
" samples than channels, comment this "
data = data.T
# AEC computation
hilb = hilbert(data)
envelope = tf.math.abs(hilb)
env = tf.math.log(tf.math.square(envelope))
aec = tfp_stats.correlation(env)
return aec
def __aec_cpu(data):
""" This method implements the amplitude envelope correlation using CPU.
REFERENCES: Liu, Z., Fukunaga, M., de Zwart, J. A., & Duyn, J. H. (2010).
Large-scale spontaneous fluctuations and correlations in brain electrical
activity observed with magnetoencephalography. Neuroimage, 51(1), 102-111.
NOTE: See the orthogonalized version.
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
aec : numpy 2D square matrix
aec-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
if data.shape[0] < data.shape[1]:
warnings.warn("Warning: Signal dimensions flipped out. If you have more"
" samples than channels, comment this "
data = data.T
# Variable initialization
aec = np.empty((len(data[1]), len(data[1])))
aec[:] = np.nan
# AEC computation
hilb = hilbert(data)
envelope = abs(hilb)
env = np.log(envelope**2)
aec = corr.pearson_corr_matrix(env, env)
return aec
def __aec_ort_gpu(data):
""" This method implements the orthogonalized version of the amplitude
envelope correlation using GPU. This orthogonalized version minimizes the
spurious connectivity caused by common sources (zero-lag correlations).
REFERENCES: Liu, Z., Fukunaga, M., de Zwart, J. A., & Duyn, J. H. (2010).
Large-scale spontaneous fluctuations and correlations in brain electrical
activity observed with magnetoencephalography. Neuroimage, 51(1), 102-111.
Hipp, J. F., Hawellek, D. J., Corbetta, M., Siegel, M., & Engel,
A. K. (2012). Large-scale cortical correlation structure of spontaneous
oscillatory activity. Nature neuroscience, 15(6), 884-890.
O’Neill, G. C., Barratt, E. L., Hunt, B. A., Tewarie, P. K., & Brookes, M.
J. (2015). Measuring electrophysiological connectivity by power envelope
correlation: a technical review on MEG methods. Physics in Medicine &
Biology, 60(21), R271.
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
aec : numpy 2D square matrix
aec-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_probability import stats as tfp_stats
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
if data.shape[0] < data.shape[1]:
warnings.warn("Warning: Signal dimensions flipped out. If you have more"
" samples than channels, comment this "
data = data.T
# Variable initialization
num_chan = len(data[1])
aec = np.empty((num_chan, num_chan))
aec[:] = np.nan
# AEC Ort Calculation (CPU orthogonalization is much faster than GPU one)
signal_ort = orthogonalizate.signal_orthogonalization_cpu(data, data)
signal_ort_2 = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.transpose(signal_ort),
hilb_1 = hilbert(signal_ort_2)
envelope_1 = tf.math.abs(hilb_1)
env = tf.math.log(tf.math.square(envelope_1))
aec_tmp = tfp_stats.correlation(env)
aec_tmp2 = tf.transpose(
(tf.cast(aec_tmp.shape[0]*aec_tmp.shape[0]/num_chan, tf.int32), -1)
idx = tf.cast(tf.linspace(0, len(aec_tmp2[0])-1, num_chan), tf.int32)
aec = tf.gather(aec_tmp2, idx, axis=1).numpy()
# # Another way of calculating the AEC
# for n_chan in range(0,num_chan):
# hilb_1 = hilbert(np.asarray(signal_ort[:,:,n_chan]))
# envelope_1 = tf.math.abs(hilb_1)
# env = tf.math.log(tf.math.square(envelope_1) )
# aec[:,n_chan] = tf.transpose(tf.slice(tfp_stats.correlation(env),
# [0,n_chan],[len(data[0]),1]))
# Orthogonalize A regarding B is not the same as orthogonalize B regarding
# A, so we average lower and upper triangular matrices to construct the
# symmetric matrix required for Orthogonalized AEC
aec_upper = tf.linalg.band_part(aec, 0, -1)
aec_lower = tf.transpose(tf.linalg.band_part(aec, -1, 0))
aec_ort = tf.math.divide(tf.math.add(aec_upper, aec_lower), 2)
aux = tf.linalg.band_part(aec_ort, 0, -1) - tf.linalg.band_part(
aec_ort, 0, 0)
aec_ort = tf.math.abs(tf.math.add(aux, tf.transpose(aec_ort)))
return aec_ort
def __aec_ort_cpu(data):
""" This method implements the orthogonalized version of the amplitude
envelope correlation using CPU. This orthogonalized version minimizes the
spurious connectivity caused by common sources (zero-lag correlations).
REFERENCES: Liu, Z., Fukunaga, M., de Zwart, J. A., & Duyn, J. H. (2010).
Large-scale spontaneous fluctuations and correlations in brain electrical
activity observed with magnetoencephalography. Neuroimage, 51(1), 102-111.
Hipp, J. F., Hawellek, D. J., Corbetta, M., Siegel, M., & Engel,
A. K. (2012). Large-scale cortical correlation structure of spontaneous
oscillatory activity. Nature neuroscience, 15(6), 884-890.
O’Neill, G. C., Barratt, E. L., Hunt, B. A., Tewarie, P. K., & Brookes, M.
J. (2015). Measuring electrophysiological connectivity by power envelope
correlation: a technical review on MEG methods. Physics in Medicine &
Biology, 60(21), R271.
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
aec : numpy 2D square matrix
aec-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
if data.shape[0] < data.shape[1]:
warnings.warn("Warning: Signal dimensions flipped out. If you have more"
" samples than channels, comment this "
data = data.T
# Variable initialization
n_cha = len(data[1])
aec = np.empty((n_cha, n_cha))
aec[:] = np.nan
# AEC Ort Calculation
signal_ort = orthogonalizate.signal_orthogonalization_cpu(data, data)
# 1st method of calculating the Ort AEC. Faster
signal_ort_2 = np.transpose(np.reshape(np.transpose(signal_ort),
hilb_1 = hilbert(signal_ort_2)
envelope_1 = np.abs(hilb_1)
env = np.log(np.square(envelope_1))
aec_tmp = np.corrcoef(env, rowvar=False)
aec_tmp2 = np.transpose(
(int(aec_tmp.shape[0]*aec_tmp.shape[0]/n_cha), -1)
idx = np.linspace(0, aec_tmp2.shape[1]-1, n_cha).astype(np.int32)
aec = aec_tmp2[:, idx]
# 2nd method of calculating the Ort AEC
# for cha in range(n_cha):
# hilb = hilbert(signal_ort[:, :, cha])
# env = np.log(np.square(np.abs(hilb)))
# aec[:, cha] = np.corrcoef(env.T)[:, cha]
# Orthogonalize A regarding B is not the same as orthogonalize B regarding
# A, so we average lower and upper triangular matrices to construct the
# symmetric matrix required for Orthogonalized AEC
aec_upper = np.triu(np.squeeze(aec))
aec_lower = np.transpose(np.tril(np.squeeze(aec)))
aec_ort = (aec_upper + aec_lower) / 2
aec_ort = abs(np.triu(aec_ort, 1) + np.transpose(aec_ort))
return aec_ort
[docs]def aec(data, ort=True):
""" This method implements the amplitude envelope correlation (using GPU if
available). Based on the "ort" param, the signals could be orthogonalized
before the computation of the amplitude envelope correlation.
REFERENCES: Liu, Z., Fukunaga, M., de Zwart, J. A., & Duyn, J. H. (2010).
Large-scale spontaneous fluctuations and correlations in brain electrical
activity observed with magnetoencephalography. Neuroimage, 51(1), 102-111.
Hipp, J. F., Hawellek, D. J., Corbetta, M., Siegel, M., & Engel,
A. K. (2012). Large-scale cortical correlation structure of spontaneous
oscillatory activity. Nature neuroscience, 15(6), 884-890.
O’Neill, G. C., Barratt, E. L., Hunt, B. A., Tewarie, P. K., & Brookes, M.
J. (2015). Measuring electrophysiological connectivity by power envelope
correlation: a technical review on MEG methods. Physics in Medicine &
Biology, 60(21), R271.
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
ort : bool
If True, the signals on "data" will be orthogonalized before the
computation of the amplitude envelope correlation.
aec : numpy 2D square matrix
aec-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
from medusa import tensorflow_integration
# Error check
if not np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.number):
raise ValueError('data matrix contains non-numeric values')
if not ort:
if tensorflow_integration.check_tf_config(autoconfig=True):
aec = __aec_gpu(data)
aec = __aec_cpu(data)
if tensorflow_integration.check_tf_config(autoconfig=True):
aec = __aec_ort_gpu(data)
aec = __aec_ort_cpu(data)
return aec
def __iac_gpu(data):
""" This method implements the instantaneous amplitude correlation using
REFERENCES: Tewarie, P., Liuzzi, L., O'Neill, G. C., Quinn, A. J., Griffa,
A., Woolrich, M. W., ... & Brookes, M. J. (2019). Tracking dynamic brain
networks using high temporal resolution MEG measures of functional
connectivity. Neuroimage, 200, 38-50.
NOTE: See the orthogonalized version. In the original paper, the
orthogonalized version was used
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
iac : numpy 2D square matrix
iac-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
import tensorflow as tf
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
if data.shape[0] < data.shape[1]:
warnings.warn("Warning: Signal dimensions flipped out. If you have more"
" samples than channels, comment this "
data = data.T
# Variable initialization
n_chan = data.shape[1]
n_samples = data.shape[0]
# Z-score
data = tf.math.divide(
tf.math.reduce_mean(data, axis=0, keepdims=True)),
tf.math.reduce_std(data, axis=0, keepdims=True))
# IAC computation
hilb = hilbert(data)
envelope = tf.math.abs(hilb)
iac = tf.multiply(tf.tile(envelope, (1, n_chan)),
tf.transpose(tf.tile(envelope, (n_chan, 1))),
(n_chan*n_chan, n_samples)))).numpy()
iac = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(iac), (n_chan, n_chan, n_samples)).numpy()
# Set diagonal to 0
diag_mask = tf.ones((n_chan, n_chan))
diag_mask = tf.linalg.set_diag(diag_mask, tf.zeros(diag_mask.shape[0:-1]),
iac = tf.multiply(iac, tf.repeat(diag_mask[:, :, None], (iac.shape[2]),
return iac
def __iac_cpu(data):
""" This method implements the instantaneous amplitude correlation using
REFERENCES: Tewarie, P., Liuzzi, L., O'Neill, G. C., Quinn, A. J., Griffa,
A., Woolrich, M. W., ... & Brookes, M. J. (2019). Tracking dynamic brain
networks using high temporal resolution MEG measures of functional
connectivity. Neuroimage, 200, 38-50.
NOTE: See the orthogonalized version. In the original paper, the
orthogonalized version was used
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
iac : numpy 2D square matrix
iac-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
if data.shape[0] < data.shape[1]:
warnings.warn("Warning: Signal dimensions flipped out. If you have more"
" samples than channels, comment this "
data = data.T
# Variable initialization
n_chan = data.shape[1]
n_samples = data.shape[0]
# IAC computation
data = sp_stats.zscore(data, axis=0)
hilb = hilbert(data)
envelope = abs(hilb)
iac = np.multiply(np.reshape(
np.tile(envelope, (n_chan, 1)), (n_samples, n_chan*n_chan), order='F'),
np.tile(envelope, (1, n_chan)))
iac = np.reshape(iac.T, (n_chan, n_chan, n_samples))
# Set diagonal to 0
diag_mask = np.ones((n_chan, n_chan))
np.fill_diagonal(diag_mask, 0)
iac = iac * np.repeat(diag_mask[:, :, None], (iac.shape[2]), axis=2)
return iac
def __iac_ort_gpu(data):
""" This method implements the orthogonalized version of the instantaneous
amplitude correlation using GPU. This orthogonalized version minimizes the
spurious connectivity caused by common sources (zero-lag correlations).
REFERENCES: Tewarie, P., Liuzzi, L., O'Neill, G. C., Quinn, A. J., Griffa,
A., Woolrich, M. W., ... & Brookes, M. J. (2019). Tracking dynamic brain
networks using high temporal resolution MEG measures of functional
connectivity. Neuroimage, 200, 38-50.
O’Neill, G. C., Barratt, E. L., Hunt, B. A., Tewarie, P. K., & Brookes, M.
J. (2015). Measuring electrophysiological connectivity by power envelope
correlation: a technical review on MEG methods. Physics in Medicine &
Biology, 60(21), R271.
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
iac : numpy 2D square matrix
iac-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_probability import stats as tfp_stats
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
if data.shape[0] < data.shape[1]:
warnings.warn("Warning: Signal dimensions flipped out. If you have more"
" samples than channels, comment this "
data = data.T
# Variable initialization
n_cha = data.shape[1]
n_samples = data.shape[0]
# iac = np.empty((num_chan, num_chan))
# iac[:] = np.nan
# IAC Ort Calculation (CPU orthogonalization is much faster than GPU one)
# Z-score
data = tf.math.divide(
tf.math.reduce_mean(data, axis=0, keepdims=True)),
tf.math.reduce_std(data, axis=0, keepdims=True))
signal_ort = orthogonalizate.signal_orthogonalization_cpu(data.numpy(),
signal_ort_2 = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.transpose(signal_ort),
(n_cha * n_cha,
hilb_1 = hilbert(signal_ort_2)
envelope = tf.math.abs(hilb_1)
iac = tf.multiply(tf.tile(envelope, (1, n_cha**2)),
tf.transpose(tf.tile(envelope, (n_cha**2, 1))),
((n_cha*n_cha)**2, n_samples))))
iac = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(iac), (n_cha**2, n_cha**2, n_samples))
iac_tmp2 = tf.transpose(
tf.transpose(iac, (1, 0, 2)),
(int(iac.shape[0] * iac.shape[0] / n_cha), -1, iac.shape[2])
), (1, 0, 2)
idx = tf.cast(tf.linspace(0, iac_tmp2.shape[1]-1, n_cha), dtype=tf.int32)
iac = tf.gather(iac_tmp2, idx, axis=1)
# Orthogonalize A regarding B is not the same as orthogonalize B regarding
# A, so we average lower and upper triangular matrices to construct the
# symmetric matrix required for Orthogonalized iac
iac_upper = tf.linalg.band_part(tf.transpose(iac, (2, 0, 1)), 0, -1)
iac_lower = tf.transpose(tf.linalg.band_part(tf.transpose(iac, (2, 0, 1)),
-1, 0), (0, 2, 1))
iac_ort = tf.math.divide(tf.math.add(iac_upper, iac_lower), 2)
aux = tf.linalg.band_part(iac_ort, 0, -1) - tf.linalg.band_part(iac_ort, 0,
iac_ort = tf.math.abs(tf.math.add(aux, tf.transpose(aux, (0, 2, 1))))
return tf.transpose(iac_ort, (1, 2, 0))
def __iac_ort_cpu(data):
""" This method implements the orthogonalized version of the instantaneous
amplitude correlation using GPU. This orthogonalized version minimizes the
spurious connectivity caused by common sources (zero-lag correlations).
REFERENCES: Tewarie, P., Liuzzi, L., O'Neill, G. C., Quinn, A. J., Griffa,
A., Woolrich, M. W., ... & Brookes, M. J. (2019). Tracking dynamic brain
networks using high temporal resolution MEG measures of functional
connectivity. Neuroimage, 200, 38-50.
O’Neill, G. C., Barratt, E. L., Hunt, B. A., Tewarie, P. K., & Brookes, M.
J. (2015). Measuring electrophysiological connectivity by power envelope
correlation: a technical review on MEG methods. Physics in Medicine &
Biology, 60(21), R271.
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
iac : numpy 2D square matrix
iac-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
# Error check
if type(data) != np.ndarray:
raise ValueError("Parameter data must be of type numpy.ndarray")
if data.shape[0] < data.shape[1]:
warnings.warn("Warning: Signal dimensions flipped out. If you have more"
" samples than channels, comment this "
data = data.T
# Variable initialization
n_cha = data.shape[1]
n_samples = data.shape[0]
# AEC Ort Calculation
data = sp_stats.zscore(data, axis=0)
signal_ort = orthogonalizate.signal_orthogonalization_cpu(data, data)
# 1st method of calculating the Ort AEC. Faster
signal_ort_2 = np.transpose(np.reshape(np.transpose(signal_ort),
hilb_1 = hilbert(signal_ort_2)
envelope_1 = np.abs(hilb_1)
iac = np.multiply(np.reshape(np.tile(
envelope_1, (n_cha**2, 1)), (n_samples, n_cha**2*n_cha**2), order='F'),
np.tile(envelope_1, (1, n_cha**2)))
iac = np.reshape(iac.T, (n_cha**2, n_cha**2, n_samples))
iac_tmp2 = np.transpose(
np.transpose(iac, (1, 0, 2)),
(int(iac.shape[0] * iac.shape[0] / n_cha), -1, iac.shape[2])
), (1, 0, 2)
idx = np.linspace(0, iac_tmp2.shape[1]-1, n_cha).astype(np.int32)
iac = iac_tmp2[:, idx, :]
# 2nd method of calculating the Ort AEC
# iac = np.zeros((n_cha, n_cha, signal_ort.shape[0]))
# for cha in range(n_cha):
# hilb = hilbert(signal_ort[:, :, cha])
# env = np.abs(hilb)
# iac_tmp = np.multiply(np.reshape(np.tile(env, (n_cha, 1)), (n_samples,
# n_cha * n_cha), order='F'),
# np.tile(env, (1, n_cha)))
# iac_tmp = np.reshape(iac_tmp.T, (n_cha, n_cha, n_samples))
# iac[:, cha, :] = iac_tmp[:, cha, :]
# Orthogonalize A regarding B is not the same as orthogonalize B regarding
# A, so we average lower and upper triangular matrices to construct the
# symmetric matrix required for Orthogonalized AEC
iac_upper = np.triu(np.transpose(iac, (2, 0, 1)), k=1)
iac_lower = np.transpose(np.tril(np.transpose(iac, (2, 0, 1)), k=-1), (0, 2,
iac_ort = (iac_upper + iac_lower) / 2
iac_ort = abs(np.triu(iac_ort, k=1) + np.transpose(iac_ort, (0, 2, 1)))
return np.transpose(iac_ort, (1, 2, 0))
[docs]def iac(data, ort=True):
""" This method implements the instantaneous amplitude correlation (using
GPU if available). Based on the "ort" param, the signals could be
orthogonalized before the computation of the amplitude envelope correlation.
REFERENCES: Tewarie, P., Liuzzi, L., O'Neill, G. C., Quinn, A. J., Griffa,
A., Woolrich, M. W., ... & Brookes, M. J. (2019). Tracking dynamic brain
networks using high temporal resolution MEG measures of functional
connectivity. Neuroimage, 200, 38-50.
data : numpy 2D matrix
MEEG Signal. [n_samples x n_channels].
ort : bool
If True, the signals on "data" will be orthogonalized before the
computation of the instantaneous amplitude correlation.
iac : numpy 2D square matrix
iac-based connectivity matrix. [n_channels x n_channels].
from medusa import tensorflow_integration
# Error check
if not np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.number):
raise ValueError('data matrix contains non-numeric values')
if not ort:
if tensorflow_integration.check_tf_config(autoconfig=True):
iac = __iac_gpu(data)
iac = __iac_cpu(data)
if tensorflow_integration.check_tf_config(autoconfig=True):
iac = __iac_ort_gpu(data)
iac = __iac_ort_cpu(data)
return iac