Source code for medusa.bci.nft_paradigms

In this module you will find useful functions and classes to apply on-line
Neurofeedback models. Each model is based on different features to be used
as target to train

@author: Diego Marcos-Martínez

# Built-in imports
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import concurrent

# External imports
import numpy as np
# from scipy import signal
# from tqdm import tqdm

# Medusa imports
import medusa as mds
from medusa import components
from medusa import meeg
from medusa.spatial_filtering import LaplacianFilter

[docs]class FilterBankPreprocessing(components.ProcessingMethod): """ Common preprocessing applied in Neurofeedback applications. It is composed by a frequency IIR filter followed by a Laplacian spatial filter. Functions are adapted to filter the signal in more than one frequency range, if necessary. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filter_bank=None, montage=None, target_channels=None, n_cha_lp=None): super().__init__(fit_transform_signal=['signal'], transform_signal=['signal']) if filter_bank is None: filter_bank = [{'order': 4, 'cutoff': (8.0, 12.0), 'btype': 'bandpass', 'filt_method':'sosfiltfilt', 'action': 'increase'}] if montage is None: montage = meeg.EEGChannelSet() montage.set_standard_montage(l_cha=['FZ', 'CZ', 'PZ', 'OZ'], standard='10-20') if len(target_channels) == 0: target_channels = ['CZ'] # Error check if not filter_bank: raise ValueError('[FilterBankPreprocessing] Filter bank parameter ' '"filter_bank" must be a list containing all ' 'necessary information to perform the filtering!') for filter in filter_bank: if not isinstance(filter, dict): raise ValueError('[FilterBankPreprocessing] Each filter must ' 'be a dict()!') if 'order' not in filter or \ 'cutoff' not in filter or \ 'filt_method' not in filter or \ 'btype' not in filter: raise ValueError('[FilterBankPreprocessing] Each filter must ' 'be a dict() containing the following keys: ' '"order", "cutoff", "filt_method" and "btype"!') if not montage: raise ValueError('[FilterBankPreprocessing] Filter bank parameter' '"montage" must be a dict containing all' 'labels of channels and montage standard key') if not target_channels: raise ValueError('[FilterBankPreprocessing] Filter bank parameter' '"target_channels" must be a list containing all' 'labels of channels to extract NFT features') # Parameters self.filter_bank = filter_bank self.l_cha = montage.l_cha self.target_channels = target_channels self.n_cha_lp = n_cha_lp self.montage = montage # Variables self.filter_bank_iir_filters = None self.offset_removal = None self.laplacian_filter = None
[docs] def fit(self, fs): """ Fits the IIR filter and Laplacian spatial filter. Parameters ---------- fs: float Sampling rate in Hz. """ # Fit Spectral Filters self.filter_bank_iir_filters = [] self.offset_removal = mds.IIRFilter(order=2, cutoff=[1, 40], btype='bandpass', filt_method=self.filter_bank[0]['filt_method']), len(self.l_cha)) for filter in self.filter_bank: iir = mds.IIRFilter(order=filter['order'], cutoff=filter['cutoff'], btype=filter['btype'], filt_method=filter['filt_method']), len(self.target_channels)) self.filter_bank_iir_filters.append(iir) # Fit Laplacian Filter self.laplacian_filter = LaplacianFilter(self.montage, mode='auto') self.laplacian_filter.fit_lp(n_cha_lp=self.n_cha_lp, l_cha_to_filter=self.target_channels)
[docs] def transform_signal(self, signal, parallel_computing=True): """ Transforms an EEG signal applying IIR filter and Laplacian spatial filter sequentially Parameters ---------- signal: list or numpy.ndarray Signal to transform. Shape [n_samples x n_channels] Returns ------- signals: list List containing as many arrays of filtered signals as frequency bands set to filter. """ # Initialize signals array n_samples = signal.shape[0] signals = np.empty((len(self.filter_bank), n_samples, len(self.target_channels))) signal_ = self.offset_removal.transform(signal) signal_ = self.laplacian_filter.apply_lp(signal_) signal__ = signal_.copy() if parallel_computing: filt_threads = [] for filter in self.filter_bank_iir_filters: t = components.ThreadWithReturnValue(target=filter.transform, args=(signal__,)) filt_threads.append(t) t.start() for filt_idx, thread in enumerate(filt_threads): signals[filt_idx, :, :] = thread.join() else: for filt_idx, filter in enumerate(self.filter_bank_iir_filters): signals[filt_idx, :, :] = filter.transform(signal__) return signals
[docs] def fit_transform_signal(self, fs, signal): """ Fits the IIR filter and transforms an EEG signal applying IIR filter and Laplacian spatial filter sequentially Parameters ---------- fs: float Sampling rate in Hz. n_cha_lp: int Number of nearest channels to compute Laplacian spatial filter (Auto mode). signal: list or numpy.ndarray Signal to transform. Shape [n_samples x n_channels] Returns ------- signals: list List containing as many arrays of filtered signals as frequency bands set to filter. """ return self.transform_signal(signal)
[docs]class FeatureExtraction(components.ProcessingMethod): """ Standard features to extract from user's EEG. """
[docs] def __init__(self, l_baseline_t=5, fs=250, update_feature_window=2, mode=None): """ Class constructor l_baseline_t: int Time employed to calculate the number of samples to obtain baseline power parameter. In seconds. fs: int or float Sample rate of the recording. update_feature_window = int Length in seconds of the temporal window applied to calculate the feature. """ super().__init__(band_power=['band power'], ban_bands=['band power']) self.mode = mode self.fs = fs self.l_baseline_t = l_baseline_t self.w_signal_samples = int(update_feature_window * self.fs) self.w_signal_samples_calibration = int(self.l_baseline_t * self.fs) self.baseline_power = None self.thresholds = None
[docs] def set_baseline(self, signal, ban_std_parameter=1): # TODO REWRITE DOCUMENTATION """ This function sets the power baseline, given the already filtered EEG containing the calibration phase. Also, takes into account the Neurofeedback training mode, so performs different baseline calculations depending on the mode set. Parameters ---------- signal: list or numpy.ndarray EEG already pre-processed. Its shape depends on the Neurofeedback modality ([n_samples x n_channels] if SingleBandNFT mode, [2 x n_samples x n_channels] if RatioBandNFT mode and [1 + n_bands_to_ban + n_samples x n_channels] if EnhanceAndBanBandsNFT mode) ratio_mode: bool Set to True in RatioBandNFT mode. Calculates the baseline parameter from the ratio between baselines of each band. ban_mode: bool Set to True in EnhanceAndBanBandsNFT mode. Calculates the baseline power of the target band to enhance and the thresholds of the bands to ban ban_std_parameter = int Integer to multiply to the standard deviation of the signal filtered in the ban-frequency ranges. It defines the threshold in the EnhanceAndBanBandsNFT mode Returns ------ baseline_power: float """ power = mean_power(signal[-self.w_signal_samples_calibration:, :]) if self.mode == 'ban mode': self.thresholds = np.empty(len(signal) - 1) std = std_power(signal[1:][-self.w_signal_samples_calibration:, :]) self.baseline_power = power[0] self.thresholds = power[1:] + ban_std_parameter * std elif self.mode == 'ratio mode': self.baseline_power = power[0] / power[1] elif self.mode == 'single mode': self.baseline_power = power[0] return self.baseline_power
[docs] def band_power(self, signal): """ This function returns the band power applying the mean power to the signal. Its performance depends on the Neurofeedback mode. Parameters ---------- signal: list or numpy.ndarray EEG already pre-processed. Its shape depends on the Neurofeedback modality: ([n_samples x n_channels] if SingleBandNFT mode, [2 x n_samples x n_channels] if RatioBandNFT mode and [n_bands_to_ban + n_samples x n_channels] if RestrictionBandsNFT mode). In the RestrictionBandsNFT mode, the target frequency band is passed previously as if the mode were SingleBandNFT Returns ------ b_power: float """ if self.baseline_power is None: raise ValueError('[FeatureExtaction] Calibration not performed.') power = mean_power(signal[-self.w_signal_samples:, :]) if self.mode is 'ban mode': b_power_main_band = power[0] - self.baseline_power b_power_ban_bands = power[1:] return b_power_main_band, b_power_ban_bands elif self.mode is 'ratio mode': b_power = power[0] / power[1] - self.baseline_power return b_power elif self.mode is 'single mode': b_power = power[0] - self.baseline_power return b_power
[docs] def ban_bands(self, signals, tolerance=1): """" This function computes the power of the already filtered signal at target frequency band to enhance. Also computes the power at other bands. If the number of bands whose power it is above a threshold (previously defined at calibration stage) is greater than a tolerance parameter, the function returns None as a sign that the epoch is not valid. Parameters: __________ signal: list or numpy.ndarray Signal already filtered at frequency band of interest. Its shape must be [1 + n_bands_to_ban x n_samples x n_channels]. First element (e.g., [0,:,:]) is the signal filtered at target frequency band to enhance. The rest are employed to decide whether the epoch is valid or not tolerance: int Parameter to restrict the number of banning-bands which are allowed to have a power above the pre-defined thresholds. When this number is above the tolerance, the epoch is set as not valid. """ # Get band powers b_power_main_band, b_power_ban_bands = self.band_power(signals) # Check if power in forbidden bands is over thresholds if np.sum(b_power_ban_bands > self.thresholds) < tolerance: return b_power_main_band else: return 0
[docs]def mean_power(signal): """ This function computes the classical NF feature: the mean power across channels. It also returns the standard deviation of the band power if chose Parameters ---------- signal: list or numpy.ndarray EEG signal already filtered. Shape of [n_samples x n_channels] """ return np.mean(np.log(np.mean(np.power(signal, 2), axis=1)), axis=1)
[docs]def std_power(signal): """ This function computes the standard deviation of the power of the signal Parameters ---------- signal: list or numpy.ndarray EEG signal already filtered. Shape of [n_samples x n_channels] """ return np.mean(np.std(np.log(np.power(signal, 2)), axis=1), axis=1)
[docs]class PowerBasedNFTModel(components.Algorithm):
[docs] def __init__(self, fs, filter_bank, l_baseline_t, update_feature_window, montage, target_channels, n_cha_lp, **kwargs): """ Skeleton class for basic Neurofeedback training models. This class inherits from components.Algorithm. Therefore, it can be used to create standalone algorithms that can be used in compatible apps from medusa-platform for online experiments. See components.Algorithm to know more about this functionality. Calibration and Training methods, as are common to all models, are added in this skeleton class """ super().__init__(calibration=['baseline_parameters'], training=['feedback_value']) """ Class constructor """ # Settings self.fs = fs self.filter_bank = filter_bank self.l_baseline_t = l_baseline_t self.update_feature_window = update_feature_window self.montage = montage self.target_channels = target_channels self.n_cha_lp = n_cha_lp # Init variables self.baseline_power = None self.mode = None if not self.check_cutoff_settings(): raise Exception('The number of frequency bands selected does not ' 'match the Neurofeedback mode.') self.add_method('prep_method', FilterBankPreprocessing(filter_bank=self.filter_bank, montage=self.montage, target_channels=self.target_channels, n_cha_lp=self.n_cha_lp)) self.add_method('feat_ext_method', FeatureExtraction(fs=fs, l_baseline_t=l_baseline_t, update_feature_window=update_feature_window))
[docs] def calibration(self, eeg, **kwargs): """ Function that receives the EEG signal, filters it and extract the baseline parameter adapted to the Neurofeedback training mode Parameters ---------- eeg: numpy.ndarray EEG signal to process and extract baseline parameter Returns ------- baseline_power: float Value of baseline parameter to display it at Platform """ raise NotImplemented
[docs] def training(self, eeg): """ Function that receives the EEG signal, filters it and extract the feature adapted to the Neurofeedback training mode Parameters ---------- eeg: numpy.ndarray EEG signal to process and extract baseline parameter Returns ------- baseline_power: float Value of baseline parameter to display it at Platform """ raise NotImplemented
[docs] def check_cutoff_settings(self): """ Function that receives the EEG signal, filters it and extract the feature adapted to the Neurofeedback training mode Parameters ---------- eeg: numpy.ndarray EEG signal to process and extract baseline parameter Returns ------- baseline_power: float Value of baseline parameter to display it at Platform """ raise NotImplemented
[docs]class SingleBandNFT(PowerBasedNFTModel): """ The simplest model of Neurofeedback training. The feedback value consist of the power of the band selected as target """
[docs] def __init__(self, fs, filter_bank, l_baseline_t, update_feature_window, montage, target_channels, n_cha_lp): super().__init__(fs=fs, filter_bank=filter_bank, l_baseline_t=l_baseline_t, update_feature_window=update_feature_window, montage=montage, target_channels=target_channels, n_cha_lp=n_cha_lp) self.get_inst('feat_ext_method').mode = 'single mode'
[docs] def check_cutoff_settings(self): if len(self.filter_bank) > 1: return False else: return True
[docs] def calibration(self, eeg, **kwargs): filtered_signal = self.get_inst('prep_method').fit_transform_signal(signal=eeg, fs=self.fs) self.baseline_power = self.get_inst('feat_ext_method').set_baseline(signal=filtered_signal)
# return self.baseline_power
[docs] def training(self, eeg, **kwargs): filtered_signal = self.get_inst('prep_method').transform_signal(signal=eeg) feedback_value = self.get_inst('feat_ext_method').band_power(signal=filtered_signal) return feedback_value
[docs]class RatioBandNFT(PowerBasedNFTModel): """ This Neurofeedback model is intended to use the ratio between the power of two frequency bands as feedback value. Thus, the baseline power parameter is the value of this ratio at calibration stage """
[docs] def __init__(self, fs, filter_bank, l_baseline_t, update_feature_window, montage, target_channels, n_cha_lp): super().__init__(fs=fs, filter_bank=filter_bank, l_baseline_t=l_baseline_t, update_feature_window=update_feature_window, montage=montage, target_channels=target_channels, n_cha_lp=n_cha_lp) self.get_inst('feat_ext_method').mode = 'ratio mode'
[docs] def check_cutoff_settings(self): if len(self.filter_bank) != 2: return False else: return True
[docs] def calibration(self, eeg, **kwargs): filtered_signals = self.get_inst('prep_method').fit_transform_signal(signal=eeg, fs=self.fs) self.baseline_power = self.get_inst('feat_ext_method').set_baseline(signal=filtered_signals)
[docs] def training(self, eeg, **kwargs): filtered_signals = self.get_inst('prep_method').transform_signal(signal=eeg) feedback_value = self.get_inst('feat_ext_method').band_power(signal=filtered_signals) return feedback_value
[docs]class RestrictionBandNFT(PowerBasedNFTModel): """ This Neurofeedback model, as SingleBandNFT, is aimed to enhance the power of a target band. However, it also tries to keep down the power of other selected frequency bands. Thereby, this training mode ensure that the user is upregulating only the desired band. That is, this model is a more specific version of SingleBandNFT """
[docs] def __init__(self, fs, filter_bank, l_baseline_t, update_feature_window, montage, target_channels, n_cha_lp): super().__init__(fs=fs, filter_bank=filter_bank, l_baseline_t=l_baseline_t, update_feature_window=update_feature_window, montage=montage, target_channels=target_channels, n_cha_lp=n_cha_lp) self.get_inst('feat_ext_method').mode = 'ban mode'
[docs] def check_cutoff_settings(self): if len(self.filter_bank) < 2: return False else: return True
[docs] def calibration(self, eeg, **kwargs): filtered_signals = self.get_inst('prep_method').fit_transform_signal(signal=eeg, fs=self.fs) self.baseline_power = self.get_inst('feat_ext_method').set_baseline(signal=filtered_signals)
[docs] def training(self, eeg): filtered_signals = self.get_inst('prep_method').transform_signal(signal=eeg) feedback_value = self.get_inst('feat_ext_method').ban_bands(signals=filtered_signals) return feedback_value
[docs]class NeurofeedbackData(components.ExperimentData): """Experiment info class for Neurofeedback training experiments. It records the important events that take place during a Neurofeedback run, allowing offline analysis."""
[docs] def __init__(self,run_onsets,run_durations,run_success,run_pauses,run_restarts, medusa_nft_app_settings): self.run_onsets = run_onsets self.run_durations = run_durations self.run_success = run_success self.run_pauses = run_pauses self.run_restarts = run_restarts self.medusa_nft_app_settings = medusa_nft_app_settings
[docs] def to_serializable_obj(self): rec_dict = self.__dict__ for key in rec_dict.keys(): if type(rec_dict[key]) == np.ndarray: rec_dict[key] = rec_dict[key].tolist() return rec_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_serializable_obj(cls, dict_data): return cls(**dict_data)